Transmitter issue. Any ideas how to fix this?

Started by IshanK, December 21, 2016, 07:29:44 PM

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When i do a full stick deflection to suppose 1000 it resets back to 1500 while the stick is still at 1000. This happens on the roll stick as well.
Any idea what could be causing this?


Try to set new model or try to operate servo on same channel


I don't see that happening in the video you posted,

all channels at center stick show at the center point which is 1500 in your case and it seems your roll channel has reduced travel adjustment settings or it can also be a pot issue. I would recommend the same try this on a new model memory in the radio and then see if it acts the same.

looking at the video again it looks like a pot issue to me. may be it needs some cleaning from inside.

Helis and Quads ROCK !!


Thank you for your suggestions!
Hellyflyer, if you watch the video again, when i do a yaw stick deflection to the complete left, instead of staying at 1000 it resets back to 1500 while the stick is in the left most position.
Also when you say pot do you mean gimbal?


That's a very peculiar problem. Have you tried checking with a servo on those channels? That way we can know where the problem originates from.


I will try it today and let you know. I have a feeling its something to do with the gimbals.
Throttle has no issue
Yaw far left = reset to 1500. Yaw far right no problem it stays at 2000
Roll far left =reset to 1500. Roll far right no problem
Pitch up = no problem, pitch down = reset to 1500
Looks like these sticks have a problem with the lower endpoints (~1000)


It is definitely the pot or software or both. I had the same problem with ct6b. Try resetting your transmitter and update to latest firmware. Hard reset or format is what you call them. Or rollback to previous firmware where everything works. A full software reset is what usually fixes the problem. Let us all know how you managed to fix your tx.


Thanks Tiluji, will give it a shot today evening and let you guys know.


And even check your endpoints and subtrims, because we always have to adjust them a bit for the flightcontroller.  have a look at this


Hey guys i managed to get it fixed by playing around with the lower endpoints for yaw,roll and pitch.
I increased it slightly on the transmitter and bingo no reset problem!
Thanks for the suggestion Tiluji!
