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The Corrocopter

Started by samlikespad, June 18, 2012, 11:17:20 PM

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the motor issue seems to be solved and test run the setup today again.

Sorry about the crappy video as well as the crappy piloting. I am totally new to quads and helis :( When I tried the quad on Pheonix sim, it was so easy and it felt like flying a coaxial heli. But when I tried the actual thing....


Even if i say halalujah, it aint fly...


Hi Sam. Those look like temporary landing gear? It seems to have moved around? When that happens, you will have booms at different heights from the ground. As per the HK controller manual, the caliberation on the board, is done "just" as the quad lifts off. So, an uneven quad will assume that the unevenness is actually level flight. Which could result in what seems like random yaw/pitch/roll at takeoff.

You will find that it is a lot easier to fly the HK board equipped quad. Also try landing it like a plane. I am a beginner to RC. I could not get my quad to "hover" or land softly. Was using the 2822 motors with 8 inch propellors.


Thanks codebanna!

subhashr, thanks and you have a point there :) the temp landing gear was not stable. As usual I just wanted to see the thing fly :D . Will fix the LG and try again.



Thanks Yogesh!!! appreciate it :) once its flown outdoor, will modify or beautify a bit ;)


well even im in the same position as yours .. plannin to test it outdoors today evening :D hope it flies .. have never flown an rc plane/ heli before .. guess its gonna be difficult for me


do you have any more videos ?? and whats the specification of your quad ??


My setup:

Motor:    FC 28-22 Brushless Outrunner 1200kv
Prop  :  8x4 slowfly
Esc   :  HK 25/30A SS
Bat   :  Turnigy 3S 2200 20C ( I might use one more parallel to increase both the flight time as well as to help the C rate)
FC    :  HK KK v3 + config
Frame: Own design Coro build 24" motor to motor

I tried hovering it inside the room once more after tweaking the gyros a bit more and was able to get it like 2 to 3 feet high with out damaging the things around the room :D Seems ok for outdoor. Will post more videos later.

Just completed an year into RC, but a complete novice when it comes to helis and multi rotors. I think it shouldn't be a problem for you once you dial the right amount of gyro because it is supposed to auto stabilize (well to a certain level :) hopefully).     


Just received the AVR programmer! What could be the best X-config FW for my setup? Please help with suggestions!


well you can always opt for (X) confg - controlling the quad with Xconfg is easy. Is your frame stable ?? is the motor-motor distance is same for all the 4 arms ?? if there is any slight deviation in arms, X-confg can take care of it .


The frame is stable and I had Xconfig in mind when I built it. Now the question is to find the best FW for flashing. I got a suggestion from spadworld by TFF to use minsoo X config. Still waiting if any one else has a better FW to suggest to.


Coro quad frame is a brilliant idea {:)}
how did you fix your motors on the frame? zip-ties ???


Thanks SunLikeStar! a small piece of lite ply is epoxied to the frame. And motor is attached using small wood screws. And once she is finished, you would not see any cables or wires except the power cables :D


Super! Yes the wires and esc can go inside the tube :thumbsup:


:D thanks! I have managed to secure the escs under the flat plates. Only the extension wires are required to be routed through the tubes. The extension wires are soldered at the esc end and bullet connectors are used at the motor side for easy access and repairs. Once flown outdoors, then I will proceed to build a top cover and a proper LG. Thanks again for the encouragement !


Having trouble with the KK flash tool :( avrdude is not dong any thing when tried to run (Windows 7 32bit Enterprise edition). Will have to try on XP at home. In the mean time helping hands are most welcome :D


hey sam is the problem with the flashtool not opening? or not working? if not working try to diagnose the problems with the usbasp programming device -

did you correctly install the win7 drivers for the usbasp programming tool and is it showing up in devices and printers. i had a similar problem where device was not recognised i changed the usb port and it worked.

kkflashtool works perfectly fine on my win7 professional edition

refer this for more info

Yak55|EasyFly Glider 1.9m|Skyfun|Easystar II|Quad Talon V2|Mini Saturn


Thanks Pikle6, I didnt connect or install the drivers. Thought the sw will open without it! Just wanted to see the options available :)


H Copter version by flitetest

Definitely SPADable and I am going for it :D



Presenting the correHcopter :D

Built last night and maidened today early morning (you guessed it right, no sleep  :banghead: as usual) . Will add some color and probably to aid with orientation, a tail.

Videos: (maiden)


Wow Sam! Is it really that easy? Or are you making is SEEM easy to encourage us? :salute:
Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!


Thanks a lot VC, I am very new to heli's and quads. I struggled last time with the correXcopter, but this time it was soooo easy!!! Felt soo good too :D Didn't sleep, built it over night, fasting and drove 45km early morning and maidened alone. Couldn't be happier with the results except the crash (orientation issue, I applied wrong elevator input). Now I will go and try to get some shut eye  :giggle:


That personifies passion. Go sleep Lad.
Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!