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pdb on quad

Started by Darshan for multirotors, August 21, 2015, 11:46:20 AM

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Darshan for multirotors

hey guys,
i have a fpv250 frame and i have build the mini quad and its flying great
but now i want to upgrade to fpv and put on some LED's(i know i have posted a thread regarding the LED's)
so i wanted to ask if anybody has the frame and can help me in finding a place for the pdb as i am currently using power breakout cable.
thanx  :hatsoff:
put your heart in flying and flying will never leave your heart


Hobby King is absolute crap when it comes to Quads - rubbish frames, bad motors.
For 250 Size FPV, get a QAV/ZMR 250 v2 with PDB which has tracks for all ESC , Camera , OSD , VTx etc

or cheaper alternatives

+ PDB (great drop in Pin compatibility with Naze32/CC3D and Micro Minim OSD:
Futaba 8FG Super | HK-450v2 | FA-22 Raptor |AXN Floater-Jet | FunJet | Black Horse Edge 540 | Amp Master 015 | 2.3M Big Brother

Darshan for multirotors

I already have the frame and the quad built
The frame is quite tough but just lacks the space for a pdb that's all
Btw the parts are not from hobby king and neither is the frame
I run 1804 2400kv motors
12a Emax Simon series esc's
5x4.5 props
R6b rx
Kk 5.5 (will be upgrading soon)
1500mah 20-30C 3s lipo

I get around 10 to 12mins of flight time
I was thinking about something like a shoe rack .. I can keep the pdb under the board if I can make something like that but not sure how to.....
put your heart in flying and flying will never leave your heart

Himadri Roy

Darshan get a double sided copper clad board from lamington road and use it as a PDB. The best and the cheapest solution for a PDB
For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with eyes skywards for there you have been and there you will long to return
- Leonardo Da Vinci

Darshan for multirotors

put your heart in flying and flying will never leave your heart