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Started by sajid6300shaikh, December 10, 2012, 01:13:37 PM

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Hello everyone,
I've been making a dual copter since last 2 months and now as we have halted the project I got time to post about it.
I am just a beginner in RC so I don't have much knowledge about it so I want some pros to comment on the build and give their useful tips.
I am posting some pics
1 set of pics were our previous design which was kinda noob.  :giggle:
2 set of pics are our final design which we made referring to online sources.  ;)


cool ,working videos please


This is the final design..



does it really fly?? ..... i mean it looks so heavy...... realy coool....


I am trying to get some software to cut and convert the videos, I'll upload videos soon.
2nd design is more robust than 1st one with an added weight of 150 gms.
Total weight is 1.25 kg.
And the thrust from motors is just enough to lift the copter and now we are playing with gain pots to get stable flight.


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This is the compiled video.
I have suspended it with threads to avoid any damage.


We made a frame to test our dualcopter and so that we could easily set the gain of each axis individually, but still we are nowhere regarding gain settings, because no matter what the gain settings are, the response is same.
these are pics of frame, i'll upload 2nd test video also.


This is the test video,
and each time we go for test we feel like it will never fly, we lose all our hope..
Would appreciate some tips regarding the project.


Similar problem with my Single Copter. One thing that I read on RC Groups was that such designs perform better if your centre of mass is above your centre of thrust.  :headscratch:

However, when I shifted up my battery to effectively shift up the centre of mass, the thing became more prone to getting toppled.  :giggle:


I saw your copter, it flies well.


No no, that's not my video! 

That's Kaptein Kuk's (co-creator of the KK Board).  :giggle:



hey jaspreet, whats the status of your single copter


Here's the best we could do with our dual copter.
It's still not much stable and most importantly can anyone tell me why does it lose altitude and don't remain stable at a particular height.?
Skip to 3:14 for outside testing.
Skip to 3:52 for relatively good flight.