Tuning my new KK2 Quadcopter

Started by joseph.alukka, August 10, 2013, 02:36:34 PM

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Most big quads I have seen on youtube hover and maneuver slowly which I liked due to the slow prop motors, they look less dangerous and must be easier to control. This is more like an acrobatic quad, which I dont like much, but for now this will do as I've already spent quite some money for the parts on my first project :D Still atleast it is controllable, so let it be so and once maybe after I am confident to handle it on my own, will get better motors and esc's :)


Can you please send us PI settigns  (pitch/yaw)  . My setup is bit diffrent .. 1KG .. Still fixing Landing skid..

You mentioned ESC flashing.. how you did it. is it with soldering all wires or tool ?

I didnt flash yet.

My setup

DT750 motors, HK20A UBEC ESCs, KK2.0 (1.2v), Fiber Frame, 3s 3300MAh

I got USB ASP flasher .. Let me know how did you flashed.

Than sk


PI settings :
Roll-   P-gain:80 p-limit:50 i-gain:40 i-limit:20
Pitch- P-gain:80 p-limit:50 i-gain:40 i-limit:20
Yaw-  P-gain:75 p-limit:20 i-gain:30 i-limit:10

Heavier and draggier crafts are better with higher gains like these. My craft is also 1Kg. Control is good, but self level p gains need to be tuned more. The esc flashing was done with a set of 6 wires hotglued together, connected to USBasp and touched to the pads of the esc physically without any soldering. Each flash was around 15secs and I completed all in 2 mts after I tested the 1st esc alone by powering it via the Rx.  I guess you didnt check my pictures. See the last 2 photos I have added. Also wud highly reccommend flashing kk2 v1.6 if you havent done yet. 1.2 is very very buggy for a beginner.


Thanks for your inputs I will certianly do it..

Here is video of my Quad..


Hello again. The buttons for the trim adjustment on the transmitter TH-9x, are they trims or subtrims? I used them to make the KK2 receiver settings to zero for everything, but the quad is constantly moving forwards slowly when I hover it. So should I use those buttons to make the corrects or something else? The settings have trims and subtrims adjustment and the trims are like Pitch : 1(-38) . The -38 moves as I adjust the dedicated physical buttons on the tx which I used for the receiver settings, but the '1' I have no idea what it is. If this is the trim, then what does subtrim do?  How do I deal with this thing?


well i flashed my kk2 with 1.6 but , i got some strange issue.. i think may be similar to urs..

if i start  Quad then hover ( not on one place its moves in one direction) then i adjust the quad using right stick. then i stop.

Next time when i start it always store the input..  this time it doesnt fly  or hover it will go to that directon.

I guess it may be tx.. btw my Tx is 6ch Flysky LCD .

well how to set self level i tried many but it always stabel for sometime and then it start moving in one direction..

Is ther anything we need to do with CG. ?? 


I still have the same problem, except that it is much more controllable than before after the update. Take it about 2 mtrs high from ground level, switch autolevel off and see if it drifting. Every problem is related to esc calibration+PI tuning+trim adjustment. Somebody please help me with the trims and subtrims :-\



After reading ur posts , i too flashed the KK2.0 with the latest firmware.

After reconfiguration, i found the quad to be very stable than before.

I am happy with the setup and am able to take off without drifting.

I too found the quad drifting in one direction unless corrected.

My setup is 1000kv motors, 9x5 props, turnigy plush 30a escs, 3s 2200mah lipo

radio is HK6ch computer programmable.

Frame built from 1/2" Aluminium sq with 2mm bakelite plate for platform, used 2.5mm spring steel wire for undercarriage.

pics below.
Sandeep Bajare
Ph - 9175342600


If you are facing the drift issue while in auto level mode then you need to tune Acc Trim setting in Autolevel menu.
Please watch the video @ 1.49 mins, might solve the issue, Im not sure tho.



Thanks bro. I did a lot of study and learned it was the autolevel pitch and roll trim adjustment. I tuned everything extremely perfect and not it is flying very well past 3 weeks. Your video was right, I had found the same thing when I posted this and solved it. :)