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My Tricopter Build

Started by Darshan for multirotors, April 07, 2015, 07:31:32 PM

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Himadri Roy

Quote from: Darshan for multirotors on May 06, 2015, 11:24:52 AM
the servo arm becomes loose when power is not supplied
any idea why this is happening?
Do you mean to say you can move the servo arm when no power is supplied?

Quote from: Darshan for multirotors on May 06, 2015, 11:24:52 AM
when it is the servo acts like a normal servo

I dint quite get you here could you be a bit clear?
For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with eyes skywards for there you have been and there you will long to return
- Leonardo Da Vinci

Himadri Roy

I the above mention solution don't work you could try adding a 0.1uf capacitor between the signal and ground will reduce the jitter upto a certain extent
For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with eyes skywards for there you have been and there you will long to return
- Leonardo Da Vinci


That happens if tail arm flexible, servo back slash error, loose connection rod, loose mounted servo or feed back from flight controller while at tricopter on a flexible stand/landing skid.

Darshan for multirotors

yes i can move the arm freely without any effort..and when i power it up.. the servo arm needs some force to move
akhilzid sir & himadri so what is the solution to this??
put your heart in flying and flying will never leave your heart


You should never force the servo arm when it is powered on. Doing so may strip the servo gears.

Darshan for multirotors

no i dont do that... i was checking  the connection and i noticed this..what to do?? is my servo okay??
put your heart in flying and flying will never leave your heart


The servo should resist movement while powered on. If you moved the arm, that means the gears may be damaged. Even while not powered, the arm should turn with some resistance and the sound of the gears. It should most definitely not turn freely.

Darshan for multirotors

put your heart in flying and flying will never leave your heart

Darshan for multirotors

when powered on.. it moves normally with the sound of gears and some resistance
put your heart in flying and flying will never leave your heart

Darshan for multirotors

actually it does resist it when powered on.. but its loose when power is not supplied
put your heart in flying and flying will never leave your heart


That is normal behavior of servos.

Darshan for multirotors

guys i have a problem in multiwii gui/config
the sensor[i think they are called sensors] are not responding..
when i move my copter ..they dont respond and the shaking is not visible on the screen
HELP :banghead:???
some pics on the way
put your heart in flying and flying will never leave your heart

Darshan for multirotors

wait a sec guys.. i did some random stick inputs and the blue light came on ... the motors started working at 90% throttle.. then i unplugged it and now iam trying all random stick inputs but the motors dont arm ??? why is this happening does anybody the stick inputs for fst4b??
put your heart in flying and flying will never leave your heart

Himadri Roy

Did you uncomment the proper sensor name in the code? MPU6050?
For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with eyes skywards for there you have been and there you will long to return
- Leonardo Da Vinci


Or may be you forgot to click "Start" in GUI ? Can you see the stick movements in GUI?

Darshan for multirotors

Ya I can see...It doesn't happen in this guy's too
And as i said I somehow made  the blue led go on by some random stick movements. .but now I can't do it again and that is the reason why I am asking for help
The blue led went on and the motors were spinning..that means everything is fine..I just have to arm the motors
put your heart in flying and flying will never leave your heart

Himadri Roy

But where you able to get the sensor readings on the GUI?
For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with eyes skywards for there you have been and there you will long to return
- Leonardo Da Vinci

Himadri Roy

And to arm the quad(should bring the blue LED on) push ur rudder stick to extreme left and wait for LED to go on!
Increase throttle to see if motors spin!
To disarm push rudder to extreme right and wait for light to go off!
The throttle must be in idle(zero or completely down) position
Did you try this?
For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with eyes skywards for there you have been and there you will long to return
- Leonardo Da Vinci

Darshan for multirotors

I tried that but the motors won't arm..:banghead:  this tx is nuts
put your heart in flying and flying will never leave your heart


Assign arming job to any available aux channel.

Himadri Roy

did you change any of the trims?
All trim except the throttle must be at the center...the throttle trim must be completely down!
For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with eyes skywards for there you have been and there you will long to return
- Leonardo Da Vinci

Darshan for multirotors

thanks i was able to do it.. i had set a trim on the yaw.. now the motors are spinning
the problem now is that the motors are starting at 95% throttle.. and only the 2 motors in the front are spinning..the tail is still ..just the servo and the 2 motors work..
why is this happening??
put your heart in flying and flying will never leave your heart


Remove props, connect GUI , arm now ,take a picture and post.

Darshan for multirotors

tell me if you want any more pics
put your heart in flying and flying will never leave your heart


Look like you forgot to arm while taking pics.