My Tricopter Build from Flitetest.

Started by v2 eagle, January 27, 2014, 10:53:05 PM

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v2 eagle

Hi All,

Im going to build a tricopter for my FPV,

Im going to need all your help for the same,
I knew a little about multicopters but still need a lot of Inputs from you all.

I have the following:
i.Tricopter frame,
ii.KK2.1 board
iii.power splitter for 4 ESC

1)Now i need help on motor and ESC .
   Im planning  on either of these,
   1.Turnigy D2836/8 1100KV
    2.NTM Prop Drive Series 35-30 1100kv
    Please tell me whichever is good for this. and also in my budget, i can spare upto 4k for 3 motors.

2)Also what capacity and C rating of battery is good for Tricopter.
  I have a Turnigy 2200mah 20C battery. is 20C enough for three motors, or what is the optimal C rating needed.

3)In the video of Flitetest David says it doesnt requires CCW prop for Tricopter, but uses CCW prop combination for himself. also in the KK2.1 board the motor orientation is such that it needs 2CW and 1 CCW prop. any idea or suggestions on this.

4) IF normal props can be used does anyone has any experience on APC props. i always see people using Slowfly props. cant we use APC atleast 2CW and 1 CCW.

Well, thats it for now,

FPV with head goggles


1) Why did you zero in on those two motors? I am using Sunnysky motors, and would recommend you to use them if possible, And it will also fit in your budget. You can use it with 2S and 3S lipo if AUW is below 800gms(more if using 3S). Im getting 13mins flight time with 20C 2200mah 3s lipo and 23mins with 2S 30C 4200mah lipo approx.

2) C Rating will depend on the motors/props combination you are going to use, both the motors you suggested pull on 15-20 amps on average with a 10*4.5 prop so a 20C 2200mah would really put you in a tight spot. Go for 30C or more.

3)For props use 2CW,1CCW as mentioned in kk2.1 layout, Im using the same and no issues. You can use other combinations but would have to change settings on the board.

4) I think its because of the availability of the slow fly props in excess the reason for using them, also availability in various sizes in CW/CCW too may be the reason. You can use APC multirotor props if you can get your hands on one.I think the most used prop is 10*4.5 size.

v2 eagle

1) Im planning to put a Chinese cam on it, its similar to GO pro in function with 12MP mentioned on it but has only clarity of 5MP but can record video simultaneously with a 2GB memory card, the video speed is awesome, weight comes around 300gms for the camera alone not including the video cable and power cable needed for them which shoots up to 400gms in total. good for a cheap price of just 2000rs in bazaar. im planning on Sunny sky too but havent heard of its name yet, but nothing i bought from Quadkopters have gone wrong so i can consider that, but Sunny sky, NTM, Turnigy D2836 all fits in my budget perfectly. can it pull around a KG comfortably...

2)buying a new battery depends on your answer for the first question.

3) i already have 3 CW APC props, but will buy 10x4 SF cw/ccw combo for sure. and try both of them and post the results.

FPV with head goggles


1) AUW of 1kg with 3s lipo should be manageable for Sunnysky(SS) motors from quadkopters. You can also increase the size of props by an inch(11") if you dont intend to push the quad too hard i.e less max throttle.

2) If you use SS your current battery will suffice, max amperage is 16 with 10.4.5 3S lipo approx. But you will get more batteries once you start flying around :)

3)Im not sure but you can use 3CW or 3CCW props with some changes in settings of kk2.1 . I dint try it because in the beginning wanted to keep is as easy and simple as it can be.

And link me to the camera you intend to use, also you can remove the cover of the camera and maybe power it from onboard lipo to reduce some weight if possible. Or can go for a Chinese keychain camera available for Rs400-500 @ebay.

EDIT: Had an eye on this since a month or 2, maybe useful to you. Since the seller is from Chennai you can check the item carefully before buying. Price is cheap and still negotiable.

v2 eagle

Thanks man, ive made up my mind,
SS motors, CCw/CW combination 10x7 prop, 30A simonk ESC from quadkopters.

This Chinese cam is available everywhere by a name called DVC. from 1700-2500. check your local bazaar where you can find chinese products. Ive never used GO pro but this DVC is awesome for the price, i can rather shed the inbuild Screen to save weight instead of battery.

Thanks alot. will keep everyone posted on build log.


Exactly the same one but in black. i have one already.
FPV with head goggles

v2 eagle

Got my set of ESC motor from

My setup:
Bumblebee 2812 motor
Quadkopters Simon k ESC 30A
10x7 prop
Avionic servo for Yaw(Will be upgrading to metal gear sooner)
KK 2.1 board
Scratch built frame with ply and balsa dowel from
hacked battery mount with Hiller battery tray.
turnigy 2200mah 20c(Will be upgraded to 35c sooner)

the whole setup weighs around 900gms complete.
needs some screws and allan bolts for motors to complete. calibrated the ESC already. all working fine so far.


FPV with head goggles

v2 eagle

Setup complete,

Final specs.
AUW: 1037gms,
Frame: Plywood and Teak wood squares
Bumblebee motor with 10x4.5 prop on 30A ESC with Turnigy 2200mah 20c battery.

Pics and videos soon.
Maiden done with one arm broken and prop, replaced the arm in under an hour.
waiting for replacement prop. Should practice more to get the control right. my piloting skill are still bad for a Tricopter.

FPV with head goggles


 (:|~ (:|~ VIDS VIDS  (:|~ (:|~ PICS PICS (:|~ (:|~

plz post them soon Ashok  :thumbsup:



v2 eagle

unfortunately i am not allowed to upload from my office. >:( >:( >:(
Moorthy sir can help this week with videos(If the maiden went well) ;D ;D ;D

FPV with head goggles





v2 eagle


The copeter was stable enough and with a little yaw,
But i can live with it.
i never imagined it would be this easy with KK board. no major tuning in PID values, simple sub trim in TX solved most of drift problems.
Im getting around 4 mins on a 2200mah 2s 20c battery.

FPV with head goggles


Super Ashok.. i am coming this Sunday. :thumbsup:


nice ashok ......

what board are you using ???



v2 eagle

Thanks Johnny,
Its a kk 2.1

Actually bought it to use it as a flight stabilizer for my nitro plane and found that kk2.1 does not support fixed wing stabilization, that option is missing in kk 2.1. got a little interest in tricopter and built it and later found it was a lot of fun.

FPV with head goggles


You want to go up---pull the stick back--You want to go down---pull the stick waay back!


Good one V2 eagle .... : thumpsup :


Sir it would be of help if you could post the specs ..
Arm lengths
Motors used
Props used
Thanks and Regards ..


Ashok if you post a small guide about how you used to the 10x4.5 props on bumble bee motor it would be great help for me.

These motors are awesome but due to motor mount not many users prefer to use them.
one stop for multirotor needs:


Are you only getting 4 mins of flight time? Because it should be at-least 7-8mins on a full 2200mah lipo and more unless something is wrong.
And are you going to mount the dvc camera mentioned earlier?

v2 eagle

My setup is around 875gms with battery and this should be the reason for poor flight timings, but i like the speed and swiftness of this copter and i have no idea to change it to aluminium by now.

Here are my specs

Center plate 20CM dia with holes drilled at 120 degree, spacing 10cm between holes.
arms made of 10mm Teak wood square rods of 40CM in length drilled as per the diagram
use fevicol on all joints for strength, the tail should be bolted with two bolts and the other two arms should have just 1 bolts to allow folding.

Motor mount for bumble bee motor is modified GWS slowstick mount from

bumblebee motor from


Prop:Reamed with a scissor(dont use drill bit) use a scissor and ream it slowly for a snug fit. the props are strong that a complete ream of the inner lugs will not render them weak.

KK 2.1  and load the tricopter layout and leave the default PID values as is. change the self stability setting gain to 200 and limit to 30

Battery mount is a modified Hiller battery mount from with welcros to strap them.

I think this is enough of info for now as there are lot of build logs available for this tricopter in youtube and

Buy 3 nos smiley balls and mount them on the landing gear to save them from any crash, mine crashed once from 5 feet height and broke only one arm. its worth the investment i would say.
FPV with head goggles


Whats the motor to motor distance?

I am very soon planning to release AnyCopter hub and easy to make copter frame parts in my webstore. I am not able to get a good idea for yaw mount for tri copter.
one stop for multirotor needs:

v2 eagle

The motor to motor distance should be around 60cms (Calculated and Measured) give or take a few cms
The yaw mount is the same as David's method with two steering mount but the servo is attached to the bottom of the Arm in the perpendicular axis and a spring steel wire running between them.(Similar to older type dual aileron servos method) ill post a pic tomorrow for sure.


Pics attached:
My yaw mechanism will look similar to this except these are downloaded from net
FPV with head goggles


The pic for the yaw mechanism of your tricopter attached that you asked for..  :thumbsup:


Quote from: v2 eagle on March 06, 2014, 01:18:23 AM
Prop:Reamed with a scissor(dont use drill bit) use a scissor and ream it slowly for a snug fit. the props are strong that a complete ream of the inner lugs will not render them weak.

:hatsoff: :hatsoff: :hatsoff: :hatsoff: Thanks a lot for this suggestion...

This really works very well :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
one stop for multirotor needs:


Johnywalker, how did you get the tilt mechanism, the white hinge like mechanism for tilting the motor