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QUADROTOR from Bharuch

Started by Dharmik, October 30, 2011, 02:08:28 PM

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Dharmik bhai, That's nice flying.  What is  "ACC mod by Scolton"?  is that some mode originally done by Someone named Scolton?


WOW! I am now a proud owner of four self-flashed SimonK F-30A ESCs!!!
Can't believe it so easy! All it took was about 5s per ESC. Thanks to all of you! was of great help. :salute: Dharmik bro!


congs!!! man,  You have inspired me now.  Please send me your steps and I'll follow them.


@Dreamfly sir it's mod of Shane Colton. Actually he added code which was uncommented by KK for later use. This moded fw not good for heavy acrobatics.
@Vineet bro nice to hear from you. So how's your experience with simonized ESCs?


Well today's CC3d test was another story altogether.  It's quite stable actually.  Here's me flying with one hand........................... almost!



sorry It's being uploaded.  Should be available in a couple of minuts.  Will post it "asia" (as soon as it's available)


here it is.  There are some recently uploaded ones too.  Truely amazing controller. Just waiting for the final software release.



Quote from: dreamfly on September 30, 2012, 07:46:40 PM
congs!!! man, You have inspired me now.  Please send me your steps and I'll follow them.
Thanks a lot! I followed Dharmik bro's steps.

Quote from: Dharmik on September 30, 2012, 07:47:19 PM
@Vineet bro nice to hear from you. So how's your experience with simonized ESCs?
Thanks. I didn't try them yet. :)
btw, am I super sure that my ESCs are now simonK ESCs if I see "avrdude.exe done.  Thank you." and NO OTHER ERRORS?


KK2.0 + Rapid ESCs + Bright LED strips and one colorful night


hye man. its really osm.. nice one.  Motivational video..  thanx man for this one..


Wow Bhai,  That's  one hell of a bright object!  Was that a Quad?  I can clearly see the confidence rising.  Didn't know that the KK board could perform soooo well.  Might have to try one of those myself.


Thanks bro, my camera gave up yesterday, i used normal VGA cellphone camera so quality is not good.


@Dreamfly sir yeah that's quadcopter. I bought LED strips from local electronics shop. They are too bright. It was really fun. I saw your Y-6 it's wonderful. I see you are getting best response on throttle.


Managed to Take her out on the terrace for a hover test.  I am one happy fella!


Dharmik bro, am I super sure that my ESCs are now simonK ESCs if I see "avrdude.exe done.  Thank you." and NO OTHER ERRORS?


Dharmik Bhai,  you wont believe it.  I haven't been flying on my terrace since my crash.  I first send my son to check if my neighbours are on their terrace.  If no one's around I quietly go up and test it and come down quickly.  I have got the stigma now.  Have to either find a better place to fly or give myself a good break, either of which is going to be difficult for me.


Quote from: dreamfly on October 02, 2012, 08:01:19 PM
I first send my son to check if my neighbours are on their terrace.  If no one's around I quietly go up and test it and come down quickly.
Same here :( . Except that I go and check myself and the reason why I check is different: they just STARE!


@Dreamfly sir i can't watch vimeo on my cell. I will have to get back to my pc.
@Vineet bro yeah sounds ok. If you get such
"avrdude.exe: verifying ...
avrdude.exe: 8192 bytes of flash verified
avrdude.exe done.  Thank you."
then probably everything went smoothly. Have powered it up? It gives different tone now.


Quote from: Dharmik on October 02, 2012, 08:04:09 PM
@Dreamfly sir i can't watch vimeo on my cell.
I guess it's still uploading, I'm unable to view too (on a pc)

Yeah, I've seen all those messages in the flash tool. Haven't powered them yet. Thanks for confirming.


Quote from: dreamfly on October 02, 2012, 08:01:19 PM
If no one's around I quietly go up and test it and come down quickly.
Yes i do the same here. I take so much care about that. However it's hard to get everything CLEARED. In this case people outside india are more lucky as they have big terrain to test and fly without worry of anything.


yeah, That's absolutely right.  Land grabbers making the rounds in good ol India.


QuadRotor - Stability
Somehow arranged one more flight today. It's fun
flying this thing. Once it gains some height horrible
props noice turns into pleasant sound and takes
you to the heaven.
KK2.0 + RapidESCs + LED Strips + 8x4.5 props


Wow.  Dharmik bhai,  Looks like you are a Master in Night flying.  Great flying.  Slowly and steadily I should say you are climing up the ranks.  keep it up!