Quad Using Arduino and Wii MP and Nunchuck

Started by Ashta, February 20, 2011, 07:29:42 PM

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Lot of work done in terms of fine tuning.... and also reducing the vibrations.
Some LED decoration too....
flying in a small place.
Thanks for watching.


You can't be first because you do not know!


That is so brilliant Astha Sir...the LED is a supercool idea..would be fun to fly at night. The quad is much stable now.


You can't be first because you do not know!


Very nice :thumbsup:  Please do post some details on what tuning steps were taken, current PID values etc.  Would be useful to others ;)

How are you powering the LED strips ?
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


thanks Anwar.

Fine tuning:

I will give a screen shot to give all 'pid' values. But this is important but the main thing is vibration.

Motor mount: mount it on a lyer of foam.
Balance the bell of the motor.
Balance the props. Take time and do this as perfect as possible.
Board: mount it on foam again, use nylon screws.
MP: use foam tape. Keep away from radio maganetic interference.

LEDs are powered on thru a TIP122 transistor additionaly provided on the board.
You can't be first because you do not know!


wow this is supercool, awesome ashta sir.
Be Inquisitive


WOW WOW WOW...................

You have started a Quadcopter fever, I am sure Astha Sir.

Beware Guys watching video posted above can be dangerous. ;D ;D ;D ;)


Brilliant piece of working. I wish, some day, I would accomplish something like this....



Thanks Rohit and Akshay.
It is not very difficult. people have expalined very well. need lot of time thats all.
Thanks Viswas.

Here is a video, much more stable now....

thanks for watching
You can't be first because you do not know!



You can't be first because you do not know!


Here is the screen shot giving the latest fine tuned values of P,I,D; RC Rate, RC expo and other values.
Mind you this will highly depend on the Quad to Quad and the MP, NK you are using.

Also here is a picture of my TRI (Sign guy type) and lastest Quad for comparison.

You can't be first because you do not know!


Hi Ashta,
This is my first post here and let me introduce myself to you and to all others on this tread.
I am Srikar and by my profession I am a Software Architect/PM . 
My experience in RC was, I used to fly Pattern Planes like "Black Magic" and "Focus II" with "YS160" motor and Futaba 12Z etc while I was three in USA. But I quit the hobby 3 years back when I returned to India and trying to get back to hobby again now.

I got interested in Quads and was watching this thread and related info from last few days.
Question is,
From the link that you provided on first post of this thread,  (http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1261382), It says,

•  Gyro:
•   some versions of Wii Motion Plus: 3 MEMS Gyro: 2x IDG-650, 1x ISZ-650
•   or 3 axis gyro ITG3200
•  Acc:
•   some versions of Nunchuk:3 MEMS Acc: LIS3L02AL

So  how to get exactly those   "Some Version of Wii"??
I  thought of buying the following items after taking advice from you.

Is it OK to proceed with the above items?
I am planning to use the above hardware on top of  Arduino Uno or (Mega 2560). Advice Me.
Are there any better cost effective IMU's available in India other than Wiii Stuff??
I am planing to get all electronics from Hobby King unless there are chap here in India.
Please advice me towards any other info that I should know before I start acquiring hardware.

Thanks for help!


welcome srikar.
Wii MPs availble are not guaranteed to be original. Orig/ Clone makes lot of difference.
To start with you do not need the accelerometer. I still have not tried it though i have bought.
Hobbyking is still the cheapest source that i know off.
This uses Mega 328. pl check compatability.
if u want to be sure of genuine gyro, this may be better
You can't be first because you do not know!


Thanks for quick reply Ashta. I will try to get Gyro from sparkfun.


Hello Astha sir , I am beginner in the quadopter but i really appreciate your effort best of luck.


You can't be first because you do not know!


good sir,
i want to make my own quadrotor for that i want a step by step instruction manual,tool kit details and the codes which codes which i required for that and if possible the total cost of this project approx...its for my major final year project plzz help me!!! :)


Everything you asked for is in this thread (or this thread has pointers to other places where relevant information is available). 

Please read this thread carefully, including the links specified here.
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


hello anwar sir,
i m not getting all the links  will u plz give me the instructions manual and other things properly i will be grateful to u and i want your help also in this project..!!


The very first post has the link with all the information you need.  After all, Ashta bhai built this quad using the information available in that link  as a starting point :)

Secondly, you have to do the reading and research.  Sorry to say this, but no one will give you things in a platter, all packaged up and put in a PDF document.  The information (including source code, list of parts, connection/circuit diagrams etc) is spread out in this forum and on rcgroups.com (the link on the first page), and you will have to seek it out.

I don't meant to discourage you at all, but YOU have to read a what has been made available first, then ask specific questions if you are stuck on something. 
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


Hi ashta sir i got the circuit design, I have some doubts where did u connected the 'AREF' ,what is the value of the R6 and what is the value of trimport.


No trim port reqd. I used the  res to gnd as 33k and to bat as 51k. any way this is tunable in the code. i did not use AREF

Quote from: aravind on June 09, 2011, 08:20:53 AM
Hi ashta sir i got the circuit design, I have some doubts where did u connected the 'AREF' ,what is the value of the R6 and what is the value of trimport.
You can't be first because you do not know!


Hi sir where i could buy the FT232 give me the link...Thank you


You can't be first because you do not know!