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Flash Multiwii with USBasp

Started by theObnoxious, May 21, 2015, 01:08:33 AM

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I bought FTDI chip v1.0 to flash my multiwii MWC SE v2.5, but somehow I was not able to do so because it failed to upload the sketch with an error "Programmer not responding".
And it seems like I won't be able to flash it with ftdi.
So I wanna ask if it is possible to program it using USBasp programmer board on its ISP pins ?
If so then, please tell me the procedure as well.
Also is it possible to tune the MWC with USBasp ?
thanks in advance.

Darshan for multirotors

You can upload the firmware using a usbasp but you can't run multiwii gui as usbasp doesn't have a port..
I recommend fixing the problem of ftdi rather than using a usbasp
But if you want to you can upload the firmware using usbasp but in the end you I'll have to come back to ftdi for config.
put your heart in flying and flying will never leave your heart


the main problem with that shit (sorry to use such words but i'm kindda pissed with FTDI) is that its not getting sorted out !!
No matter what I try I am just not able to upload the sketch no matter how correct I choose the port, board, programmer !!!
Just not able to do it...
N on top of that there's no clear solution for this on internet as well... whatever the solution is I already tried each one of them ... and none of them work for me ...
At least I'll be able to upload the sketch and get the multiwii working, if not well tuned !
I can use the OLED screen for tuning as well no ?


Try upload from another PC with updated drivers.


I did, same problem ...
it's just not accepting anything ...
can I burn the hex file into it somehow with FTDI ??

Darshan for multirotors

put your heart in flying and flying will never leave your heart

Darshan for multirotors

If you are doing this then there shouldn't be a problem
put your heart in flying and flying will never leave your heart


actually you can burn a hex file through uart interface (what you refer as ftdi)
look at xloader software.

it will only work if the chip has a bootloader enabled - no harm in trying though
just download xloader - its pretty simple.

edit - you can also do it direct from avrdude - if you are comfortable with the command line


can you brief me a little bit more on how to do it through that software ...


have you downloaded the xloader software ?



Its pretty much self explanatory

first window points to the hex file you want to flash

second window points to your device (atmega328p)

third one is com port of your uart (check in device manager)

last is baud rate - I cant recall offhand the baudrate required - do some seaerching and you should
be able to find out.


not working ... the software just freezes ...
I tried with the old version of ftdi as well ...
nothing works with this !!!!WHAT ON EARTH IS THE PROBLEM ?


get some live help - multiwii can be very daunting for a beginner.

If all else fails - mail the board to me and I'll set it up and send it back.


i've researched so much on this that it feels shame for me to be called a beginner .. lol n yet havent been able to get this thing in air .... i didn't know it'd be so frustrating...
inspite of having every thing this thing doesn't works !!

live help ??


Do you have any arduino like uno/nano/mega? If yes then you can use this as a programmer.


yep, I have 2 arduino Uno, one of them has same problem as multiwii (avrdyse stk500_getsync() ) error...
the other works well ... please tell how to program it with that ...


just load "Arduino ISP" code from examples inside Arduino IDE, All pinout/instructions are in that and upload the code to the working arduino UNO.

use this uno(ArduinoISP) to program multiwii same like USBasp .


i've never used a Usbasp.
so once I burn this iSP program into the arduino then it'll work as the usbasp right ?
but there are 6 isp pins ...
how to connect what ?
can u just provide me a specific link u think that can help me ?


Read the hinted part in the beginning of arduino ISP code, 

Reset : D10
MOSI : D11
MISO : D12
SCK.  :  D13

If that was Uno then you should connect a 100uf capacitor between arduino reset pin and ground to use as ISP programmer.


Quote from: theObnoxious on May 27, 2015, 03:51:01 PM
yep, I have 2 arduino Uno, one of them has same problem as multiwii (avrdyse stk500_getsync() ) error...
the other works well ... please tell how to program it with that ...
For the getsync error there are  a couple of things you could try. Make sure you have selected the right board and port in the IDE 'Tools' menu. You could also try burning a bootloader to the AtMega on board this Uno.

Akhil Sir, I think it is supposed to be 10 uF. Also, when I put the capacitor, I was not able to program my ATtiny85 and it only worked when I removed the capacitor. So I am not sure how necessary it is.


@SK1701, for the capacitor any values should work in between 10uf to 500uf. The purpose is to prevent resetting uno while programming.

Read Official documents here.


Thanks Sir. I did not know that.


i've burned the isp program into uno ...
now all I have to do is put the 6 pinouts on multiwii ro arduino and then upload sketch normally ?
like, board-pro mini, programmer usbasp ?
