Quad/Hex power distribution boards

Started by girishsarwal, July 06, 2013, 09:07:11 AM

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Right chief, I've got double sideds done in the past with thru holes for other microcontroller projects. Wanted to check with you if there are any already available by HK or others.

Yes it will increase the cost by about 1.6-1.8 times, which is why I wanted to know is it a good to have or a must have


Two other boards of kk and hk photos posted are double sided.


Aha, I see it now.

I was thinking ground (-ve) plane on one side and the VCC (+ve) plane on the other...What do you think?


Workable. But still the capacitor idea is not workable. You still might have to offset the tracks on both sides if you are planning holes for ESC wires if not then not a problem