I am unable to armed my tricopter. what to ddo??

Started by tanmaymh, February 08, 2015, 11:42:43 AM

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Welcome to the forum, Tanmay.

Please give some more information about your set up.
Which flight control board are you using ?
and which radio ?
RC Hobbyist and an Aerial Cinematographer..



Are you following this procedure?

If you are using a Mode 2 Transmitter:
1) Power up your Model and Tx
2) Keep throttle at 0 (Left Stick at bottom position)
3) Then move the same stick to the right and hold for 2-3 seconds and the board would get armed. (You will hear a beep from the KK Board Buzzer and the LCD will show "Armed" on it.)
4) If it doesn't works then try moving and holding the same stick to Left (instead of right) for 2-3 seconds.

Let us know the results.
Indian Hobby Shop
PH# 9473456377


Quote from: IndianHobbyShop on February 08, 2015, 12:46:51 PM
Are you following this procedure?

If you are using a Mode 2 Transmitter:
1) Power up your Model and Tx
2) Keep throttle at 0 (Left Stick at bottom position)
3) Then move the same stick to the right and hold for 2-3 seconds and the board would get armed. (You will hear a beep from the KK Board Buzzer and the LCD will show "Armed" on it.)
4) If it doesn't works then try moving and holding the same stick to Left (instead of right) for 2-3 seconds.

Let us know the results.

If these procedure fails, you should do a Receiver calibration on your KKK 2.1
RC Hobbyist and an Aerial Cinematographer..


Yes sir I tried that many times for both sides it it doesn't work.  How to do receiver calibration?


Does the kk board say OK or ERROR? Go to the kk 2.1 menu called "receiver test". All the values should initially be 0 (except AUX). When you move your Tx sticks, it should show the correct direction e.g. front, right and "Idle" or "Full" for throttle. Reverse any necessary channels to achieve this effect. Set end points on your Tx so that the max receiver test values are 90-100 and the minimum -90-100. Have you also done the ESC calibration and loaded the correct motor layout?


Quote from: sooraj.palakkad on December 21, 2014, 07:44:55 PM

follow the steps,( After all the motor directions, props etc are correct )

1) Place the quad in level surface, Means pitch and roll angle should be zero, If not calibrate Accelerometer, by placing in level surface.

2) enter the receiver test menu, Here you can see the Interpreted value from each receiver channels.

3) Hold the elevator stick to down, the value against elevator should be b/w -100 to -90, If it is higher (>-90) or Lower (-100) Then change your elevator channel lower end position (in Tx) to adjust this to the needed range. Also while you move the elevator stick to down, 'Back' should be displayed against this channel (in LCD), If it is displayed 'Front' Instead of Back, Just reverse your elevator channel.
Now Move elevator stick to High end, and change endpoints to adjust max. value in bet ween 90 - 100 range. (Also it should display Front against this value) .
Now the configuration for your elevator channel is completed

4) Follow the above step for Aileron(Roll) and Rudder (Yaw) channels , But in this case it will be displayed Left or Right according to stick movement instead of front or back as for the elevator channel. Also adjust the min, and max. stick values to fit in the same range as set in elevator. Reverse  the required channels.

5) Now for throttle channel the min. stick value should be higher than -90 and max. value less than +90 . On throttle max, it should display 'full'.

6) Now your accelerometer and receiver are calibrated and set up.

7) Apply 20 - 30 % throttle, quad should not lift from ground .

8 ) Move elevator stick a little forward, back motors should speed up, and hence quad starts tilting to f/w , on moving elevator b/w ,  the quad should tilt b/w .

9) Check aileron and rudder channels also in this way.

10) Now every thing is fine and LIFT OFF  to the skies,  try to hover at one place and apply necessary trims to make it stable.

       If you don't understand any thing, Feel free to ask out before breaking any props ;D

Happy landing :)

P.S : Was too lazy to type these again, hence quoted from an old thread ;D
RC Hobbyist and an Aerial Cinematographer..


Quote from: tanmaymh on February 08, 2015, 01:24:26 PM
Yes sir I tried that many times for both sides it it doesn't work.  How to do receiver calibration?

Before going to receiver calibration, Trim your rudder channel, to left side step by step (While holding left stick to downleft corner)
RC Hobbyist and an Aerial Cinematographer..


did you setup your radio (pc software). if not than do setup. coz i had same issue with CT6B. and it was resolver after setting it up in my pc....



sir my tricopter is armed but now the servo is not workin??
and the values of rudder and aileron are showing opposite direction on kk display. Give me the solution for fix the direction of rudder and aileron in proper way. thank you for the arming the tricopter.


sir my tricopter is armed but now the servo is not workin??
and the values of rudder and aileron are showing opposite direction on kk display. Give me the solution for fix the direction of rudder and aileron in proper way. thank you for the arming the tricopter.


Quote from: tanmaymh on February 09, 2015, 10:52:41 AM
values of rudder and aileron are showing opposite direction on kk display. Give me the solution for fix the direction of rudder and aileron in proper way.

reverse aileron and rudder in pc.( connect your radio to your computer than open software and reverse CH 1 and CH 4..)


Dose the Propler size matters for lifting the tricopter?


The propeller size matters dude :banghead:
Which is your motor and battery ? I can recommend optimum propeller size to go for :)
RC Hobbyist and an Aerial Cinematographer..


Motor 1400 kw
Battery 4200 mAh.
My tricopter is not lifting.  Is this happens due to propeller size or the self weight?


Kv rating only is not enough data to chose propeller . We need to know it's power, if you don't have that information, please post the make and model number of the motor, if you're unable to find that, just post some clear pics of your motor here .
               From your first post, I can see you haven't described your problem and set up in detail . One small request, If you are asking for help in any topic, you should make sure to post all the relevant Information that you found is associated with the topic - If you're not sure of something, it doesn't even matter to post the complete details of your build .
               I won't blame you for your non-informative posts, as you are a beginner to the hobby, and to the forum .
Now Please post the details of all the things that you are using in your copter, and some pics too

Consider these : Frame size ,Material , weight .
                        Motor size , Power , Kv rating ,
                        ESC specifications ,
                        Flight controller (You already told it is KK2)
                        Battery  (You told it is 4200mAh, please say what cell configuration, C rating, and Weight )
                        Radio (CT6B)
                        Propeller Size and Pitch

               If you don't understand, any technical terms, and you think you're unable to explain some details, you can take a Picture of that part including labels or wrappers if it is there .

RC Hobbyist and an Aerial Cinematographer..


Frame size is 38 38 40 and 2×2 cm block on 40 cm arm for servo tilting.  Material used is wood.
Weight with whole setup is about 900-1000 gms.
Motor of 1400kv 10T. 30 A ESC. Flight controller KK 2.1 .
Battery 4200 mAh 3 cell 11.1 v it is about 300-400 gms.
Transmitter is TS- CT6B. And propeller is of 8×4E. Give me the solution.


For a AUW of 1Kg, each of your motor should at least provide up to 700Gm thrust.

Check whether your motor provided that much thrust with a 8x4 prop ?

I assume your motor rotation directions, and Propeller directions are correct .
RC Hobbyist and an Aerial Cinematographer..

K K Iyer

As suggested earlier by Sooraj,
Could you post a pic or specs of your motors?
Are they Turnigy D2826/10 1400kv?
If so, attached Bruce Abbot test data may help you.


Does the battery voltage matters for the thrust of the motors?
My battery is 4200 mah 3s 20c and motor is A2212 10T 1400KV. And also in kk 2.1 the valuas of aileron,  elevator rudder and throttle are not adjusting to -100 to 100. I try it in pi editor bt doesn't work nothing changes in that value.  Is this also happens due to battery? ??? My tricopter is not lifting is this due to low thrust or weight of itself? ?? Its total weight is 1385gm and body is of wood. Tell me the solution.


Is too heavy for these motors, please reduce weight of tricoptor or change motors.


How I reduce??? Does change of battery can work????


before that please specify your props here.

for reducing weight:
try with less weighed battery(can be 2200mah 3S 25C or greater)
reduce frame weight (your frame looks too heavy with too lengthy arms ),

Please never ever try to fly with non-insulated wires like shown in the previous post.


but only frame weight is 225 gms. only frame
not any thing on it