Need info on these RCTimer Combo

Started by parichya.gautam, July 14, 2015, 06:19:15 PM

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The THRUST Data table it has shown , is it PER MOTOR ? or is it with all 4 COMBINED ?

And the ESCs they are giving are 40A OPTO, Difference between SimonK and Opto  Real world differences ?

ALSO, I am searching for a decent setup to be used with an APM with priority to THRUST and the Efficiency.

Any other alternatives? ALSO, with the Budget being as low as possible ( justified too )

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Hi Gautam,

Regarding your 1st question, the data table shows the thrust of each motor, not the combined one.

I am not sure about the opto ESCs as I have never used them. I always use normal ESCs and flash them with SimonK. May be others can help.

Regarding the motors, you can use SUNNYSKY X4108S 380KV motors:
They have good feedbacks and cheap too! With these you can use normal 30A hobbyking ESCs and flash them with SimonK. This will save some money!

BTW just for my curiosity, how much payload are you planning to lift? Will it be a quad or a hex or octo?


Since your first question has been answered, I'll just answer the 2nd one. OPTO means that the ESC does not have a BEC i.e. the receiver side is optically isolated from the motor drive side. I don't know what firmware it comes with but depending on whether the MCU is Atmel or SiLabs you can flash BLheli/SimonK.


@meet2ami - The max thrust these can generate is 4KG, the SS one are at 2.5... Decent thrust is an option i am considering here. For what reason, well lets just say i have some things in mind and wouldnt want my motors to be under-powered when needed .

I plan it for a quad.

Another criteria is the efficiency , what flight time do you expect i will get with these motors ESC set on a 6s 8000mAh lipo , assuming i dont have any extra loads installed ?

@SK - so coming to real world difference , will i notice anything   ?
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But just don't look at the thrust. Also have a look at the amp pull. At 4000gms the current pull is whooping 47A for a single motor!! I really doubt whether a 400kv motor can handle that much amp and thrust! Also 18 inch prop for 400Kv motor is overpowered I guess. I really doubt how much practical this chart is!
But that's my thought. Just do some research over the net. Get some reviews. If that chart is correct, then definitely go for them.

Also the efficiency depends on the prop and motor combination and the AUW of your quad. Which frame you are using, battery weight etc. First find the approx final weight of the quad, then which prop and motor combination you are going to use. based on these values you can determine the flight time.

As per the calculation, with a AUW of around 2.5 kg, the above RC timer motors, 16x5.5 CF props and 40A ESC and 6s 45C 8000mAh battery, you can get around 30 mins of hovering and 17-18 mins of mixed flight.


ok ... talking about reviews and legitness of the motors, IF i go for the Tarot 5008 ( Arun's recommendation ) assuming the AUW to be 3KG, and LiPo same 6s 8000mAh , what flight time are we talking about ?

AND the 5008 tarot is a reputed motor right ?

What alternatives do you have ?

My main criterias are:

1> Thrust ( both on 4s and 6s )
2> Efficiency
3> Price
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The ecalc says with these tarot motors and 1855 cf props you can get max hover time of around 24 mins and mixed flight of around 16 mins.

Yes the tarots are better brands but are expensive too!


im getting the tarots at $41 per piece approx .. is it fine ?
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Well that,s a great deal! Go ahead. But remember it has better efficiency with 17-18 inch prop and 6s lipo. So use a larger frame.


alright then :)

So between the RCT motor combo and the tarot ones ..

Since i will need the ESC too, which one would i go for ? The Tarot with separate 30A SimonK ESC or the set ?
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I would go for the tarot motors and other Simonk ESCs. I bet it will be much cheaper and the Tarot seems to be a much better motor than the RCT. I, somehow, can not trust the data sheet of this RCT motor. 400 Kv with 18 inch prop, 4 kg of thrust and 47A of current pull...that's too much!


alright . will take suggestion, thanks,
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X-Rotor ESC's have been designed to ignore sync issues. They can work well with most of the motors plus they are cheap.
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no BEC , so complete voltage from the lipo goes unregulated .. right ? where are the places where i may have to be careful ?

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Yah thats what surprised me!! Even the tiger motor U5 from which this RCT motor has been cloned, recommends 16 inch props max and the max thrust is 2850g with 6S lipo and the Amp pull is about 20A at 100% throttle!
This seems to me very impractical!


Hey Gautam,

Why don't you check out the DJI's Tuned Propulsion System?
You get your Motors, ESC (opto) & Props all tuned up by DJI.
I've got the E600 TPS and it works great for me!



Quote from: parichya.gautam on July 15, 2015, 01:07:49 AM
no BEC , so complete voltage from the lipo goes unregulated .. right ? where are the places where i may have to be careful ?

No BEC means- power needed  for Rx and FC needed to provided alternatively(from another battery using BEC)... If you are asking to prevent lipos from completely drained, powermodules can help to know lipo's V.
Lift-Drag-Weight-Thrust are my friends.


@Sreeraj: DJI's Tuned Propulsion System are very good but they are very expensive. Gautam wants heavier lift motors. The E600 system is recommend to take 600g of load per axis, so for the 4 Rotor version, it's good for 2.5kg. The E800 somewhat matches the requirement but it is  too expensive. Around $350 I guess! He wants some cheaper solution. If he can stretch his budget then I recommend T-motors. Best and durable!


@meet2ami: The RC Timer X6 combo quad pack (does not include props) which Gautam's posted the link for costs $313.00. The DJI E800 TPS costs $320.00 with 4 + 4(xtra) props. The motors are 350kV with a max thrust of 2100g/rotor. The overall mass of E800 (620g) setup will weigh almost half of X6 (>1100 including props) which iterates more efficient meaning more flight time. There is no argument here, the E800 wins hands down!
But then again (there always is!!) if your AUW is above 5 kilos then the tarot or the RCT would suffice!


Yes Sree, thats why I said no to RCT ones! Because with that amount of $318, he can get much better motors, even the T-motors. But his main concern was cheap solution with heavy lift. Thats why I suggested lower Kv motors like the tarot or SS with standard 40A SimonK flashed ESC and with larger props, 17-18 inch, and 6S battery. This will reduce the cost but will give a heavy lift.

BTW how is the E600 performing? what is the AUW of your machine and flight times?


DJI's TPS is a fine blend bro! I've used the T motors but the TPS just gives me that locked in feeling with the NAZA that I haven't seen on other setup.
My setup of the E600 is on a custom CnC milled 550 aluminum centre with CF booms. AUW is 1400g (no fancy hardware included). Getting 18mins of flight time with 5500mAh/6S.
I've got a lot of design modification on the current frame which im planning to adapt on CF. Once im done ill definitely share the CAD designs so that interested folks can use the drafts and make necessary changes as per their needs.


I have Some of those setup and Already running and tested ok with 45 minutes flight Endurance Quad,(Its only for Store)
Currently Developing 1 hour and 100 mins Flight time endurance Design.
Will Be publish soon.  (Gujarat,Baroda)