RC India

RC Models => Multirotors => Topic started by: surojit_salt on February 26, 2015, 12:03:49 PM

Title: Hobby king KK 2.1 flight controller is not getting armed with FSCT6B transmitter
Post by: surojit_salt on February 26, 2015, 12:03:49 PM

I have built a x525 hobby king quadcopter and this is my first quadcopter. My transmitter is not getting armed with kk2.1 flight controller. I have checked "Receiver Test" menu in kk2.1 flight controller. It shows all the signals fine. I calibrated each ESC individually in throttle channel. All motors are spinning fine if I calibrate them individually.

But once I plugged all the ESCs in kk2.1 flight controller. None of the motors spins. I tried to calibrating all ESCs in a single shot (refered https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oNFPQ4Psjg8 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oNFPQ4Psjg8)).

If follow the above procedure I found that FSCT6B is not getting armed with kk2.1 flight controller.

Please help, I am trying it for last five days not able to find any solution. ??? :(

Thanks & Regards,
Title: Re: Hobby king KK 2.1 flight controller is not getting armed with FSCT6B transmitter
Post by: K K Iyer on February 26, 2015, 12:17:01 PM
Did you do ACC calibration?.
You'll find it some way down the menu list. Just press Enter and follow the instructions.
I think the KK will not arm till this is done. (Has to be done only during initial setup, or after factory reset)
Title: Re: Hobby king KK 2.1 flight controller is not getting armed with FSCT6B transmitter
Post by: surojit_salt on February 26, 2015, 12:19:31 PM
@k k Iyer
I did acc calibration after factory reset. I have done all those procedure mentioned in youtube atleast for 10 times. Not able to understand why it is not working????
Title: Re: Hobby king KK 2.1 flight controller is not getting armed with FSCT6B transmitter
Post by: akhilzid on February 26, 2015, 12:25:15 PM
also if your CT6B is new then go through given link and Calibrate your radio using this software.

http://www.conklincentral.com/T6/index.html (http://www.conklincentral.com/T6/index.html)
Title: Re: Hobby king KK 2.1 flight controller is not getting armed with FSCT6B transmitter
Post by: niranjanrao on February 26, 2015, 12:29:00 PM
Option 1) Factory reset your kk2.1 i had the same problem after resetting the control board it was all fine.
Option 2) Make sure you switch on your transmitter first and then your quad.
Title: Re: Hobby king KK 2.1 flight controller is not getting armed with FSCT6B transmitter
Post by: K K Iyer on February 26, 2015, 12:46:54 PM
Remove dual rate settings on Tx.
Set EPA to 100% on Tx.
Check rudder movement on KK display.
Will not arm if rudder throw inadequate.

Also check mode shows Aux or Stick as desired.

Link to Hobbyking manual
http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/uploads/1026124741X1235859X24.pdf (http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/uploads/1026124741X1235859X24.pdf)

Link to excellent manual from Steveis
http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showatt.php?attachmentid=7345654&d=1417731690 (http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showatt.php?attachmentid=7345654&d=1417731690)

Dont worry. It will work!

Edit: Also check if rudder channel needs to be reversed!
Title: Re: Hobby king KK 2.1 flight controller is not getting armed with FSCT6B transmitter
Post by: sooraj.palakkad on February 26, 2015, 09:18:36 PM
Iyer sir in to Multirotors - means a boon to newbs !!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Hobby king KK 2.1 flight controller is not getting armed with FSCT6B transmitter
Post by: K K Iyer on February 26, 2015, 09:48:57 PM
Quote from: sooraj.palakkad on February 26, 2015, 09:18:36 PM
Iyer sir in to Multirotors - means a boon to newbs !!!!!!!!

I may be old, but i'm a real newbie!
Learn a LOT of stuff in the last three days of experimenting.
Now able to hover indoors for 5 minutes at a stretch, between 12" and 24" height, over a 10'x6' carpet!

@satyagupta of quadkopters
Thanks for the ST360 for 5500

@vishalrao of kinetic hobbies
Thanks for the Haiyin 3s that you sent me free. Its getting 5-6 cycles daily now with my quad experiments

I see one new member asking for cheapest, cheapest, cheapest.
I wish he would realise that there are GOOD HONEST sites right here in India...
Title: Re: Hobby king KK 2.1 flight controller is not getting armed with FSCT6B transmitter
Post by: sooraj.palakkad on February 26, 2015, 09:55:45 PM
Quote from: K K Iyer on February 26, 2015, 09:48:57 PM

Now able to hover indoors for 5 minutes at a stretch, between 12" and 24" height, over a 10'x6' carpet!

Title: Re: Hobby king KK 2.1 flight controller is not getting armed with FSCT6B transmitter
Post by: surojit_salt on February 26, 2015, 10:45:06 PM
@K K Iyer

Thanks for the manuals and suggestion, But unfortunately I have not able to spin my motors. My transmitter's current setting screen shot is attached with the mail.

Here are few questions
1. It would be great if you can point out the section I should refer to resolve this issue.
2. How to find out whether rudder throw is inadequate for my transmitter.

Eagerly waiting for your response.

Title: Re: Hobby king KK 2.1 flight controller is not getting armed with FSCT6B transmitter
Post by: sooraj.palakkad on February 26, 2015, 10:50:58 PM
What is the method that you are following to arm your quad ??

first, check each channel direction is correct - through receiver test menu . reverse channels as required.
then see whether max. and min. endpoints for aileron, elevator and rudder channels are 90 to 100 and -100 to -90 respectively (this can also be checked from receiver test menu) - if it is not, you have to adjust endpoints of each channel on transmitter configuration .
Title: Re: Hobby king KK 2.1 flight controller is not getting armed with FSCT6B transmitter
Post by: akhilzid on February 26, 2015, 10:53:04 PM
Read "Reply #3" Again, will solve 99% problems in CT6B
Title: Re: Hobby king KK 2.1 flight controller is not getting armed with FSCT6B transmitter
Post by: surojit_salt on February 26, 2015, 10:53:46 PM
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qAyxyLMr6vg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qAyxyLMr6vg)

I  used above url for arming transmitter.
Title: Re: Hobby king KK 2.1 flight controller is not getting armed with FSCT6B transmitter
Post by: surojit_salt on February 26, 2015, 10:55:16 PM
I tried to install the software you mentioned. But it is not working in my machine. I am having Windows7 home Basic 64bit OS.
Title: Re: Hobby king KK 2.1 flight controller is not getting armed with FSCT6B transmitter
Post by: surojit_salt on February 26, 2015, 10:58:21 PM
I have attached the screen shot whenever I am trying to open the T6Configuration App.
Title: Re: Hobby king KK 2.1 flight controller is not getting armed with FSCT6B transmitter
Post by: akhilzid on February 26, 2015, 10:59:31 PM
The following prerequisites are required:
Windows Installer 4.5
.NET Framework 3.5 SP1
Title: Re: Hobby king KK 2.1 flight controller is not getting armed with FSCT6B transmitter
Post by: surojit_salt on February 26, 2015, 11:20:36 PM

I able to open the T6Config software only after installing MSChart.exe. How to setup my transmitter? Do you have any manual?
Title: Re: Hobby king KK 2.1 flight controller is not getting armed with FSCT6B transmitter
Post by: K K Iyer on February 26, 2015, 11:24:36 PM
Quote from: surojit_salt on February 26, 2015, 10:45:06 PM
I have not able to spin my motors.

Let us proceed logically step by step.
Before you can spin the motors,
The first step is: is the kk2.1 lighting up and going to 'SAFE' screen?
If not, this has to be tackled first.
If yes, next step is: is it getting armed?
If not, check that display shows 'right' rudder when you move the rudder stick to the right.
Otherwise reverse rudder on Tx.
Also in your LOW rate on dual rate, change it from 50% to 100%.

Let me know when you reach this stage. Then we will calibrate the ESCs.
Sorry for delay. Got a call from Sooraj. His quad fly away, but was later found!
Title: Re: Hobby king KK 2.1 flight controller is not getting armed with FSCT6B transmitter
Post by: akhilzid on February 26, 2015, 11:26:39 PM
nothing complicated

just select comport
click connect
click calibrate
move all sticks to their max and min position
click ok on the popup box
Title: Re: Hobby king KK 2.1 flight controller is not getting armed with FSCT6B transmitter
Post by: K K Iyer on February 26, 2015, 11:28:27 PM
Keep watching this thread too:
http://www.rcindia.org/servos-gyros-and-all-electronics/doubthobbyking-quad-power-distribution-board/msg217245/#msg217245 (http://www.rcindia.org/servos-gyros-and-all-electronics/doubthobbyking-quad-power-distribution-board/msg217245/#msg217245)
Title: Re: Hobby king KK 2.1 flight controller is not getting armed with FSCT6B transmitter
Post by: surojit_salt on February 26, 2015, 11:28:46 PM
here is the screen 1
Title: Re: Hobby king KK 2.1 flight controller is not getting armed with FSCT6B transmitter
Post by: surojit_salt on February 26, 2015, 11:34:40 PM
@ K K Iyer
I have performed the steps you mentioned. Now What should I do???
Title: Re: Hobby king KK 2.1 flight controller is not getting armed with FSCT6B transmitter
Post by: K K Iyer on February 26, 2015, 11:37:48 PM
Is it getting armed now or not?

Title: Re: Hobby king KK 2.1 flight controller is not getting armed with FSCT6B transmitter
Post by: surojit_salt on February 26, 2015, 11:44:37 PM
Armed mean if I move Rudder on right then in kk 2.1 flight controller LCD display should show "ARMED" in screen? Right. This is not happening. ???
Title: Re: Hobby king KK 2.1 flight controller is not getting armed with FSCT6B transmitter
Post by: K K Iyer on February 26, 2015, 11:49:34 PM
Yes, screen should show ARMED after moving rudder stick to bottom right.
If it doesn't work, try bottom left (incase rudder needs to be reversed)

But first are you getting the SAFE screen?
Title: Re: Hobby king KK 2.1 flight controller is not getting armed with FSCT6B transmitter
Post by: surojit_salt on February 26, 2015, 11:56:09 PM
@ K K Iyer

No it is not showing Armed in LCD display
Title: Re: Hobby king KK 2.1 flight controller is not getting armed with FSCT6B transmitter
Post by: K K Iyer on February 27, 2015, 12:01:44 AM
First are you getting SAFE display or not?

Below SAFE it should say Self Leveling...
After that it should say either OK, or ACC not calibrated (something like that)

What does it say?
Title: Re: Hobby king KK 2.1 flight controller is not getting armed with FSCT6B transmitter
Post by: surojit_salt on February 27, 2015, 12:06:05 AM
@ KK Iyer

Yes I got SAFE screen with acc calibration and in receiver test menu, I checked the steps you mentioned for rudder. If I move the rudder bottom right then in kk 2.1 fligh controller LCD screen showing right direction. But no where armed message not comming.

One more behavior I found that when I try to calibrate all ESC by pressing 1 and 4 button in kk 2.1 flight controller. Suddenly all 4 motor started spinning at same time but once the throttle pass thru screen goes off, motor spinning stopped and it never ran even after full throttle. ???
Title: Re: Hobby king KK 2.1 flight controller is not getting armed with FSCT6B transmitter
Post by: sooraj.palakkad on February 27, 2015, 12:08:16 AM
Quote from: K K Iyer on February 26, 2015, 11:24:36 PM
Sorry for delay. Got a call from Sooraj. His quad fly away, but was later found!

:giggle: Sorry Surojit sir - for disturbing Iyer sir from helping you !
Title: Re: Hobby king KK 2.1 flight controller is not getting armed with FSCT6B transmitter
Post by: akhilzid on February 27, 2015, 12:11:33 AM
keep throttle to bottom and rudder to right and hold 2 sec.
Title: Re: Hobby king KK 2.1 flight controller is not getting armed with FSCT6B transmitter
Post by: K K Iyer on February 27, 2015, 12:12:25 AM
Sooraj is the expert. He is quietly watching and seeing whether i am guiding you correctly or not  ;D

But please let us go step by step, ok?
I asked you what was on the SAFE screen after SELF LEVELLING...
Does it say OK?
Title: Re: Hobby king KK 2.1 flight controller is not getting armed with FSCT6B transmitter
Post by: surojit_salt on February 27, 2015, 12:14:08 AM
That's fine. No problem.

@K K Iyer

Thank you very much for all you efforts. Please let me know any work around you found. Sleeping time now. I have to go to office tomorrow. ???  :(

Title: Re: Hobby king KK 2.1 flight controller is not getting armed with FSCT6B transmitter
Post by: surojit_salt on February 27, 2015, 12:16:17 AM
@ K K Iyer

Yes the first step is fine. KK 2.1 is showing "SAFE  self leveling OFF". Then in Second line it is showing ACC not calibrated.
Title: Re: Hobby king KK 2.1 flight controller is not getting armed with FSCT6B transmitter
Post by: sooraj.palakkad on February 27, 2015, 12:18:32 AM
Quote from: akhilzid on February 27, 2015, 12:11:33 AM
keep throttle to bottom and rudder to right and hold 2 sec.

Some times more than 2 seconds - now i get to remember my first days with a KK2 - I just hold the left stick to bottom right for a moment and release it - nothing will happen, it took 2 days for me to figure out I have to hold it there few seconds to arm KK2 !!!
Title: Re: Hobby king KK 2.1 flight controller is not getting armed with FSCT6B transmitter
Post by: K K Iyer on February 27, 2015, 12:19:16 AM
Tomorrow go to ACC calibration in the menu, press enter and follow instructions.
It will not arm till ACC calibrated!
But will arm without ESC calibration.

Thank God i'm retired. After 40 years!
Good night.
Title: Re: Hobby king KK 2.1 flight controller is not getting armed with FSCT6B transmitter
Post by: sooraj.palakkad on February 27, 2015, 12:20:42 AM
Quote from: surojit_salt on February 27, 2015, 12:16:17 AM

Then in Second line it is showing ACC not calibrated.

Place your quad in a level floor, and calibrate accelerometers, don't move the quad while calibrating .
Title: Re: Hobby king KK 2.1 flight controller is not getting armed with FSCT6B transmitter
Post by: akhilzid on February 27, 2015, 12:21:19 AM
you are right sooraj, but most of them are only try within a fraction of second and shout "Not arming". thats why i said.
Title: Re: Hobby king KK 2.1 flight controller is not getting armed with FSCT6B transmitter
Post by: sooraj.palakkad on February 27, 2015, 12:27:55 AM
follow the steps,( After all the motor directions, props etc are correct )

1) Place the quad in level surface, Means pitch and roll angle should be zero, If not calibrate Accelerometer, (placing stationary in level surface.)

2) enter the receiver test menu, Here you can see the Interpreted value from each receiver channels.

3) Hold the elevator stick to down, the value against elevator should be b/w -100 to -90, If it is higher (>-90) or Lower (-100) Then change your elevator channel lower end position (in Tx) to adjust this to the needed range. Also while you move the elevator stick to down, 'Back' should be displayed against this channel (in LCD), If it is displayed 'Front' Instead of Back, Just reverse your elevator channel.
Now Move elevator stick to High end, and change endpoints to adjust max. value in bet ween 90 - 100 range. (Also it should display Front against this value) .
Now the configuration for your elevator channel is completed

4) Follow the above step for Aileron(Roll) and Rudder (Yaw) channels , But in this case it will be displayed Left or Right according to stick movement instead of front or back as for the elevator channel. Also adjust the min, and max. stick values to fit in the same range as set in elevator. Reverse  the required channels.

5) Now for throttle channel the min. stick value should be higher than -90 and max. value less than +90 . On throttle max, it should display 'full'.

6) Now your accelerometer and receiver are calibrated and set up.

7) Apply 20 - 30 % throttle, quad should not lift from ground .

8 ) Move elevator stick a little forward, back motors should speed up, and hence quad starts tilting to f/w , on moving elevator b/w ,  the quad should tilt b/w .

9) Check aileron and rudder channels also in this way.

10) Now every thing is fine and LIFT OFF  to the skies,  try to hover at one place and apply necessary trims to make it stable.

    Take your time - follow every steps ,    If you don't understand any thing, Feel free to ask out before breaking any props ;D

Happy landing :)
Title: Re: Hobby king KK 2.1 flight controller is not getting armed with FSCT6B transmitter
Post by: surojit_salt on February 28, 2015, 11:05:41 PM
@ K K Iyer

You are indeed a EXPERT in QUADCOPTER..... Finally my flight controller is armed and on full throttle all four motors are spinning.... Your steps worked like a charm...... ;D

@Akhilzid and @sooraj , THANKS GUYS for helping me in this problem.......
Title: Re: Hobby king KK 2.1 flight controller is not getting armed with FSCT6B transmitter
Post by: K K Iyer on March 01, 2015, 01:34:06 PM
After one weekend of experimentation, i've only reached a stage where i know how to start a car, but not how to drive it on the streets!

But the story continues...
I'm sharing it here as it may help others having similar problems. Hope Surojit doesn't mind.

We have since exchanged these PMs:
I have able to arm kk 2.1 flight controller. But now I found two problem.
1. All my motors are spinning in same direction
2. 4th motors spins fine for few seconds. Then it gets stopped.

Hope you did ACC calibration with the quad absolutely level. Otherwise when you open throttle, it will think that it is not level, and start some motors before others.

Now calibrate the ESCs/throttle like this:
Switch off Tx and Rx.
Switch on Tx and move throttle to full.
Press and hold down button 1 and 4 on KK.
Connect Rx battery while holding down button 1 and 4. You'll need a helper for this.
KK will register full throttle position.
Move throttle to idle. KK will register this.
Release button 1 and 4.
After this all motors will start at same time.

Front left (1) and rear right (3) should run clockwise.
Front right (2) and rear left (4) anti clockwise.
Whichever motor direction is wrong, interchange any two wires between ESC and motor.

Let me know when you reach this stage. Best of luck.
Title: Re: Hobby king KK 2.1 flight controller is not getting armed with FSCT6B transmitter
Post by: nkavinash on September 30, 2022, 02:50:03 PM
Check the jumper wires  from kk2 board to receive for continuety with digital multimeter for the end to end continuety. As some of the jumperwires may be open between 2 ends...