Multicopter flyer in mumbai, need help!!!!

Started by Aeroempire, December 21, 2013, 07:14:05 PM

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Hello everyone, I have recently build a quad with the specification
Sk 450mm frame
Turnigy D2836/8 1100kv
Afro 30 amps esc
Kkboard 2.1V board firm:1.5V
10x4.5" prop
The problem I'm facing is my quad don't lift, even though if it does then it vibrates a lot! Lot of vibration !!!
Video will post soon, please I need a great help!
If any flyer from mumbai, good if from navi-mumbai vashi area. Can meet and get some expert advise .


sandeep from hadapsar, pune.

call me on 9175342600. if u need help tuning the quad.

Sandeep Bajare
Ph - 9175342600



Check all your prop adapters and motor shafts
They are not balanced or bended..
Also check the screws undrr the motor they might have loosen..
This is the problem right now in my view...
Turnigy i10|Flysky 9xb|Hoverfly quadcopter|Arduflyer apm 2.5 with gps|Pixhawk|Homemade micro night vapour|Homemade ornithopter(in progress)| Reptile Quad with Gopro Brushless gimbal | Naza v2| APM 2.6 with GPS | Micro quad self made | FrSky| v911 Helis | 1200mm Hexacopter with 5d gimbal | 1300mm x8 With Red Gimbal | 1000mm Octo|


Please also check your all Prop are balanced or not.
You must check all nuts and bolts ....
i think landing skid screws are loose...
so please check all these things before flight.
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kewal kalsaria

Check prop balance and two prop should b counter rotating and use 20 amp ese


Oh man it's hell lot of vibrations. Kalpesh bro always be careful when choosing props(quality, size, pitch). If you have 8 inch props, please balance and try them first. Also mount your KK2 FC properly on the frame. There should be no play between frame and FC. These new KK2 FC are very sensitive to vibrations and if it's not mounted properly it will create false signals to motor. i had similar issue with my ply sheet frame. tight all nut-bolts properly.


Ok I don't have 8" prop please suggest me outlet in India from where I can get good prop for the quadcopter..
All the nuts and bolts are tight, I have used thread locker to tight the bolts ... I guess this should not be an issue.
But again I will try to tight the bolts and stuff the frame .. Have used foam below the fc to absorb vibration, it's vibrating a lot..
I'm ready for a Skype talk where in I can easily show the quad setup and we can try...
Thanks for all ur support .. :)



Think your motors can handle the prop you are using right now but the fc should be mounted in a better way.
Such vibrations can be caused more because of a loose joint or loose prop, unbalanced motors or props, flexible frame arms more like Arun has mentioned earlier.
The board can also be at fault, did you try sensor test?

Also make sure you have setup the kk 2.1 board properly,such as calibrate the Accelerometer, choose proper orientation and accordingly setup the motors and props, set end points on esc, auto-level settings etc


Sensor test says everything ok... Acc calibration done all ok.!


from the video, it doesnt look like unbalanced parts are responsible for this type of behavior of quad.
i suspect u havent selected correct mode on the kk2.1 or the kk2.1 firmware maybe the issue, there is a new firmware 1.6 for kk2.1, installing that might help.

and just to cross check, please balance the props and and mount kk2 by sticking only double side tape on the frame(no need of screws), do align it, and please select the correct quad mode(+ or X) on the kk2,

only mechanical thing to look out for is motor screws, otherwise a quad made of only double side tape joints will also fly better.


Set the p gain value of aileron, pitch and yaw to 40 individually through the menu. Not more.
Set p limit to 25 each.

Turn self levelling on and set it to 35.

Try with these settings. Battery and all components should be mounted firmly.

Do not use foam or padding between the board and the frame. Install using double sided foam tape.

Call if u need help.

I am in Kandivali.
Cheers !!!
+91 7977382130


I tried balancing the prop and used following PI settings

Roll/Pitch P-gain:45
Roll/Pitch P-limit: 100
Roll/Pitch I-gain: 25
Roll/Pitch I-limit: 20

Yaw P-gain: 60
Yaw P-limit: 20
Yaw I-gain: 30
Yaw I-limit: 10


Got the settings from this link :


Next time used this settings:
Roll/Pitch P-gain: 30 (For a small 25cm size set to 20)
Roll/Pitch P-limit: 100
Roll/Pitch I-gain: 0
Roll/Pitch I-limit: 20

Yaw P-gain: 50
Yaw P-limit: 20
Yaw I-gain: 0
Yaw I-limit: 10




you should call mr sandeep , it is always better to get help from some one practically . he is pro in rc .check here for the video of stable flight from kk board

watch video 2


Hey you can come to me if you need help with it.
We are located in mumbai south.
Or visit us at mahalaxmi Racecourse on 25th.
Call me up on 8097292722, 9773331615


Check the following:
1) Motors are rotating in the correct direction
2) Props are mounted to go in the correct direction as per the respective motor.
3) Also check if the correct motor is connected at the correct spot on the KK Board.

Have you configured it in + mode or X mode?

KK2.1 in X configuration have following motor layout:
Motor Position: Front Left
Prop Rotation: CW

Motor Position: Front Right
Prop Rotation: CCW

Motor Position: Back Right
Prop Rotation: CW

Motor #4
Motor Position: Back Left
Prop Rotation: CCW

If the above looks fine then do the following:
1) Remove Props
2) Put some tape on each motor
3) Hold the quad in your Right hand and grab one of the arma of the quad in your Left hand.
4) Now jerk your left hand to make that particular arm go down. Remember to do this in jerking motion and keep you ear near to that motor. That motor should speed up and you should be able to hear it.
Do this for all 4 motors and check if the respective motor is speeding up or not when being pulled down.

Let us know the result.
Indian Hobby Shop
PH# 9473456377


Ok here are the steps i have done for the quad for above tests
1. Balanced the props
2. Rechecked the motor configuration, all perfect
3. Rechecked the prop rotation, all perfect
4. Rechecked quadcopter configuration, x mode, all perfect

Tried to fly, after 30% started vibration , before it was at 15% of the throttle.
Now as per Kewal sir, balancing the prop with motor, so to reduce or make vibrations zero of individual motor! After getting null vibration will try to test it again..

As said by many members I have ordere 8" and 10" props from RCDHAMAKA. As they are pre balanced will check running through them also.!


What about checking Gyro Direction (Jerking the quad arm)?
Also, can you provide an HD image of the quad from top with the Props on?
Indian Hobby Shop
PH# 9473456377




Props are not mounted correctly. Check again. 1 and 3 must rotate CW while 2 and 4 CCW. From your pics i see that prop mounted on motor no 1 is correct but 3 is wrong. same way 4 is correct and 2 is wrong. you just need to replace 2nd and 3rd motor props with each other.


Okay, seems its resolved now.
Well, now correct the prop direction and let us know the result.
Indian Hobby Shop
PH# 9473456377