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Started by yogeshkannan, June 18, 2012, 12:20:40 PM

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Hi guys,

           I am Yogesh from chennai , well im building a quadcopter which is controlled by KKcopter board !
1. i want to know whether my ESC/ motor  combination is right ? will this combination burn my motor or esc ?
2 .And i want to know what battery of which discharge to use ?
3. And also want to know the approx weight limit of the quadcopter


   1. Plastic PVC pipes *4 ( 1 feet each pipe )
   2.plastic 4-way pipe connector
   3.emax cf2822 motor *4
   4.budget 18A ESC *4
   5.slowfly props 10*4.7 (4)
   6. controller board
   7.controller plastic box


Use a 3S LiPo and don't desire to have long flight times. Maybe a 2200mAh 20C will do.
There's nothing like a weight limit, people have made well beyond 2.5kg but for your configuration, it's better to keep below 800g.
If you haven't already purchased the motors, then check for alternatives of lower kv (700~1000kv)


 1.  well sir i have already purchased the motors ,esc, and props .
and i have orderd for the radios and others materials. i am afraid that after adding the Rx ,battery and the prop adaptors the weight might exceed 800grams .
                           And even im planning to mount wireless videocamera , so according to the my calculation it wouls come maximum upto 1000grams , will that be okay ?

  2. the motor shaft diameter is 3mm , will a 3.17mm prop adapter do ?
  3.wat would be the approx flight time ?


First of all, don't address me 'sir'. :)

If you've already purchased the motors, then it should be OK. I can't say much about how much your quad should weigh, but keep it as low as possible. Aim at 900g.

And use the prop adapter of the EXACT diameter. Because the forces acting at that point are so high that even fractions of an mm matter there.
You can go for a prop SAVER that's availble in 3mm.
Also, do buy extra O-bands. My O-bands get very brittle (maybe due to the heat when I tested under the 40deg sun?) and break during flight. Luckily my dt700 motor has a threaded shaft, so I had time to react. But do buy extra O-bands.

Flight time is given by Amp-rating of battery divided by total draw.
Your motors might draw soemthing aroud 40-50A, in all. So your flight time is 2.2/40 ~ 3.5 min.
I'm confused about it though, it depends on till what voltage you want to drain your LiPo. So your eff. flight time will be more than 3.5min.




  okay oaky i get it ! :)
   thankyou so much for the information vineeth:) will approach you if i face anymore doubts ,if you don mind :)

regards , yogesh


I'd be glad to help you. Post in the same thread so that all others can see and answer as well. :)


    1.can you suggest me some links for the batteries and chargers , the cheap ones most preferable.
   2.and i checked few more links were i found 3300mah with 20C and weighs upto 235grams ..will that be good enough ?
   3.since i made the frames with PVC pipes .can you suggest me some ideas with the landing gear ?


Where do you want to buy from? Hobbyking/other foreign stores or LHSes?

You can buy LiPos from (based in New Delhi) It's better to buy 2200mAh. If your quad is flying well, then try to upgrade the LiPo.
There're many chargers available today and I use this:
But I don't recommend it for you. Buy a better one and it will last you more time. (like their accucel 50W charger :) )

And as far as the build is concerned, please DO NOT ask me. I am very bad at craftmanship and like to make garbage. ;D
Reconsider your idea because PVC is not that strong (as strong as aluminium/Carbon fibre).

Best of luck, and what board do you want to use?


EDIT: Okay, so you're using kk. I'm not a kk guy. Dharmik, satyagupta and many more can help you better.


well vineeth regarding the fame
1.i ahve used some think plastic pipes ..they are strong ,but not as much as aluminium ! and its a bit cheaper using the kkmulticopter board (atmega128) i have no idea about the version
3.a small doubt ! since im building a quad frame isnt exactly a plus ! the angle between the two pipes varies by 2-3 degrees (approx) .will this be a matter of worry ? very much worried about the esc part ,u sure na that i wouldnt burn ? i spent alot of money on that


Yogesh bro can you post the links of motor and esc?
If you are building custom frame you have to be very precise. As you are using round pvc pipes, you will have to find the way to mount all motors exactly vertical(90 degree). And if possible try to bring the angle of two arms close to 90 degree. Aluminium beams are good because you can easily mount motors and you can drill and cut easily at home.


Im not able to use the computer now ! Can you Google it ? Its emax cf2822 and emax budget 18a esc


Dharmik bhai . .I didn't mean that ! I can very well rotate the pipe  in order to bring the motor to 90deg ! What I ment was the opp arms are not 90deg to each mther . Its doesn't look like an exact( +)


Yogesh bro that's really nice. Motor and esc combo looks perfect. Here is build of pvc quad. You might get some idea.
I wish you all the best for your quad. If possible please post your build log, we also want to learn from you. Let us know if you need any help.



Mounting a motor on the circular PVCs could be tricky. But all the best, go ahead. :)




i have posted the photos


this is along with the camera


 hey guys :)
           another help needed .
  1 .well im using a KKmulticopter flight controller board 4ch  V2.1(not sure) .but the basic one, And i also have an 6ch Tx and Rx
  2. how do i connect the 6ch Rx to the 4ch controller board ?


Hope you are using male-male wires. (
Connection to the receiver (img)

courtesy: hobbyking

Thr is USUALLY Ch3, Yaw is Ch4, roll is Ch1 and pitch is Ch2. (MODE 2 tx)
Assuming you're making a quad +,

connect front motor to the M1, left to M2, rear to M4 and right to M3. these M1, M2..M4 are found on the right side of the board.
Notice the correct polarity. (outer pin is GND(black/brown), inner is SGNL(white/orange)
refer to

always try searching on google before asking. :)



AWESOME :) this is what i wanted
  thanks vineet :)


Any suggestions for the landing gear ?? ???


do u have to update the controller board .before u start using it ??


vineet i have some questions for you ! :)

     1.why cant you just directly connect the 4 pins in the controller board to the 4 ports in the Rx ?
     2.the link which u sent me, showed the specifications of the controller board along with the firmware upgrade right ?! my question is that , do you have to upgrade the controller board to with some firmware before use ? is it not a plug and play board ???


HK board comes with plus config preinstalled. If you want x config or updated firmware you can flash your board using USBASP cable and lazyzero flash tool.