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how to make a quadcopter

Started by cool16yash, November 25, 2014, 10:37:39 AM

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then need a Common ground, signal to their respective pins.5

VCC can leave Not connected state if you have another power source for arduino.


Friends i am facing a problem
when i increase the throttle there is no output from the motors
even when i check it on the gui the values keep on varying on throt roll pitch and yaw points what do i do??


Hi cool16yash.

It is great that you decided on making the flight controller yourself.
I have a made three flight controllers now, twice using the arduino mega, and once using nano.
And each time, they have worked great!

So were you successful with yours?
Upload a picture, I'd love to see.

Now, as far as your problem is concerned, I can't really say anything unless I know what have you one.
Please explain your wiring and upload a few images of your setup if you can.


done with conncections and other stuff but now quadcopter is not lifting up even when the throttle is at half


now you have to check motor rotating directions, motor connections, and Propeller directions :)
RC Hobbyist and an Aerial Cinematographer..


Its done properly two of them are clock and two anticlock on the opposite direction


m1 - cw              m1          m2
m2 - ccw                  \     / 
m3 - cw                    /    \
m4 - ccw             m4         m3
RC Hobbyist and an Aerial Cinematographer..


If you think it is correct, raise the motors to <10% throttle and CAREFULLY check that all the motors are blowing air downwards.


Yeah the connection are done as sooraj has explained
Yeah motors are blowing air downwards
The thing is as soon as i throttle up to 5-10% the quad flips



most probably motor pins are still incorrect or mpu 6050 is not in correct direction.

check this for pinout.


this is how its looks on gui


motors speed on front and rear decreases and rest other have according to throttle what do i do??


Pls help me out i want to submit it before 5 april


It looks like some of the props are not spinning in the right direction, recheck it.


Anyone from kolhapur tht can help me debug me my problem


my quad keeps on flipping to left
1.i have calibrated the esc
2.the y axis is the front of the quad where the gy 87 sensor y axis lies
3.motors are moving in right direction as per the i check them without props
4.even the propellers are connected properly so they create a pressure between them
so pls guys help me with it
hoping for a positive reply


quad keeps on flipping to left?

as per your prop spinning direction(in the last video) flipping direction is front(or back).


i reassembled everything as in the motor connections and the mpu 6050 orientation then it was trying to flip to left actually i am not getting it properly what is happening with the quad


are you sure thats left?

look at the picture as per the props rotation the blue aeromarked direction is front or back.


yes the arrow marked is the front


please post short video of multiwii gui(need to clear view of graph and its values) with quad tilting 45 degree left,right, front and back.




the quad is oscillating a lot help me