Bad Rcbazaar Avionic 580kv motors

Started by tomraven99, December 14, 2016, 06:45:12 PM

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I made a S500 frame quad with sunnysky 980kv motors from Rcmumbai. It could hover my 1.9kg quad with a gimbal easily at around half throttle with 10inch props and a gensace 3s lipo. However I noted that the motors were getting warm. So i decided to upgrade my motors for  lower Kv motors.
I brought the avionics 3506 580kv motors from rcbazaar for using with 11inch props. The specs mention 890 gm of thrust at full throttle for 11v.

However these crap motors barely lift my quad at full throttle. The specs are not correct. On asking for a replacement with one of their other motors there is no reply.
Would advise anyone to stay away from these motors and stick with sunnysky