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My first quadcopter setup.

Started by Aeroempire, December 06, 2013, 10:51:11 PM

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Hi there,
Ive been looking at all sorts of builds over the last few weeks and have come up with this one.
Please critique and let me know if I am going wrong!
Thank you for your help.

Flysky 6 Channel 2.4 ghz (Mode 2)

Q450 Glass Fiber Quadcopter Frame 450mm

Flight control board:
Hobbyking KK2.1 Multi-rotor LCD Flight Control Board

Plush 25 Brushless Speed Controller

Turnigy D2836/8 1100KV Brushless Outrunner Motor

Or planning for this combo
MT2213-935kv multistar combo with 10-4.5 CW CWW propellor

10" blades CR & CCR

Turnigy nano-tech 2200mah 3S 35~709C Lipo Pack

Power board:
Hobby King Quadcopter Power Distribution Board

Please comment with ur suggestion about my quadcopter setup.
Thank you!
Before ordering wanted to get confirm from experts :)


i m not an expert in RC stuff...
but as far as i know....u should use 30 -35 amps esc to be on the safer side.

also include some servo extensions...i bet u would need them:)

NOTE : senior fourm members please correct me if im wrong.

where do  you fly in pune.... ???




The motor rating was 18amps and as per what I know, we should get ESC 1.5 times the rating, so thought of 25 amps esc


I would suggest you to get a simon k flashed ESC.
Or buy F-30 Esc from hobby king and flash simonk firmware on it that way ur quad will be super stable.


Hey bro please use 30a im using that motor on full throttle it reaches around 23.5-24 amps .....


Regarding lipo 30-40c would do fine on full throttle it will reach around 30.5c


Srry on 10x4.5 it will reach around 28c...if you want full potential of ur motor go for 10x6 props will give 1.2kg thrust per motor  in 10x6 prop it will reach 34c


Ok then propellor of 10*6 size and esc F30 30amps selected, what about motor sir??? Which one to get NTM, TURNIGY D SERIES or multistar combo mentioned above! !!


Ntm are gr8 but little costlier and u'll hav to buy accessories separately.....multistars are specially made for quads....but i wud suggest go for d2936/8 1100 kv its low cost plus accessories included ....its very good...and will survive i wud say go for d2836....


Ive personally used d2836/8 thats why im suggesting you....they are very gud...its ur choice u can go for multistars also


Ok! Facing difficulties in making decisions for motor!???


Ok if u ask me go for d2836/8 ....its a chep and best in tht range



d2836 go for it .You wont regret buying it.
#Bring it on flyer


the best motors you can go for are the 2213 980kv from turnigy or sunnysky. they come pre-balanced and outperform all motors mentioned in here and is efficient=max-13amps. 2213 980kv multistar is same size as 2830turnigy1000kv.

sunnysky 2212/3 980kv in my quad -

go for afro escs (20 amps is enough) instead of plush. afro comes with simonk FW. f30a not needed.


Pravesh ...tht multistar is good but i'll definitely prefer d2836/8 over tht multistar as its twice more powerfull then multistar rated at 336 watts to multi's 165W ....and its the best motor available under 12$ just needs a 30a esc ...ive ordered them several times not a single faulty one found till date...and very crash resistant too


yes u can use any motor u like but those were my recommendations for the one who asked, after using about 20 of those,
that 2213 is smaller size than 2836 motor,2213 is more like 2830, while 2836 is bigger in size. in a 1-1.4 kg quad i would take multistar over turnigy-d as the flight time is much greater than 2836. if more power is required, then 2216 multistar is better option which is same size as2836. power is not whats required, no point in doubling power for hovering, power is plenty, its more of motor quality and efficiency, performance per watt of the 2213 that makes it stand out. 2213 consumes 10 amps less than 2836 and gives 200 gms less thrust=good because with the saved 10amps i can run one more 2213(800gms thrust). LOL


Thats personal preference ....i like more power thats why i like 2836 .....with my setup i get flight time about 12min .....with a gopro hero 3 plus my ipod onboard....again thats personal preference...


if you like performance and power, you'll read ratios rather than just absolute values. for power 2216 is the one. if u really like true power, ul be using higher cells like 4s. no personal preference, just giving advise to someone who wants a good setup instead of hit or miss.
i have used and tested the motors mentioned in here , i guess u havent used/seen the 2213. try it, it will be your personal preferance too.


Maybe but ...for me as a student tight on budget 2836 will do best ....maybe multistar is better than 2836 but then its matter of budget also tht multistar costs 14$ and 2836 costs 12$ so why not save 2$ hahaha...yea i too think multistar will be good as it is specially made for quads but....we as a student who hav hard time saving mny why not save 2$ and get on air :)


i have come to conclusions only after using different motors. theres a world of difference.
that multistar 2213 was not made but cloned from sunnysky and tiger design so it has to be better than usual hk stuff.
if i could buy an ipod and gopro i would  not mind spending 2$ more on my motors atleast.
since im dying to get in the air i would also spend same 2$ more and stay in the air longer.


Oh please i havnt buy'd those go pro and ipod on my own they were gifted by my nobdy in my house supports this hobby so ive to colect my own mny for this please stop maybe on a job or watever i dont know ....i know how much ive to sacrifice for this hobby those 2$ means alot for me...ok


friends thank you for all ur support, suggestions and help!
I have ordered stuff! items I'm getting
d2836/8 motor
f30 amp esc
sk450 frame


Quote from: EricOliver on December 09, 2013, 11:22:06 AM
Oh please i havnt buy'd those go pro and ipod on my own they were gifted by my nobdy in my house supports this hobby so ive to colect my own mny for this please stop maybe on a job or watever i dont know ....i know how much ive to sacrifice for this hobby those 2$ means alot for me...ok

im a student, like you, i was waiting for it. i support myself on this, you are not the only one sacrificing, dnt talk about it, but yes everyone is not in your shoes, thats why i gave him a different advise as well, unlike your choices. Im not arguing with u, no one including my uncles(no gifts either) support my extra activities. lol. 


aeroempire- i still would suggest you to get afro escs, 20a or 30a. they come with better changees and simonk installed so that u dont have to do it, its a headache to change firmware if u havent done it before. f30a on stock firmware is crappy on a multirotor.
q450 frame is a lot tougher than sk450. and arms of q450 are available everywhere if u break one.
motors is up to you.
edit- dint know u already ordered it. :(