KK Quadcopter drifting Away !!!

Started by zalman15320011351, April 14, 2016, 11:16:27 AM

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Hi Everyone,
My quadcopter configuration
FRAME : Q680 V3
LIPO BATTERY : Turnigy 2200mah 3S 20C Lipo
MOTOR : Multistar 2216 800KV 14-Pole Outrunner Motors,
ESC : Afro 20A ESC,
LANDING GEAR : Lightweight FPV Multifunction 200mm High Landing Gear Set for Multi-Rotors (Red/Black)

My quad drifts away after taking off.It is not stable or in other words,the quad is moving away just as it likes.Is there anyway that I could solve this problem ?



Quote from: zalman15320011351 on April 14, 2016, 11:16:27 AM
My quad drifts away after taking off.It is not stable or in other words,the quad is moving away just as it likes.Is there anyway that I could solve this problem ?

Use a flight controller with GPS and fly in position hold mode.

To elaborate, any quadcopter that does not have GPS tends to drift. They require continuous manual inputs to maintain position. However, if it is drifting in the same direction all the time, repeat the accelerometer calibration with the quad PERFECTLY level or use the acc. trims on the kk 2.1.


need more details like which firmware is used?
what is the PI settings?


@ VTOLkarthik
   HW Ver 2.1
   FW  Ver 1.9S1
Found this when the KK powers up.

P I Settings
ROLL/PITCH :                            YAW
P gain : 120                              P gain : 120
P limit : 100                              P limit : 20   
I gain : 250                               I gain : 250
I limit : 20                                I limit : 10


need anti vibration mount

Sent from my A0001 using Tapatalk
Turnigy 9x with frsky

DIY flight controller quad , kk2.1.5 , dji 450 , DIY frame, 3d printing service


After drifting,I slightly increased the pitch and the quad moved forward and to stop I decreased the throttle.Just banked front when landed.The drifting is the problem.


looks like the PI settings is not the right one. Am right now in work, will check the values what i had used in mine. Meantime you can check in youtube for the right or default values.


I will be doing a test flight after 5 o clock.Will check at that time.
Taking xtra lipos to playground



have you checked that everything is ok and sub trimed in Receiver test?
Turnigy 9x with frsky

DIY flight controller quad , kk2.1.5 , dji 450 , DIY frame, 3d printing service


1*  Acc calibration....
2* Esc callibration
3* Connect tx to pc. Set all the values of joysticks to 0(and sub trims to 0)
save it.
4* Go to the fields, Fly ur quad(and u need to set sub trims(on tx) to adjust accordingly as per the wind)
F-450 Quadcopter With KK 2.1.5 and FPV capability, FS-CT6B

And remember #FlyLikeAButterflyStingLikeABee


I did ACC. Callibration
Did ESC Callibration ( But in reality,this is a rebuild.Means I removed all the components,disassembled the frame and everything.Then started over with new Tx )
Don't know how to connect to PC.


with flysky, you must have got a cd and a cable
install the software from cd, connect ur tx to pc via that cable. and see the tutorial regarding this :)
F-450 Quadcopter With KK 2.1.5 and FPV capability, FS-CT6B

And remember #FlyLikeAButterflyStingLikeABee


Just received an RF Module ,A Receiver and A Transmitter
Bought from Robu.in
It was already said in Robu.in's page

Rc Foam Makers

Dear Zalman

use these settings and share the video

Pgain alleron  60 45 40 30
Pgain elevator same
Ruder 75 20 30 10

happy flying


Get a cable.Download the software from net.Its freely available(Thats easier :) ).

And connect. :) Or refer the manual. It must be having any way to set all the joysticks/sub trim  to 0 value. Its having the display as well, So you may not even need to connect it to pc then :P.
F-450 Quadcopter With KK 2.1.5 and FPV capability, FS-CT6B

And remember #FlyLikeAButterflyStingLikeABee

kiran rc

Is the stabilization mode activated?
And did your check on gyro bubble?


@kiran rc,
Gyro Bubble is correct in the CROSS HAIR LINES ( Don't know it's name ).
Also the quad was tested by enabling SELF LEVEL Function

Another video of my quad.With HIGH I-GAIN


I am not able to check the video,
try with self-level off and try flying...


If you are using a Mobile/Tablet to browse RcIndia,the videos Uploaded through YouTube can't be seen.So just click on the video were the error is written.


Also my quadcopter banks right when disabling the SELF LEVEL and eventually the props will hit the ground.


No youtube is blocked in my company...

if the quad is banking right, check the PI settings... set it to default or the values given in the previous post.


HI guys,
I tuned my Quadcopter ( PI SETTINGS ).
Now here it is :


Increase your altitude. You are probably still in the prop wash. Some amount of drift is normal but that is quite a lot. Use your radio trims, or preferably the accelerometer trim on the kk 2.1 to keep it level.


Try using trim buttons on the tx... 99% itz gonna work


It definitely looks like prop wash effect...keep it at higher Altitude, and fly it...and use tx trims if it drifts