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Help on quad copter

Started by jeet8066, April 30, 2015, 09:57:04 AM

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yes ... assuming that the white are the back and the black are the front, you have the props set-up in the opposite direction
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K K Iyer

Quote from: parichya.gautam on April 30, 2015, 12:26:00 PM
yes ... assuming that the white are the back and the black are the front, you have the props set-up in the opposite direction

May I differ?
Irrespective of whether white arms are front or back,
Top left prop is clockwise, ie correct.
Motor may be CCW, ie incorrect.

Assuming that in the photo, 'Front' is either to the left or right side of the photo.


Hi @ KK please find attachment.


yes, its all a matter of perspective . let the OP confirm it i guess..
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Guys share me ur mail id i will share u video.


Jeet, don't just go by the specs. 11.1v is the nominal voltage for 3S LiPo Packs. While at fully charged state it would be about 12.6volts.

If you have a multimeter or a LiPo Alarm then please first charge the battery to the full and then measure the voltage.
If the voltage that you are getting is substantially lesser than 12.6 volts (11V is way too low) then the reason of your quad not being able to leave the ground would be a Discharged/Damaged battery which happens when people allow LiPo packs to get fully discharged.

Please confirm.
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Himadri Roy

@jeet wouldn't it be better if you put the video on the page itself(as you have uploaded on Drive) rather than sending the link to the video personally? Less time consuming and ppl with similar problems might be benefited and someone might be able to  solve the problem quickly?  :hatsoff:

Are the ESC properly calibrated upto the endpoints?
For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with eyes skywards for there you have been and there you will long to return
- Leonardo Da Vinci


yes all configuration are proper & all motors are starts same time.
video url-

Himadri Roy

I think you have mounted the props in the wrong direction  cw props on ccw turning motor(as KK Iyer Sir suggested).....put the throttle at 20-30% and by putting the hand over the prop(BEWARE: keep safe distance!!!!) if you feel the air hitting you hand you have mounted the props in the wrong place
Check in which direction the motors are spinning
This might help
For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with eyes skywards for there you have been and there you will long to return
- Leonardo Da Vinci


Hello Jeet. I am assuming you have carried out all the steps involved in setting up the flight controller as referenced in the manual here as you are able to arm the quadcopter and spin the motors. This means the problem is probably due to motor direction or a battery issue. The propellers have been mounted correctly as per the photograph. Please verify whether each motor is actually spinning in the correct direction. And what is the battery voltage and individual cell voltages now?i


ok today i will check again.

K K Iyer

Props and rotation ARE OK.
Don't fiddle with it.

Weight too much, or battery low.
Why is it flashing? Indicating low voltage?

To me it looks like low voltage or ESCs not caliberated, hence not recognising full throttle.
Before you do anything else, just post the battery voltage.


Motor is armed hence light is flashing & weight is also very less. i this issue with battery.


First i would like to say thank to all!! now my quad flying! issue with battery after i got B6 charger i come to know that battery one cell was dead & i am getting 10V only. Now issue resolved.


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Definitely i will share video with you guys.