ESC Comparison ( MULTIROTOR) EMAX simonK 30 Amp VS AFRO 30 Amp simonK...

Started by roshan.dixit, July 19, 2014, 11:16:26 PM

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 :headscratch:      Which one is better guys???  The Emax or The Afro... I have experienced Afro simonk  as it is what am using but wanna know if Emax simonk series is a good pick or not??

Please post your valuable thoughts and experiences below (-:

Thank you..

uj victor

Hey Buddy,

I have been using EMAX from past 4 months performance is super cool  :thumbsup:
I would strongly suggest to opt. for EMAX.

Uj victor
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really good? i need to choose escs for my wkm octo...i wanted to go for emax simonk 40a(1.2k) for tarot 4114 but someone suggested maytech 40a priced at 3k per esc