A small DIY quad within everyone's budget

Started by satyagupta, May 05, 2013, 11:08:44 AM

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Facing binding issues with the HK V2 Tx. Sometimes it binds and the Quad lifts off, sometimes the red light remains steady but the motors do not power up and yet again sometimes the light just keeps flashing. Can someone please walk me through the step by step binding process?
Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!


VC sir, here is the binding procedure that I am following with my 9X

1. Connect thr battery to the FC, a red light will flicker twice and then goes off
2. After about half a second, the red light starts blinking again, now switch on the tx while holding down the bind button. Make sure the throttle is at zero position.
3. Wait for the blinking light to go steady, now switch off the tx
4. Switch it on again with throttle stick at zero position, if the quad motors rev up for just a couple of miliseconds, then the binding is complete, otherwise repeat steps 2 and 3

see if this works for you
Cessna - 184
Mr. Moss
Self-Design Glider
550 DIY Quad
Scratch Build TriCopter
Telemaster 400
ZMR 250


Tried exactly that. It hovered 6 inches off the ground and now it has gone back to blinking at half a second intervals.
Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!


Then I don't know what is wrong sir, btw...how did you resolve the motor issues you were havin?

Cessna - 184
Mr. Moss
Self-Design Glider
550 DIY Quad
Scratch Build TriCopter
Telemaster 400
ZMR 250


No idea. The board seems to have a life of its own. Last night I had one set of problems and went to sleep with that, at least the binding was successful. This morning a completely new set of problems!
Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!




I give up. There HAS to be something wrong with the board. I've wasted 2 days behind this. Would have completed my 900 mm Hexa in this time.
Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!


@vc it seems to work fine with my 9x.... why don't you try binding with a 9x instead of the hk? maybe there will be a different bind procedure for both....

Sent from a potato using a lamp


VC, the HK 6ch V2 (and the 9x V2) has a mind of its own. It will start binding automagically one fine day and will lose it again, they are both good transmitters but there's a cheeni tadka on the RF module. I've moved onto FrSky because of this binding-unbinding mid air twice and the LED going boink boink...

Yes there is one thing that can help and that would be your Floyd LP/CD...Leave them kids alone...


vc sir try to full charge your tx and give it a try....  mine was having same problem today but after full charging the tx i got it to work.............
fan of scratch building......


and guys use the default settings of your tx to work properly with the quad.... if you use heli or other mixing settings then motors wont move and you wont be able to fly your quad.........
fan of scratch building......


@VC sir my appologies i think i should have mentioned the bind process at the start of the thread. But i was not sure the process which i mentioned you over phone was correct. Hence did not added it.

Quote from: aniket210696 on June 10, 2013, 12:37:40 PM
mine is called the "satyaquad X"

Just one question "Why ?" :headscratch:

@bilal bhai any update on your mini bee?
one stop for multirotor needs:



@satyagupta because you manufacture it and sell it...  but satquad X sounds better :P

Sent from a potato using a lamp


FINALLY!!! And its all thanks to all of you trying to help me out. Especially Satya - just required one call to him and listening to some idiot proof instructions. Will soon post these instructions lucidly, soon. :bow:

Anyway here she is. AUW 36 grams, Motor to Motor distance 140 mm. Needs so shed some more weight.
Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!


Sir, Amazing KINDERJOY idea! Super colour scheme!
How did you fix the motors sir?
Airplanes may kill you, but they ain't likely to hurt you.
~~~Satchel Paige


Motor mounts were made out of disposable e-cigarette filters. :giggle:
Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!




Not until I can figure out a way to lose 5 grams.

The happiness was short lived...............

It lifted off at full throttle and then fell back. Switched off and charged the battery. Now the moment I connect the battery, motor no.3 starts spinning at full throttle. Red light blinks thrice and goes out, motor no.3 keeps spinning. Does not bind, other motors are dead.

Kaput! :banghead:
Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!


VC nice built there.....some tips where your quad can loose weight....
1. those seems to be bambo skewers .... heavy change to balsa or straw
2. just have a coro base for FC board
3. remove kinderjoy cover ( though you've colored it well)
4. Just have a ring for motor holder ... the butts are way too big...

hope to see flight video soon !!!!!


@VC that reads wrong.... :giggle: anyway try removing the legs, and the shell... also see if you can find something lighter than e cig butts...  i found i can easily slide my motors into those fat straws you get when ou order a KFC Krusher... :P


Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!


@VC sir build looks excellent

@aniket neither i manufacture nor it was my idea, i just wanted WE all should also try this stuffs hence got it here for US :thumbsup:

Guys any idea how can i edit the first post?? i want to put in lots of new updates :headscratch:
one stop for multirotor needs:



Satya thanks - now lying destroyed - unfortunately. Also thanks for your kind offer.
Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!


Satya bhai, I am still struggling with motor mounts.....one of my motors vibrate voilantly , dunno what the cause is.....any ideas?
Cessna - 184
Mr. Moss
Self-Design Glider
550 DIY Quad
Scratch Build TriCopter
Telemaster 400
ZMR 250


Hmm try to run motor with out props and check. Interchange props and check. Hold the motor in between your finger do you feel vibrations? with and without props.
one stop for multirotor needs:
