ARF 525 QUAD from build

Started by VTOLkarthik, December 17, 2014, 09:34:40 PM

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default is my case when i try to fly quad it flips. than i reset pi settings and change it according to your frame...


if your quad is not stable... it drifts check this..


Ok all d points noted...wil check nw..i had dne Tcopter d similar will chk all precautions..



Whr would be d right place to mount Battery?



LOL tat iknw ;D
Thr is no space in dis frame so want to knw exact location...
anyways gt it...wil see if it wil wrk..




Ready fr test and maiden...



Thank you
Is d roll n pitch angle correct?
Its on a flat surface


i think this should be zero... try trims... wait ill provide you youtube link




Guys each mtr is spining in diff way...
Wen I giv a frwrd signal it cmes back and diagonal mtrs spin faster wen I giv left or right signal


I tot aileron signal was interchanged to rudder but its not...


Have you done a receiver test? Are all the channels correct? Make sure to trim them to zero and set end points so that values are between -90 or -100 to 90 or 100. Have you done the accelerometer calibration yet? Which firmware are you running? I suspect the motors are not connected in the right order. Diagonal motors should spin faster when there is yaw input. The elevator channel may be reversed.


Quote from: VTOLkarthik on December 21, 2014, 06:34:53 PM
Guys each mtr is spining in diff way...
Wen I giv a frwrd signal it cmes back and diagonal mtrs spin faster wen I giv left or right signal

First of all you should avoid typing short forms as in SMS, It took me a while to understand, by 'mtr' you meant MOTOR :banghead: , So please type in Full words and sentences.
but some very common short forms like ' pls ' for please, common forum short forms like IDK, IMHO ,IMO etc... etc... are fine .

Now to your problem, follow the steps,( After all the motor directions, props etc are correct )

1) Place the quad in level surface, Means pitch and roll angle should be zero, If not calibrate Accelerometer, by placing in level surface.

2) enter the receiver test menu, Here you can see the Interpreted value from each receiver channels.

3) Hold the elevator stick to down, the value against elevator should be b/w -100 to -90, If it is higher (>-90) or Lower (-100) Then change your elevator channel lower end position (in Tx) to adjust this to the needed range. Also while you move the elevator stick to down, 'Back' should be displayed against this channel (in LCD), If it is displayed 'Front' Instead of Back, Just reverse your elevator channel.
Now Move elevator stick to High end, and change endpoints to adjust max. value in bet ween 90 - 100 range. (Also it should display Front against this value) .
Now the configuration for your elevator channel is completed

4) Follow the above step for Aileron(Roll) and Rudder (Yaw) channels , But in this case it will be displayed Left or Right according to stick movement instead of front or back as for the elevator channel. Also adjust the min, and max. stick values to fit in the same range as set in elevator. Reverse  the required channels.

5) Now for throttle channel the min. stick value should be higher than -90 and max. value less than +90 . On throttle max, it should display 'full'.

6) Now your accelerometer and receiver are calibrated and set up.

7) Apply 20 - 30 % throttle, quad should not lift from ground .

8 ) Move elevator stick a little forward, back motors should speed up, and hence quad starts tilting to f/w , on moving elevator b/w ,  the quad should tilt b/w .

9) Check aileron and rudder channels also in this way.

10) Now every thing is fine and LIFT OFF  to the skies,  try to hover at one place and apply necessary trims to make it stable.

        If you don't understand any thing, Feel free to ask out before breaking any props ;D

Happy landing :)
RC Hobbyist and an Aerial Cinematographer..


Again SK, you are ahead of me :giggle:
:hatsoff: SK1701, :)

@VTOLKarthik, he has a special skill to summaries the main points, so SK's post says everything which I stretched to a big paragraph, (Wish I had those skills !!) ,It's better, you follow SK, and read my story, only if you stuck again :)
RC Hobbyist and an Aerial Cinematographer..


Nice explanation Sooraj  :thumbsup: more detailed than mine. I am feeling quite tired and SMS language does not really inspire a detailed response for me  :P


Ok sorry everyone... Since I dont have PC(Where I can type properly), I am using mobile for this... So as usual I do it likewise...
sorry for the trouble..
coming to the issue, I will look into what u said...the main prob was the kk2.1 cables were interchanged during the wiring process. I should have done the receiver test again after this which I dint...lesson learnt!
Due to this prop broke.
Will get new one and try it...

Thanks for everyone and sorry fir the sms language!


No problem. Good luck with your flight  :thumbsup: Just a tip, buy plenty of spare props. They break really easily when you are getting your quad set up and learning to fly.


What, you already broke a Prop ???
What exactly happened ?

And @SK,
Quote from: SK1701 on December 21, 2014, 08:45:10 PM
Just a tip, buy plenty of spare props.
I really don't recommend that, Props brake often, but they are not meant to be broken :) .
RC Hobbyist and an Aerial Cinematographer..


@sk1701 You know what? I have 7 pairs of quad props which r 12 inch! And I hav sf props and I hav 10 inch CCW props 3 but d prop which broke was CW, no spares! Timing!
@sooraj it hit a rock nearby wen it flipped..