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Can't Flash multiwii

Started by theObnoxious, May 17, 2015, 09:16:34 AM

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I'm using Multiwii MWC SE v_2.5.
I connected it to my computer using FTDI Tool, but somehow windows is not able to recognize it.
I have installed the Fdti drivers but still it is not able to get it.
For god sake somebody help me, I'm so eager to get this thing in air, but not able to do so.
help me flash it.


Go to device manager and check whether windows has detected the ftdi tool as a com port, if it has, note note down the com port number
RC Hobbyist and an Aerial Cinematographer..

Darshan for multirotors

Try updating it again..happened with me too
put your heart in flying and flying will never leave your heart


Nope, its not recognising,
I tried to update it manually, like it shows on its site, but haven't been able to direct the driver to the update file.
I installed the driver, and i dn't really know where it has installed, if i could know then i'll be able to direct it to that folder.
Any suggestions ?

Himadri Roy

Give this a shot...
Select update driver for the FTDI from the Device manager and then select the driver folder in Arduino..!
For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with eyes skywards for there you have been and there you will long to return
- Leonardo Da Vinci


Tried, no results ..
I tried redirecting it to the System32 folder as well.

Himadri Roy

Did you try plugging it to another port?
I had the same problem with Arduino one of my port on the USB hub was damaged so it wouldn't show the Arduino!
For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with eyes skywards for there you have been and there you will long to return
- Leonardo Da Vinci


have u connected the ftdi port correctly if yes check that the ftdi is wrking also check that multiwii functions (i.e: when u connecte ftdi led should blink up similarly when u connect esc to multiwii and power it multiwii would have some firmware initially on the memory ) in short are the dead or alive :P


yep, the multiwii and the FTDI work very well, cz the green LED lights up when I connect the FTDI, also sometimes the FDTI blinks as well, but with no result.

Darshan for multirotors

i guess pics would help much better in solving this problem
put your heart in flying and flying will never leave your heart


Okay at first I was not able to connect the multiwii, but now when I did, idk how then the arduino is not able to upload the sketch.
Plus I can't figure out which port my FTDi is using, or is it really using any ?


wat type of board is it set in the adriuno ? i mean go to tools and set it to promini and try uploading


if you can come through teamviewer, i can fix that for you.


I use this port- USB serial Port(COM14)
Board, port, processor all are given in the pic.
Still its the same result.


what is teamviewer ?
Sorry I'm new to Rc and this forum. 8-)


select Board "arduino uno" or "pro mini"
and what about programmer?


what programmer ?
there were only those options there ...


just as I try to upload, the motors chime like they do, but the program doesn't gets uploaded.
The uploading process freezes.
Arduino Uno didn't work as well...
I feel like I made a big mistake choosing this one  :banghead:


select programmer usually "usbasp"


Earlier it was "AVRISP mkll"
Now trying with "USBasp", "arduino Uno", COM14

Just in- Failed !!  :banghead: :banghead:


failed again
It says "programmer is not responding"


can you please expand the error message and post a screen shot.


Error msg :


what kind of ftdi tool are you using?
and the port is connected with any other apps? like multiwii config utility?


Download team viewer and get connected to AKHIL he will try doing it for u :) its a software which would connect ur computer to his and he can control your system for doing the necessary changes you can see your mouse moving and all you can see what and how he is doing it so that u can learn what was the problem