How to dampen the vibrations in a QUADROTOR>?

Started by sanjai.rnair, January 05, 2014, 01:19:34 AM

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Am building a quadrotor as my final year BTech major project... I made the frame out of Aluminium..Am not  using any flightcontrollers...instead i made a custom one using MPU6050 IMU and HMC5883l Compass..
I successfully implemented the Kalman filter and was able to obtain stable Roll,Pitch and Yaw..

But when coming to the PID ,am facing a problem..
When i increase the throttle to 50%, my IMU reading are badly affected due to the motor vibrations...From further research, i realised tat its coz of my aluminium frame..

Right now, am looking for some best solutions to dampen these vibrations...

Can some1 help me out.??

also, where can i buy  vibration dampers as shown in this attachment in india.??

pls help guys... :(


just use simple rubber band as a base that is it or a foam base


Those are O-rings, which are quite different in terms of tensile behaviour as compared to regular rubber bands.

Lots of information about them already posted here, in case the OP wants to look them up or need pointers on what kind of shops would have them.
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one of the local solution which i use on every quad is double side tape between controller and quad, if a layer of it is not enough, use two layers. my advice, if u are still having vibrations problems then its better to remove the vibration through balancing motors, props and both together, rather than isolating it because vibrations will cause screws, motors etc to fail overtime. aluminium frame is ok.


Thank you all for ur replies.. :)

I have balanced my propellers... My quad is free from vibrations at lower when i increase the throttle to 50%, vibration is noticable...

I tried double sided tapes between my motor and frame., bt the result was poor...

Now am tryng to mount the IMU on a foam, rather than mounting the entire controller..I hope tat this may help as the weight of IMU is negligible...

I will update my results soon..:)
Once again, thank u guys...and definitely i will need ur future support