A small DIY quad within everyone's budget

Started by satyagupta, May 05, 2013, 11:08:44 AM

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Nice one VC.  {:)} {:)} {:)} {:)} After Having Kinder Joy Chocolate you are getting nice ideas.

This is one idea, I am going to blatantly copy from you   ;)


Dear Satya I have a querry.  Will this Tx bind with your V939 board?


VC, the KJ canopy looks supersome. Looks like the classic VW beetle with rotors :D. And the paint job is very fine (is that done with the new sprayer). Sorry to know it fell like icarus but I'm sure you will have it up soon.


@sundaram sir not very sure

Which tx is that?
one stop for multirotor needs:



Thats a Hobby King 2.4 Ghz Coaxial Micro Heli with four channels TX


Sundaram sir i dont think you can able to use that Tx..   :(
Turnigy i10|Flysky 9xb|Hoverfly quadcopter|Arduflyer apm 2.5 with gps|Pixhawk|Homemade micro night vapour|Homemade ornithopter(in progress)| Reptile Quad with Gopro Brushless gimbal | Naza v2| APM 2.6 with GPS | Micro quad self made | FrSky| v911 Helis | 1200mm Hexacopter with 5d gimbal | 1300mm x8 With Red Gimbal | 1000mm Octo|



dear satya,

hope the motors shipped today.
eagerly waiting...


@shivela when did you do the payment? you did not informed me about it? :( will get it shipped tomorrow morning :salute: sorry for the delay
one stop for multirotor needs:



Hi sathya,

I am looking for a 8mm Diameter brushed coreless motor (length 20mm) can you help me with it
Helis and Quads ROCK !!


Except Arun, who has used his own motors, no one has been able to post a video of a successful Quad using this kit. That after 259 posts, 11 pages and 40 days. Isn't that strange? ???

Satya shipped me a new board (Gracious F.O.C. replacement) and using that I built my second Quad today. M to M distance 14cm. AUW 30 grams. Recharged the battery 3 times - it reads 4.2V. Motor/Prop orientation as prescribed - JUST REFUSES TO LEAVE THE GROUND. :banghead:

What am I doing wrong?

P.s. Satya, did your supplier send you the correct motors/ props combo?
Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!


Bilal, Rahul Vyas,Razzer, Veloci, Aniket, Jaspreet Guitar, Arun, Abhay, Shivela, LastRites,Jayant Pradhan and Satya - any feedback/ videos?
Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!


Using the First board, one motor used to start on it's own with the transmitter off. I thought that I must have shorted something with my careless soldering.

Ordered a second kit. Assembled it today in the evening.

I took special care this time, checked and re-checked everything at each stage. The quad on completion lifts with slight difficulty at about 60-70% throttle. However, it's slightly crazy to control. Not something that I'll be confident in flying within my house.

The only problem that I noticed with the quad this time is that the motors get very hot. It's almost impossible to touch them after a few minutes in air. The glue gun that I used to hold the motors too started to give away.

Not very sure of how long these motors will last, given that they reach such high temperatures in a couple of minutes!  :(


Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!


VC, measure the current at full throttle.
What is the power ? Follow the rule, 5 gm/watt is the thrust/electric power.
1.) Use burnt Copper choke coil wire for motor to board connection.
   Thin wire will reduce power and thick wire will increased weight.

2) Use thermocol based frame making rigid by cellotape or broomstick and thread.
We have to unite and to prove ourself to make indigenous products as well as marketing / Canvasing them. I'm sure we must achieve success if we try unitedly.


I have rebuilt my quad using straws and coro. Takes off at 50% throttle now. Motor to motor distance is 120mm. Downside - unable to control it properly. However, i haven't checked if the motors get hot or not. Wil do so asap.
Airplanes may kill you, but they ain't likely to hurt you.
~~~Satchel Paige


@VC sir the motors and props are the correct fit, motors are suited best for the mini quads M2M size less than 150mm (some cases its required to be less than 120mm)

@Jaspreet About motor getting thats common, the other mini quads that i had (ladybyug, mini parrot drone and hubsan) they all get got. And thats common for these motors.

About the kit, the only thing i missed was need of HIGH RPM motors, which is required to build if your quad is more than 150mm M2M ideally with the motors and the props you get a thrust of 32grams which should be good if your quad is less than 30 grams.

And it should lift off the ground.

I have placed order for HIGH RPM motors today bit expensive for me with $ so strong against rupee :(
one stop for multirotor needs:



oh my quad has been flying nicely! ;D first i made a 12cm with the bamboo skewers, where it would take of with 80% throttle, so i made another frame with just 10cm diameter, with straws and coro, ow it takes of at around 35%.... ;D
it is stable, but now and then it tends to oscillate, a quick stick input usually fixes that...

i use it to play with my cat... she keeps jumping into the air to catch it and i just take it higher....

it is very responsive, but one thing i noticed is that i can pull only about 1-2 minutes of proper flight time, before it refuses to climb...
also, after about a minute or so, when the quad yaws, it drops altitude suddenly.... this is not noticed earlier...

..and it does a very nice flip, where it just barely loses altitude...

one prop got a little lose the other day, it kept flying of the motor shaft, sending my quad to the ground... so i put a little threadlock inside it, and now it holds fine...

will be posting a video soon... just want to edit it...



I tried EVERYTHING. Satya sent me a brand new board, I bought 4 new motors. All to waste. Weighs in at 30 grams and keeps spinning on the floor like top. JUST REFUSES TO LIFT. :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

All of you who are getting their Quads to fly @ 32 / 34 grams...... :hatsoff: ??? :headscratch:
Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!


Quote from: VC on June 15, 2013, 09:34:26 PM
I tried EVERYTHING. Satya sent me a brand new board, I bought 4 new motors. All to waste. Weighs in at 30 grams and keeps spinning on the floor like top. JUST REFUSES TO LIFT. :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

All of you who are getting their Quads to fly @ 32 / 34 grams...... :hatsoff: ??? :headscratch:
vc sir as i can see in your above pics, motors are spining in wrong direction...  i mean propellers are connected in wrong way......  make it right and give it a try... refer this pic. ...........
fan of scratch building......


I have tried interchanging the props too - nothing worked.
Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!


are the motor spining in right direction?? and is all motors are giving down thrust ???
fan of scratch building......


Yes all motors are spinning in the correct direction. As a matter of fact, with the earlier board and motors the Quad was at least lifting off the ground at full throttle. With this new board and motors, it just keeps going round and round on the ground. Battery is fully charged @ 4.2V.
Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!


whats your motor to motor distance?? i think its more than 12cm.
fan of scratch building......


Oye, forget it yaar. The earlier Quad had a M to M distance of 140 mm and weighed 36 grams - it lifted off. This one has a M to M distance of 125 mm and weighs 28 grams and does not lift off. Lets not split hairs here. There is some other problem with the board / motors / props. As I said, forget it. This has been a colossal waste of time, amongst other things.
Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!