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The Corrocopter

Started by samlikespad, June 18, 2012, 11:17:20 PM

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A humble attempt to SPAD the quad :) Still working on it. 4mm coro triangular tubes and 6mm flat plates so far.


What is the reinforcement inside the arms, if any ?
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Looks nice. Someone made a depron quad on rcg but it was ducted, so he could hit it against a wall and it would come back.
Yours looks very neat. :salute:


Good question Anwar bhai :) One of the tube is full length (24") and the other one is two halves joined at the center to the (or through the) other tube. The tubes by themselves are strong enough. But the halves needs additional reinforcement at the center. I have used bamboo skewers and epoxy in the middle for this. Seems ok and once I add another flat piece on the bottom, it should hold :) Legs and a top cover is also planned hopefully with coro or else foam.

Thanks hyd_quads, its still half done but only took an hour or so to get to this far. Shouldn't take much time to finish though this is my first attempt at quads or copters. I have the corotwist to finish, so struggling to find time after work (plus a training session after office) :(


Some progress! slowly taking shape :)


 {:)} {:)} another great and neat build from spadmaster.... spadtothesam ......

Whats the prop size of the motors...


Thanks amit! That was soo kind of you :D though these are nothing compared to real masters (like Izmail etc....) The props are 8x4.


That is a mean looking machine. IMHO,some true innovation after a long time. Please detail a bit about the reinforcements used, with pictures, if possible.

Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!


Great build. Something innovative. Triangular shaped frame adds more strength.


Thanks for the kind words VC and Dharmik :)

The booms are 24" 4mm triangular tubes and the center pieces are 4"x4" 6mm (4mm might do) squares. About the center joiner: One tube is 24" long while the other one is two pieces glued (Medium CA) to the flat pieces and bamboo skewers are inserted between them thorough the straight piece for additional strength using clear epoxy. Once the bottom flat piece is epoxied, its rock solid. Later I might use some black small cable ties to secure all these together since the weight of the battery is supposed to hang from the bottom flat piece. I am really sorry that I did not take a close up of the middle section before closing it with bottom piece :( But if you need me to explain it more, will be more than happy to... but one of the pics I posted (before the paint job, on the wall) shows the bottom with out the flat piece) I wanted this to be an easy to make coro frame. I think there could be tens of variations of this. My only concern is weight. I have no clue how much these should weigh :(

The frame with motors weighs 315gm now. Being new to quads, I dont know how that compares to other builds. Each motor is close to 200W capable, so hoping that will be enough. The expected AUW is 600gm or less. Still a landing gear and top cover to be built. I am going back and forth between this and the Twist :D to finish both within this week.


even crashing requires a flight......


Thanks manu :) hope it flies equally good ;)


I just tested by quad setup with emax 2822, HK SS 25/30 esc, HK KK v3 board and a 2200mah 3S. Every thing seems ok except one motor  :banghead: All ESCs are calibrated and all other motors works as it should be. This one (M1) starts late and stops soon if the control sticks are moved !!! And wont restart until you cut the throttle and power up again. That makes it not flyable and didn't try to lift off :( And by the way, the motor itself seems a bit tight if you try to rotate it by hand compared to other motors.

Any one faced this problem? Any help is appreciated :( am I missing any configuration?



hi sam you have to do a step called stick centering from the kk v3 board have a look at this video it shows you how to do it

note stick centering from 07: you might as well just skip to that

Yak55|EasyFly Glider 1.9m|Skyfun|Easystar II|Quad Talon V2|Mini Saturn


Wow Pikle6, that was quick and yes I missed that. I have seen that video but was following this one while I was setting it up . Thanks a lot buddy :) Will try this out tonight and lets hope it fixes my problem.


thanks for your video now i had not seen that one.

i guess we should have a multirotor lover option too in the forum profile  ;D


just finishing up the electronics on the v22 osprey
Yak55|EasyFly Glider 1.9m|Skyfun|Easystar II|Quad Talon V2|Mini Saturn


Most welcome :) And looking forward to see the Osprey in action!


Stick centering is firware based feature and not hardware base. As long as i know strick centering is not available in stock and kk firmwares. It's probably trim and fly firmwares. As i know stick is only available in mark's xx firmware and it requires lcd.


Dharmik, I think the flitetest video is showing the 4.7ver for X config and they are able to do the stick centering procedure on the KK board. But whether that is available on the stock firmware is another thing. Will try it and find out tonight.


You should try that bro but if you watch video from 1:00 you will see that the firmware they have flashed has motor order CLOCKWISE.
M1  M2
M4  M3
While kk 4.7x firmware has
M1  M3
M2  M4
While stock firmware plus config has
M2  M3
You have throttle range issue. You might want to know that hk ss series escs are not good for multirotor application, they don't have separate function for throttle range and it comes with limited(brake, lipo, ni-mh) functions. Many users having problems with motor sync however some of them were able to set throttle range.


Hmm.. I get your point. I also read some where that the SS is having problem especially with 4.7ver. But by that time I have already ordered them :( And the funny thing is that all the other 3 motors are spooling up properly and evenly !!!



I tried to trim (elev) it out and it worked. Had to trim it all the way down on the up trim. Tried lifting off and couldnt maintain a steady hover within the small room. Will have to take her out somewhere later and try again. Motor1 which was having the problem seems to over heat compared to the other motors.


 :thumbsup: Nice to see a quad from Coro!! :o
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