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Scratch Built Quad

Started by rastsaurabh, June 25, 2015, 10:43:44 AM

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 Hello all,

After seeing Phantom fly in GPS hold i got into mood of making one myself. It took nearly 4-5 month to materialize.

Motors - Original DJI motors with spoilt winding. redid the winding with some logic and calculations to have a more efficient system considering i will not use 4S, no 10Inch Props, AUW not more than 800Grms. After 2-3 tries i got the satisfactory results ( i had done winding earlier as-well)

Frame - wanted to have DJI frame but it was coslty so went for scratch frame. a simple plus with wooden beeding and a small ply as platform. Kept the dimensions same as Phantom - 360mm. Did add some fiber glass at the motor mount for strength.

Flight controller - had not time to try HK or multiwii as it requires lot of tuning and debugging. So went for NAZA lite. Later updated to V2. there is a remarkable difference. Its a very stable and no hassle FC. I have no prior exp on a quad and the video is just 3-4 th flight.

Battery - 2200 mAh battery expect 7-8 min time. But yet to see final flight time.

Props - 9443 DJI props . Even they needed Balancing. Do balancing of props in any motor prop combo it helps and adds to motor effeciency.

RX - ASSAN with S bus capbility. lucky to have this as i found S bus feature later. It saves the clutter of wires.

TX - Futaba T7C

Camera - No camera.

Finally a big thanks to the people from RCI who helped me in this project.

Jaspreet Guitar - Who finally checked and verified quad and asked me to throttle up   :salute:
Gunnu Bhai - Who gave me the goldern tip to download driver for NAZA when it was not connecting to laptop & who provided props and Motor. ;D
Sundram - who cleared my winding doubts  :hatsoff:


some pics of Frame, dry fit and final.


Sbus & video


Turnigy 9x w. Er9x | Custom Hovercraft |Scratch Build Boat | Tricopter | Skysurfer V3|


Nice build  {:)} . Ony my F330 frame with 8" props running 3S 2200 I got 8-10min flight time (weight with battery 960gms), I think you will get more flight time with that weight and 9" props.


Nice build  sir,
my scratch build frame was just flipping, yours is better.
Russ-40 Trainer, Mr.moss, Pushler, Skysurfer, Mugi , F-22, Red swan, Xtra-300, redfury, flying mantaray.


Thanks Saurabh.

that's one super stable quad. Nice scratch build.  {:)} {:)} {:)}


thanx @rastsaurabh  and nyc quad very stable...



Excellent Saurabh!  {:)} {:)} {:)}

Now waiting for you to take it under the cane chair  :giggle:

ashok baijal

Nice. Why dont you put up atutorial on rewinding motors on the forum especially the calculation on guage of wire, number of turns to achieve a desired kv and power. Would be appreciated by many who have spoiled motors lying with them


Hello Ashok,

The info is all there in the RCI Sea. Anyway I have used this thread as my reference all the time.

it explains ( Sundram sir) the types of winding and their relation to KV and Torque.

After trying a few winding its my belief that the motors we have are already tuned to the max potential in terms of power and KV. At the max you can play 10-20% only. ( star <--> delta)

Once i re-wounded a 1500Kv motor with multi strand copper wire to single thick wire and less turns for Higher KV.   >2000Kv i got good result but the motor used to get  too Hot even with burst throttle.
So try totally different winding for experimental purpose only. If you want a decent usable winding do not go beyond 10-20% change of parameters.
A Simple connection of winding from star to delta can give desired result in  KV or power.

In My case of DJI motor rewinding
1. I changed 3 strand copper to single strand ( for easy winding)
2. Used one gauge less wire ( than the sum of 3 wires area gauge wire)...... NO 4S & NO  10 inch props.
3. Kept same number of turns as actual ( 920Kv ) didn't want any issue with FC  & ESC timing. ( no knowledge so better to go with original)
4. Used the more efficient 9443 Props as DJI claims. ( these props are having very broad blade near to motor and becomes thin as it reaches tip. Less energy required by motor to turn a same pitch normal prop.

Hope this info helps.



Made some cosmetic changes colored arms and used 3M double sided tape to stick FC and receiver.

Did fly it to test battery time. I got nearly 14-15 min of fly time with 2200mAh battery. ( normal hovering flight)



Custom box for carrying. Got idea from phantom v2 packaging.