Problem uploading sketch to Multiwii AIO pro

Started by ghoshatanu56, October 27, 2015, 10:34:27 AM

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So I bought a multiwii from
i received it yesterday
but thats it.since that time i am having problems uploading sketch to the board
i receive message
no matter how much i try i get the same error
i burned the bootloader afresh and still the same
i checked for any faults in the ftdi line
what i found was there were two 219ohm resistors in each tx and rx line
now i am asking the board members for suggestion


Are you sure the USB Com port created for AIO pro is Com 4???? After you plug in the AIO pro board wait for the drivers to install and com port to be created. only after installation of drivers open the Arduino program and under tools and Seriel port tab you will find a fresh com port numbered in 60s select that com port to load.


Sundaram. Sir thanks for the reply.
I see the com port 4 only when i plug in the board. So i guessed that it is the correct port.

Darshan for multirotors

go to device manager on your pc and see the correct port on which your board is hooked
put your heart in flying and flying will never leave your heart



What have you selected as the programmer and what programmer are you using? I'm not familiar with Multiwii but whatever little I know of Arduino might be useful.


I am using the onboard  ftdi for programming. And i used usbasp for burning the bootloader.
Thanks in advance


what bootloader have you flashed ?
have you flashed thru the IDE ?

is your sketch compiling without any errors ?

try uploading a simple blink sketch and see ifyou can blink some leds

upload the blink using the usbasp and post the results  - and then we can try other things


I burned the stk500boot_v2_mega2560.hex.found in the arduino folder. I used the arvdudess. I have tried the blink sketch. But it gives the same error.


try buring the bootloader from the ide -

open the arduino interface , select the board and then select the burn bootloader option


also check out the following link

somewhere in the middle - there is a discussion of the variant of avrdue used.

see if that will solve.


Ok. So i was able to upload the multiwii sktech. But there seems to be a strange problem. I am able to upload only one sketch after the bootloader is burned into the mcu. After i upload one sketch if i try to upload another one. It gives the same error