Error can not set sck period time of updating KK 2.1 firmware

Started by jeet8066, December 20, 2015, 04:05:04 PM

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I am using USBasp for updating firmware for kk 2.1.5 flight board but i am getting "Error can not set sck period". please find error screen shot and kindly give suggestion.

Darshan for multirotors

It happened to me once. This is mostly because of bad connection between the usbasp and the board or usbasp and the pc
As the error message says try updating firmware, check connections and try again
By the way is this lazy zero software?
put your heart in flying and flying will never leave your heart


No all connection are fine but i am getting same error every time. Also i have lost one kk board too.



Darshan for multirotors

Can you post a pic of usbasp and the board while flashing...
put your heart in flying and flying will never leave your heart


I get the sck period error all the time while using my USBasp. That is not your problem. Check your connections again. Make sure the USBasp is plugged in the right way. BTW, 1.14S1 is an old version of the firmware. 1.19S1 is the latest. You may also want to take a look at RC911s firmware. I like it better than Steveis.

What do you mean you have lost one kk board?


kk 2.1 board non off keys was not working. only safe menu is displaying. Please find screen short in attachment. That issue faced last time when i try to update firmware.


Please share your any id for chatting. this time i don't want loss my new KK board.
