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Need Suggestion for motor

Started by shlokj, May 23, 2017, 08:36:37 PM

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Hi, I have a f550 hexacopter which can support upto 10in props, and I am using a 4s batttery.

Can someone suggest a motor which draws less than 30A and delivers 1.6 kg+ of thrust with 10inch prop or less?
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I personally use Sunnysky x2212 980kv motors with S550 and have 9045 props with 4s battery. Use 9045 propellers with 4s battery for such motors otherwise they will get too hot. My hexacopter also have weight around 1.6-1.7kg and 6 of that motors can easily withstand such weight. It only needs 20A ESCs, I use Hobbywing Xrotor 20A. With 4s battery and 9045 HQ prop one motor can give thrust hoto 900g which is much more sufficient for such hexa.


Actually right now I have DJI 2212 920kv motors that give 1100g of thrust each, which is insufficient.

But the purpose of my hexa is to lift and deliver high weight objects, for which I need more thrust.
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Please visit T-Motor.


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I checked tmotor, motors are great but out of my budget.
Is there anything within 1000?
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Imperial fire

Well I think its unlikely to get 1.6 kg of thrust at just 30A ...u will definitely need a bigger ESC....max I've seen is I think around 1.2kg for 30A esc


oh okay.. the reason I asked is because I see 2205 size motors getting more than 1.4kg thrust at 2300kv 24 amps  ;D
But those motors are too noisy and small for a F550.
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Imperial fire

Are those manufacturer specs?? 1.4kg at 24 amps?? Or have you checked up??
Also which motor is that!? I wanted one for myself...


My friend @harshit_pesala said that a dys 2205 gives that much thrust.
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Imperial fire

Its not possible that they give 1.4 kg thrust at 24 ams..esp coz its a high kV motor...

If you want max efficiency.... Go for a lower kV a good 700 kV motor..maybe then you'll get somewhere around 1.6 kg at 30amps


Even I know.. the problem is a 700kv motor won't fit on f550
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Imperial fire

I saw a emax motor that really caught my eye...I don't remember the specs..but it was a 1300 kV  or 900kv motor and the claimed specs were very good....
Check them on rcsportz ...


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Balakrishna Reddy

You can check out 2814 size motor. Sunnysky x2814 are better and can take 10inch prop and 4s setup with ease.
But sunnysky are expensive but worth the money.


Yes, that motor looks good. Thanks!
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