Help with Multirotor Setup for Autonomous Flight/Way Points

Started by vishalrao, September 16, 2014, 10:42:52 AM

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One of my clients wants a multirotor for surveillance purpose with ability to setup waypoints for autonomous flights and good flight time. I'm planning to go for a 650 size quad instead of an hexa as I'm hoping that a quad will have more flight time than a hexa. It'll be fitted with GoPro. Regarding flight controller, I'm torn between Naza and 3DR Pixhawk. Naza though expensive seems user friendly and plug and play. Pixhawk seems to be low priced than Naza and also have more features. However the there seems to be a lot of learning curve associated with it.

Would greatly appreciate inputs/suggestions for anyone who has gone through this route.


Naza is very easy to use but then Pixhawk has lot of capabilities (if you compare it with naza)
Naza is stable out of box, i was really impressed by this but pixhawk/apm requires some tuning but once tuned it would beat naza very easily. Naza cannot match a position hold mode of fine tuned rotor with APM/pixhawk

These are i think are few pointers from my side.
one stop for multirotor needs:


Thanks Satya. Easy to use feature is one main reason I want to go with Naza. More over, being user friendly, client won't have a tough time learning to operate it.


True, but i think once you tune and set things up client would simply operate it right?
one stop for multirotor needs:


Yes, you are right. Another point is that Naza has a good track record but PixHawk is fairly new, though capable. It's a different thing doing for oneself and doing for someone else. You can't afford to take much risks.

Abhishek Goudar

I'm using Pixhawk as part of my project. It is by far the most amazing FC I've worked with till now. There isn't actually a lot of setup required if you all that you are interested is in basic waypoint navigation through. The reason I would suggest this over NAZA is the ability to have telemetric setup and for indoor flights, availability of tons of peripherals. There is a caveat though, its EXPENSIVE..


One of my students have used PixHawk for their project and they too were praising it like anything. Would like to try once.


sir..I need help to setup my hexa.using Pixhawk fc.
help needed regards tuning and setup for stable flight.