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Naza M Lite Arming Issues

Started by RC4MIAN, July 24, 2021, 10:23:15 AM

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Naza M Lite build and setup done successfully but the issue is it arms in Manual Mode but does not arm in GPS and Attitude Modes.
Any inputs?

Mohammed Naveed

what colour led flash are you getting while trying to arm in ATTI and GPS mode?


Thank you for response Naveed!

Manual Mode - 3 red, gap, 3 red, gap, continues...
Atti Mode - 3 red, gap, 1 org/greenish, 3 red, gap, 1 org/greenish, continues...
GPS Mode - 3 red, gap, 1 green, 3 red, gap, 1 green, continues...

Manual mode - it arms and motors response to controls
Atti & GPS Mode - Motors run when holding the sticks in arm position and with letting go of sticks they stop. The run is also not smooth.

Look forward to inputs.
Thanks in advance!

Mohammed Naveed

You're welcome!
I don't see anything wrong when you switch to the flight modes, the led colour codes are correct!
After arming in either ATTI/GPS mode you need to increase your throttle to above 10% within 3 seconds of arming. If you don't do so the naza will automatically disarm. Refer to the DJI Naza M Lite manual Page 20 to Page 22, it discusses about various settings of the motor speed, motor cutoff and arming/disarming.

what do you mean by the run is not smooth?

Also i suggest you only fly in  GPS mode, if no GPS lock then in ATTI mode! Manual mode is meant for pilots who do acrobatics and should never be used to fly normally. I use GPS and ATTI on one switch (3 way switch) and the failsafe on another switch (2 way switch).


Yes, the LED seems to show right behavior for flight modes but the arming is not normal for ATT & GPS Mode.
The moment I leave the sticks to normal position the motors stop immediately, 3 seconds is too much of time in between!

The speed of motors while holding the stick in arming position is not consistent either, there is a jerk in between. This is the case for both ATT & GPS modes.

Any way forward?

Yes, I try in ATT mode since Manual mode is a tough one.

The set up of flight modes is done in similar to your description below.

Mohammed Naveed

hmmm, Do a factory reset and do the whole setup process again the issue should be solved!
but note down your gain values and GPS position values before doing the factory reset


Should I try upgrade to NazaM?
I saw some videos for upgrade or should I just reset it and try?

Is it possible to connect with you on WhatsApp for quicker TAT?


Mohammed Naveed

I dont recommend upgrading the firmware M or M V2! if anything goes wrong your flight controller can get bricked.
So just reset it, there is an option for it on the DJI Assistant software
Lets stick to the forum only as this will be a guide for other fellow hobbyist !


I tried the reset by following the F1 & F2 connect, connect to PC and power up but the screen remains unmoved as attached.
Any inputs?

Mohammed Naveed

all you have to do is click on restore default, i used the Windows version


I restored the default settings under tools and did the setup again but no change in result.
Could there be any other issue?

Mohammed Naveed

Cant think of anything else, could you make a video showing the issue and share it


I managed to create a video capturing the events but unable to upload here as attachment - any other way to share the video?

Mohammed Naveed


Mohammed Naveed

This is indeed strange behaviour from the NAZA

Have you tried recalibrating each esc individually again?

Other thing say you arm it in manual mode and then switch to ATTI/GPS mode does the thing still work?

what brand ESC are you using?


Yes, it is strange!

Yes, calibrated them all.
If calibration is the issue then it would not be consistent even in Manual Mode I believe - right?

After arming in Manual Mode if switched to any of the other modes the Motors stop abruptly.

LittleBee 30A ESC are in use, will that be any issue?

Mohammed Naveed

its not the ESC issue either!
not sure what the other issue is, cause i couldnt find anything else on it


I am thinking of upgrading to NazaM version 4.02 and see as the last option, what do you say?

Mohammed Naveed

Upgrade to M V2, but do it on your own risk!


Hmm, do we have a solution otherwise?
I have run out of options!

From your response, it looks like a risky move.
I will do some more search for a solution before the upgrade then!


Mohammed Naveed

What is your receiver brand and model ?


I am using FrSky Tx - Taranis X9D Plus & Rx - RX8R
I also tried with FlySky Tx and Rx but no change in outcome

Mohammed Naveed

Oh okay I was gonna suggest you try using the Sbus method to test out!

If two of your radios are giving the same result then it looks to be an issue with your FC itself


I tried with S-Bus this morning, no change!
What should I do if the issue is with FC?
Any tips?