Started by ram singh, March 28, 2012, 02:11:30 PM

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What exactly do you mean by rudder control does not work? Are you able to arm the board?


yes, board arm properly.

when i open throttle it response properly

if i tilt my board i can see the motor speed is changing

but then problem is when i move the ruder control on my TX tail servo does not respond.

any help on this?

Thank you,


Put your throttle around 30-40% and then check rudder response. When throttle is at zero, servo does not move.


oh ok, thank you spitfire.

I will try it tonight and let you know.



one question though... why?

I mean why Yaw servo does not work at 0 throttle as normal plane servos work, right?


beacuse it is such programed in tricopter kk frimware...

more the throttle more sensitive the servo responds to yaw...
which is must....

so at 0 throtle it is 0 sensitive....


oh ok, make sense...

thank you Karan


Quote from: spitfire on May 02, 2012, 04:09:54 PM
Put your throttle around 30-40% and then check rudder response. When throttle is at zero, servo does not move.

spitfire you Rock!

When i open throttle around 30-40% rudder started to work.

Thank you,


ok, now next problem. :)

Motor 1 seems to run slow.

when i try to give 40-50% throttle M2 & M3 goes up but M1 sill touching to ground.

M1 is spinning opposite to M2 & M3 as per attached diagram.

My question is do i need to put M1 prop inverse of M2 & M3?

or do i need to adjust trim ?

Thank you,


motor M1 and M2 must rotate opposite...
direction of rotation of M3 is your choice...

and yes... you will need "counter-rotate  prop" (or tracker-pusher in other lang)... inverting prop wont help... it is same on both side... 

u can try it b4 posting...


and one more thing...

as tri has servo to stabilize yaw...
it can fly with all prop rotating in same direction...

but a servo will tilt more to stabilize yaw... so a quite large component of thrust from tail motor will go in balancing yaw...

u can tilt front motor to certain angle... to minimize load on tail motor...  but then also u need to compromise with power, stability, and tri may hover few degree tilted.

i tried in my tri, it didnt workd so well


I use all props in same direction.
If one motor is running slow then just try to increase response by adjusting trim.
You will have to use trim so that when tri leaves ground it is leveled.


http : / /vimeo. com/22778782


got it, thank you.

one more question.

For testing I removed all props and hold tri up in air.

Now if I tilt it on right then  then right motor speed up for few seconds and then all motors come to same speed even if tri is in tilted position.

My question is: is it right behavior ?

I was expecting that KK board should have keep the right motor in fast speed compare to other motors till the point i bring it to level position.

I can think of 2 reasons why it only speed up right motors only for few seconds when tilted right:

1)   Its coded that way
2)   Gyro forget the initial value and consider new tilted angle as 0 after some time

I don’t think gyro will forget initial value and not sure why they might have coded firmware such that it will only speed up one motor for few seconds only?




Yes. This behavior is right. Gyro do not remember initial value of angle. it just measures change in angle and not the value of angle. For measuring value of angle you need accelerometer and magnetometer.


i was at trimming stage and battery went off.. so i change the battery and now my board do not arm...

i tried
1) throttle trim ..
2) ESC calibration by setting yaw gain 0

any idea why my board do not arm?

thank you,