need help with multirotor!! longer flight time!!

Started by subhashjk0508, January 15, 2015, 12:14:06 PM

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Hello!! so was just wondering what type of setup should i have on a multirotor if i want a flight time of anything more than 20 minutes!! was looking at endofdays builds at rcgroups , im not looking at such a long flight time!!



380 kV motors 15-17 inch props 10 c discharge rate battery ( multistar is the what I prefer as higher mah on it weigh lot less ) , Cf diy lite weight frame ,effective weight balance this setup can fetch 40 mins of fun time



My quad gives around 28min of flight time with 6s 5000mah lipo..
With out gopro and all..
650mm cf frame
320kv motor
1555 cf prop
40A xrotor esc
Retractable LG
Naza v2
5.8ghz fpv setup with small camera
5000mah 6s nanotech or gensace lipo
Turnigy i10|Flysky 9xb|Hoverfly quadcopter|Arduflyer apm 2.5 with gps|Pixhawk|Homemade micro night vapour|Homemade ornithopter(in progress)| Reptile Quad with Gopro Brushless gimbal | Naza v2| APM 2.6 with GPS | Micro quad self made | FrSky| v911 Helis | 1200mm Hexacopter with 5d gimbal | 1300mm x8 With Red Gimbal | 1000mm Octo|


Which of the multistar motor would do good?? And if 4s 17inch prop work??


It will work better.. coz we can reduce some weight on lipo.. make sure you have enough space bw your props..
Turnigy i10|Flysky 9xb|Hoverfly quadcopter|Arduflyer apm 2.5 with gps|Pixhawk|Homemade micro night vapour|Homemade ornithopter(in progress)| Reptile Quad with Gopro Brushless gimbal | Naza v2| APM 2.6 with GPS | Micro quad self made | FrSky| v911 Helis | 1200mm Hexacopter with 5d gimbal | 1300mm x8 With Red Gimbal | 1000mm Octo|
