Hex Help needed - New to multicopter itself

Started by pravinxp, February 17, 2014, 07:37:59 PM

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Hi Guys, I have finally built the Hex today with KK2.1 board.

But when I started the hex, and when I give throttle only 3 motors rotate till i give 50% or above throttle and even at 100% throttle its not even hovering.


Indian Hobby Shop
PH# 9473456377



Another way to calibrating an ESC (or just about anything) is searching the same over google  ;)
Indian Hobby Shop
PH# 9473456377


BTW, remove props before doing that or somebody's gonna get hurt real bad :giggle:

Lack of Research can cause some serious injuries.
Indian Hobby Shop
PH# 9473456377

v2 eagle

Download the kk2.1 manual from HK. its best explained there. mine is working fine with just calibration.
FPV with head goggles



Bro... I downloaded the Manual PDF, but there is no information about the sound that the ESC makes to complete the process. Can you explain it..


Indian Hobby Shop
PH# 9473456377


 :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: ESC calibration yaar first step before you test your multirotor
one stop for multirotor needs:


v2 eagle

The Beep code for ESC, that you should get it from ESC manual, Find the manual for ESC and check the throttle calibration part.
FPV with head goggles



From first video I can see that you have not installed battery at right place. Since it is a heavy piece, It should be properly mounted at bottom or top of your FCB..
Also make sure your hex is properly balanced..
Hope this helps/...


ESC Calibrated - Still there is no lift...

In the Receiver test in the KK2.1 board, I am able to get all reading except auxiliary value is -3 and its not in off position too...

In all the videos I have seen, this aux value is 130 or something and on it right side its mentioned as off...

My Hex is not lifting till now...


first to check your motor load.. select hex load.. then
try to fly in self level mode ...
and calibrate self leveling mode.
than calibrate ESC ...
try ths .. it will work

v2 eagle

Are the motors all spinning in correct direction and full speed when given full throttle(Check this with props off)
Finally the motor prop combo and the AUW are they sufficient.

FPV with head goggles



Found the mistake for the lift...

Propellers are mounter upside down... Now lift is there... Fine tuning starts tomorrow... As my battery is low...

Need to find the place to mount the battery in a proper balanced position...

Thanks guys.... Any landing gear for this hex available ? so that I can mount the battery in the bottom

v2 eagle

Put the battery at bottom with a welcro or rubberband,
I think the struts on the ends are enough as a landing gear.
FPV with head goggles



I tried that... And the battery is touching the ground... So Cant use it in the bottom as of now, without landing gears...


One more help needed guys... :help:

Top board is mine and bottom is taken from a video...

Why is my auxiliary value -3 and no off is there on the left and the other board is having -125 and off on the left... ?

v2 eagle

-3 stands that Self stabilizing is ON and -125 says its OFF. but it should be 0 and max i guess.
mine shows 0 and some value close to 125.

Mine is a tricopter frame scratch built with Balsa and ply. so just 2" stand of balsa is enough for me.

FPV with head goggles



You have to program your transmitter to assign a channel for auxiliary switch for switching off/on autolevel.
The value changes as you move the switch.
However you also need to set in KK2.0/1 how do you wish to switch autolevel via stick or aux channel.
You can find that under "Mode setting" in the main menu of kk2.0/1

Edit:Also trim your sticks so that Aileron/Throttle/Rudder shows '0' or close to it.


I tried to update the KK2 board and I am getting this error

C:\Users\Lappy\Desktop\kkmulticopterflashtool_0.77beta7\lib\avrdude\windows\avrdude.exe -C C:\Users\Lappy\Desktop\kkmulticopterflashtool_0.77beta7\lib\avrdude\windows\avrdude.conf -p m644p -P usb -c usbasp-clone -e -U flash:w:C:\Users\Lappy\Desktop\kkmulticopterflashtool_0.77beta7\tmp\KK2V1_1V12S1Beginner\KK2V1_1V12S1Beginner.hex:i

avrdude.exe: warning: cannot set sck period. please check for usbasp firmware update.
avrdude.exe: error: programm enable: target doesn't answer. 1
avrdude.exe: initialization failed, rc=-1
             Double check connections and try again, or use -F to override
             this check.

avrdude.exe done.  Thank you.

Error during writing flash.

v2 eagle

Why Update a KK 2.1 board? i have a Tricopter setup and yet im to make my first run but was confused if i really needed to make the Update to a latest firmware, what advantages that it gives with an update.
FPV with head goggles



An update will always solve some issues that was present in the board that we dont know and also some upgrades will be there...

Finally Updated... the issue was with the driver... Let me see how everything is working...


Updates are good for the model as usually the latest firmware does have better stability, etc.
But i always recommend that the very beginners should stay away from it since the kind of trouble it can get you in is far more than the added stability that it provides.

For beginners, it's advisable to work on firmware updates only after you've spent some time (like 20 hrs or so) flying the model.
The more you get familiar to things then more easy it would be for you to do complex things.

Initial flights with the stock firmware has always been hassle free.

A Hex is already too much work for a beginner.
Indian Hobby Shop
PH# 9473456377

v2 eagle

FPV with head goggles
