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how to make a quadcopter

Started by cool16yash, November 25, 2014, 10:37:39 AM

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Hello friends,
i am new to rc i dont know wht to start with nd how to
so i need u frnds to help me for my mini project for my third year
i am studying in entc
wht i need is
1.want to make a cheap quad for the project
2.want the flying time to atleast 15-20 min which shloud be rechargable type
3.i dont want to use the lego parts for the structure or the frame
4.its flying height should be nearly 50m should be small in size
i have no idea but i know u frnds can help me so i am here
ty in advance for the help


Start by reading the RC India gems: 15-20 is a pretty long flight time for your first quadcopter. I would suggest you aim for a more realistic time like 10 minutes. You need to be a lot more specific in your questions before anyone can help. Read some more threads on this forum. You should first get an idea of what specific size quadcopter you need, what its purpose is e.g. photography, stunt flying, whether you will build your own frame or buy one, what your budget is and so on. You should then choose parts based on these factors. If you have the budget you could start with pre matched kits from here:


actually i want a make a small sized one with good height and good flying time as a project and i dont want to shocase a readymade kit infront of the judging panel
i wll myself make the frame
just need specification
things requried and other details
as i am new to rc wanna learn by making myself then by buying a kit
u suggest me with the things and i will do
and budget is around 6-7k can be increased to a extent if requries


Hello friends,
i am new to RC i don't know what to start with.
so i need u friends to help me for my mini project.
what i need is
1.want to make a cheap quad for the project
2. it has to rechargeable type
3.i don't want to use the Lego parts for the structure or the frame
4.its flying height should be nearly 50m should be small in size budget is around 1500/-
and tell me the list of thing which need to make quad-copter
i have no idea but i know you can help me so i am here..


bhai ita copy paste shai ja rahe ho


See this for an idea on how to build your own quad: You can use aluminium for the arms. 6-7k is very low. You will have to spend at least 10k even if you buy second hand stuff. Do you have a transmitter/ receiver yet? That itself will cost around 3k minimum. See this post for a minimum cost breakdown


excludinf the transmitter i can spend upto 6-7k


U say u want 15 mins flight time , d battery alone will cost u 3.5k  ..., and u can't buy cheap motors if u want 15mins flight time, motors will cost maybe 3.5k , flight controller will cost 1.7k , the cheapest escs will cost u 700rs per esc u need 4 , there are kits available for around 10k @ ( excluding battery, charger, ND TX,rx all that will cost u around 6k)


wht if we decrease the flight time to 5-10 minutes its my first project using rc so i dont wanna spend much its just want to be good useful to fullfil my project and somewht in budget


Flight time depends on the battery ( the more Mah the more flight time ),motors ( motors that are more efficient will have more flight time, ND they cost more 2 ) and props ,since u r saying u want a smaller quad , u can buy cheap motors (abt 3k) , and escs for abt 2.4k , kk2.1 ( 1.7k) , TX rx will be 3k , battery abt 2k +charger 500rs


ohk this is done for the parts how to build the frame its dimesnsion nd the bild log if u got any

Immanuel Check that out , there are many types of frames , check it out ... ( all u require is 2 bars placed to form an x ,for ur frame...), d material is ur choice (should be lightweight although)the dimensions are also ur choice (depends on what u want , and what the capacity of ur motors are, do some research on quadcopters, how it works and its parts


If u can spend 16-16.5k u can build something like this .. radio , can fly really high ..and capable of carrying a camera, flight time of 10-15mins


isint it too heavy project for a beginner like me as i scale myself zero at this things
i will first try to make out the fram if its perfect then will go to buy the moors nd other things


It's actually very easy, u can order stuff from , btw if ur making ur own frame try and keep it as light as possible..., btw I never knew what a quad was 3 months back... ;D


If u have the love for rc it'll all work out  :thumbsup:, all d best for ur project!


can u provide me with dimesions as the link u gave is not working out


Building a quad requires a lot of time, money and dedication. Before you buy anything, do as much research as possible. Learn about all the parts used, how to choose parts, building techniques etc. These links may help:

Immanuel, try this abt d frame its really ur choice.. Try and keep it small and light


Are u building it for a project ?


yup i am building it for my project has in our college no one from entc has tried to make a mecatronics project


It'll take u a minimum 1 month of research..., and I suggest u get a deal on a kit , cos if u buy stuff individually it'll cost a lot more ...., first tell me what kind of weight u expect ur quad 2 be?/



i need to submit my project by april end so i have a lot of time
and i think the weight of the frame should be around 100g as still m researching over it
max to max i will be spending 6-7k expect for the tx


Try this , its all d basics for 3.5k , all u need are escs abt 2.4k and a 2k battery and 3k for TX and rx , and 1.6k for flight cintrollertotal cost will be around 12k