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Avionics ESC's

Started by rajsachdev, December 28, 2014, 11:06:45 AM

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Has anyone loaded SimonK firmware on Avionics 20A ESC's? Have the tools and 4 Avionics ESC's from my first ARF kit but can't figure out which hex file to load. Thanks.


simonK f/w is opensource - just google simonK firmware , you can get the codes. this is AVR atmega based, so you can load simonK on avionic ESCs, if you know the programming pads, or identify the programming pins on atmega of your ESC.
RC Hobbyist and an Aerial Cinematographer..


Of course i did that before asking for help (am familiar with AVR's), I know the relevant site and it does show various pic's of ESC's internals (Chip/ FET PCB layout etc) but none match the internals of the Avionics ESC hence i asked if some one else has done so (just being lazy)



Well, some ESC don't have programming pin terminals built in, you have to identify the AVR microcontroller's programming pins and power grids, then use some thin single core wires, solder them to the needed pins, connect it to ASP  - load the HEX :)
RC Hobbyist and an Aerial Cinematographer..


Thanks for your response Sooraj, but you misunderstand my question, perhaps i didn't phrase it correctly.

I have the tools to program these (Hobbykings "Atmel Atmega Socket Firmware Flashing Tool" and USB ASP and programmers for many other microcontrollers) and have used SPI many times in my projects so i know MOSI, MISO etc.

Correct me if i am wrong in thinking that not all manufacturers use same circuit for manufacturing ESC's so the same hex file cannot be applicable to all else there would be no need for RapidESC database! so my question is which hex file works with avionics (which uses ATMEGA 8L) has anyone tried that?

Can trace the microcontroller pin connections to FET's etc and match them to see which code will be suitable for these ESC's, but don't have no time for that. As i said i am bit lazy...


You need to check the esc from this list and download the related hex

Make a copy of this and apply filters for easier navigation. The list seems to have only 3, 20A ESC listed, the most plausible could be
