naza vibrates violently and results in a crash, any help?

Started by Ribz, February 20, 2015, 07:43:37 PM

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tried decreasing the gains, wont help either

at 145 or around was very unstable

now at 115 still is  (on a 650 quad, its without gps)


Your problem seems an IMU calibration Issue, recalibrate IMU first .

general to any multicopters or any FCs :
check prop balance ,
Check, prop direction ,
RC Hobbyist and an Aerial Cinematographer..


can low radio voltage be an issue?
is naza lite without gps insufficient for 650?

i caliberated imu when it was showing low voltage error

props direction fine, everything looks okay


Radio voltage surely not the reason for this issue (How ever don't use radio only with sufficiently charged batteries)

Infact, NAZA recommend NAZA lite to be used only with up to 450 size crafts - for most stability and performance, for a 650 size, Naza V2 is the better choice .

Still Flying in attitude mode with a 650 should not cause an issue . ( I am not expert in Naza )

Would recommend to go through all the setup once again , if still no luck, you can flash the naza lite to naza v2 :thumbsup:
RC Hobbyist and an Aerial Cinematographer..



tried it, again shows voltage alarm, without any voltage issue, vibrates voilently and tries to flip, never happened to me before


Can i know more about your setup so that i can help..
Size never matter.. 1000mm hexa with lite is stable enough.. even though they dont recommend..
Check whether the mode selected is right.. x or +
And also all trims are at center
Do a final test that the motor directions and motor allignment..
Horrible vinration mau not be due to unbalanced prop or motor.. so check above mentioned first..
Turnigy i10|Flysky 9xb|Hoverfly quadcopter|Arduflyer apm 2.5 with gps|Pixhawk|Homemade micro night vapour|Homemade ornithopter(in progress)| Reptile Quad with Gopro Brushless gimbal | Naza v2| APM 2.6 with GPS | Micro quad self made | FrSky| v911 Helis | 1200mm Hexacopter with 5d gimbal | 1300mm x8 With Red Gimbal | 1000mm Octo|


checked above mentioned things, i have worked with lite v1 and v2, never got some issue


I have used Naza lite on my tarot 650 clone with great results. Using it on the Tbs Disco with good results as well.
As Arun da has rightly pointed out check the configuration(X or +).
If all else fails begin from scratch with a new model on the transmitter and default naza settings.


What ever experience you have, there is always chances for missing something, that might be a very small problem or big !

So It's always better to go through the basics once or twice or even thrice before getting in to advanced troubleshooting .

It might be weird to ask you to do the following steps, but missing any of the following might cause an issue that you experience now :

1 ) ESC Throttle calibration : there is no option to calibrate ESCs with Naza, so you have to calibrate each ESC individually or all together with a parallel wiring harness .

2) Check Motor rotation direction , Propeller directions and Propeller Balance , ...

3) Mount flight controller almost at the center of the frame very tightly - It should not be mounted loose.

4) Check motor connections : For a NAZA unlike most other flight controllers , M1 is the front Right motor (CW), M2 is Front Left (CCW) and M3 is back left (CW) and M4 is Back right motor (CCW) .

5) I assume you are using the FS-T6 , Make a new model memory with Airplane/ Glider settings . Or reset an existing model memory. Assign any of the switches that you are comfortable with to Channel 5 (which will be used to change flying modes).

5) Connect NAZA to PC and calibrate everything as usual (Also check for any F/W updates) .

6) Make sure the main battery and Transmitter battery are fully charged .

7) Now try to take off - and not the issues if there is any.

           If the battery monitor of NAZA is giving false alarms , you can avoid the Naza PSU and power NAZA directly from the ESC BECs (I am still not clear which battery alarm is triggering in your case! is it Main battery or Radio battery ???)

Please Post your complete setup - incl. motors, ESC , battery etc... and also update with any Issues after going through above procedures .

Good luck :thumbsup:
RC Hobbyist and an Aerial Cinematographer..