Hi All,
Does anyone know how to arm this Board (from RCForALL) and Sai sir is not picking up my phone.
See Pic Below. I have tired to move the throttle stick on the left and right but it does not work (on both min and max positions)
Left side stick DOWN and then LEFT (ARM)
Left side stick DOWN and then RIGHT (DISARM)
try this..
Also keep your throttle trim to min
Nope this method did not work. :(
You have to connect all channels to the rx. But no gyro pots? I think one of roll/ yaw gyro seems at zero position so you are not able to arm it.
Thanks Team for your help
i am facing same problem in arming my quad can anybody tell how gyro postion is changed....
Which control board are you using?
Please specify what exactly you mean by changing gyro position. Do you mean how to change gyro pot position?
yes,if i change pot position then it will help or not.... i am using control board RC FOR ALL.....
on connecting power the led glows and ......after consecutive pair of beep signals from esc's the led starts flashing on and off .... when i try to arm it just nothing happens :( i have also tried arming it when led is continously glowing.. ???
i am using fs-t4a transmitter with throttle reversed and throttle trim at min....all the other channels are reversed and at center trim position.....
i am trying to arm it by moving throttle stick to min and at right corner .... please help..
I dont know about RCforall board. Try keeping all pot positions around 50% then connect battery and try to arm. Sometimes you also have to adjust rudder trim(Assuming you arm using rudder stick).
Best way is to contact RCforall for further support
thanks spitfire.....
i am contacting rc for all for my problem....
Quote from: Hellyflyer on April 16, 2012, 07:15:12 PM
Thanks Team for your help
hey hellyflyer boss.... you had the same board how you did armed that....
To arm any hk board 3 steps you need to keep in mind.
1. Make sure you are supplying 5V.
2. Make sure pots are not set at 0% position. Bring them at 50% to check.
3. Atleast throttle and rudder channels should be connected to the board. Sometimes board can't detect 0% throttle so bring throttle trim all the way down and try.