help selecting motors for hexacopter

Started by chintal, January 07, 2014, 06:39:14 PM

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i have a f550 frame weight 440 grams
props size 10*4.5
20 amps esc's

10amps/10000mah 11.1 v lipo battery weight 800 grams
please help selecting motors for the above configuration
and please suggest if the  motor in the link below is good for the above configuration

Thank you
Passion is Airborne


Sunnysky x2212 motors are great, Im getting 12 minutes of flight time with 3S 2200mah lipo on a tricopter of 650gms, and 23+ mins on a 2s 4200mah lipo with the same prop you intend to use.

Try to keep the auw below 2kg, ideally between 1.6 to 1.7 kg for a highly athletic hexa.
And try to start with a lower capacity lipo, 10000mah would be overkill, since you would also be increasing the weight which will reduce flight time.


the auw will be 1800 grams with the above specification
so i guess thats do able
i already have bought everything just need the motors
Passion is Airborne


Yes its doable, but I think you will overshoot 1.8kg with a short margin though,
and also these motors are available locally at


bought it .......
thank you got it for almost same price and no customs hassles or long delivery waiting time
Passion is Airborne