Need Help with ESC and Battery

Started by novas242001, August 11, 2017, 05:53:32 AM

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Hey fellas,

I am building my first quad. I have ordered several parts online since there are no LHS in my state or nearby that I know of. I have selected FlexyBee 250 as the LOS frame since it looks durable, also ordered a generic 250 carbon fibre frame from Aliexpress and planning to switch to FPV when it arrives, and Betaflight F3 as FC. For the motors, I had ordered "DYS BE1806-13 Brushless Motor for Multirotor 2300KV - 24g" from EdallHobby but it was on back order and I was told they're having issues with customs blah blah. So I ordered "ZMX Fusion X20 2300kv" from another site which was delivered yesterday. I already have with me Dshot 15A ESC's.

1) Will the "Dshot 15A ESC" work with the "ZMX Fusion X20 2300kv"? If not, how much Amp ESC do I need?
(Sorry to sound so noob, asking this since the Amp requirements was not mentioned in the product page of the motor and I can't find it anywhere. All I could find were thrust datas)

Secondly, I have already purchased "Orange 1300 mAh 3S 30C Li-Po" for my set up. Unfortunately, due to my intended motors becoming unavailable my whole calculation/hisap is FUBAR excuse my french. So...

2) Will my battery be sufficient to run my set up? I'm planning to add Runcam Swift v2 and an OK band changeable/switchable VTx in the near future. Please recommend me the most appropriate combination of mAh-No.of Cells-Discharge Rate for this.

Thank you.


Hello Novas,

This is a 2205 size motor which is relatively power hungry to an 1806 size motor. Based on the numbers from the below link, I think even if you use 5030 propellers, these motors will definitely require more than 15A on 3S battery. 15A ESCs may not be sufficient for the motor.

Regarding the battery, even if we assume that the C rating is accurate enough, the rated current draw from the battery will be (1.3A x 30) = 39A for 4 motors together, which won't be theoretically sufficient.

Sent from my CP8676_I02 using Tapatalk


1. Refer this page for thrust and amps data. You can realize that you need 30 Amps ESC

2. The Battery you have can supply you 1.3x30= 39 Amps which is not sufficient. You need higher C battery to supply you atleast 100 Amps like the battery below;

Please note some of the LHS are very friendly. You can ask question to them before placing the order and they will guide you properly.


Thank you Kumaran and Raj James. I apologise I wasn't able to thank you both earlier. I guess I was too occupied learning to fly. I have successfully build a quad, broke it, fix it, crashed, fixed it, stuck on a tree, fixed....and so on. It is such an awesome hobby and my LoS skill has drastically improved but my FPV skill is well absolutely terrible at the moment but I am not giving up.

My current set up:
1) QaV210 clone, f40 v2, TBsUnify, Runcam Owl2,BetaflightF4,Littlebee 40A.

2)LoS practice-Bottom frame of Hippo215, Racerstar StarF3s 30A ESC combo, Zmx x20.

I mostly stick to 5040 props although I experiment with other props too from time to time.

Most of the parts are from LHS. A few are from Banggood etc. LHS prices have also become quite competitive and reason and most accept returns. RCMumbai is the only shop who wouldn't let me return a battery which I had ordered to use on my taranis but upon arrival I found the dimension was too large to fit into my taranis. Partly my fault because I must've calculated the dimensions wrong. But the battery was unopened and they should've accepted the return as I was trying to swap with another tx specific battery. Beginners, including myself, very often purchase the wrong items/parts and by accepting returns/swapping LHS are indirectly encouraging new hobbyists to dive deeper and also more potential purchases and we all know this is an expensive hobby.

Recently, I have turned towards Micro quads in the hope to improve my FPV skills more affordably. Crashing a 5 inch can be expensive. Simulator is highly recommended by most and I've tried but I guess some of us just aren't cut out for training on a simulator. Hence my solution to this is a brushed micro quad.

QK has made the beta65s available at a very competitive price. As per the description they've even included an extra battery. I've placed an order for the same and hoping it reaches me before X-Mas. It will be my first prebuilt quad. Let's see if it will help me improve my FPV skill.

Thanks all.