TUTORIAL - How to build Multirotor from scratch

Started by Dharmik, June 25, 2012, 11:01:45 AM

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All quads do occilate at slow speeds.  it's only at high speeds that they begin to level.  Can you post a video?


i am afraid to fly it. i broke 3 props today. it did get into air but it was moving in random directions.i think i should try with pot incresed.


buy some cheapo props.  Breaking props is part of the game plan here while you learn how to fly.  I would suggest you fly outdoors or in big halls to learn.  Don't try to fly in small confined areas... and dont be afraid to fly!  These things take time to learn.



Where did you buy APC props? apcprop.com or any LHS? Thanks,



I bought them from Tower hobbies in the US.




And so I had fun over the weekend with my quad and a lot of cheer leaders around me to go higher which I did eventually,  Proof:


@dreamfly what is the prop that you are using with your motors? have you share buildlog of your quad here on RCI?? I am planning to use DT750 on my quad and have 1047 props what do you suggest is that good. My quad weights about 1100gms - 1200gms including every thing (battery also)
one stop for multirotor needs:



hey satya bhai,  My setup:

4 aluminium square tubes ( ~50 cms motor to motor)
4 DT Motors 700 kv
25 amps turnigy esc (plush)
2200 30 - 40 C turnigy lipo
openpilot board
Props = APC 1045.  I havent used the HK 1145 as yet.  will post the results soon.
Lots of wires = making it a mess (need to find some time to streamline this)
Landing gear = small bamboo sticks
controller mount = Used CD
AUW = 1200 gm (Got to keep it as light as possible for extended flight times)  I get around 5 -6  mins of continuous flying


I have posted some pics of my quad on the very first page. please have a look there




I see GPS module attached sir. Are you using naza now or OP has gps facility?


I have used both the naza and OP.  The GPS pole is permanently fixed and it takes time to undo.  So I don't bother to remove it  The naza is sturdy and very slow (less enjoyment!!)  The op can be tuned for however you want to fly it just like any other opensourse FC's out there .  The only difference is that with the naza absolutely no tuninig is actually necessary so very helpul for people who want to experience the thrill of flying after failing!  but after some time just like an automatic car you get bored!  cause nothing to tune or tweak. 


Quote from: dreamfly on July 25, 2012, 12:53:52 PM
I have posted some pics of my quad on the very first page. please have a look there

Yes bro i did saw the pics and they look nice. Where did you got APC props from?? LHS or HK site? any link will be helpful
one stop for multirotor needs:




I tested my quad yesterday at very low throttle and I was glad to see it hovering at just 20% throttle. But it has a LOT of clock-wise yaw. It rotated @ 1rev/7seconds during the test
I ignored, set the trims and went flying today. I went up to 45% (or so) throttle. It went spinning up in the air like a top (about 1rev/3 sec !). Eventually after going up till 10m, it began drifitng leftwards and since that was my first >5s flight, I was a little tensed. It was about to land on the terrace of a G+1 house (I couldn't control it), but there were 5-6 electric and telephone cables right in the front. And alas! The quad got struck in the wires and fell down right from there. I had 4" foam beneath as landing gears, but it fell upside-down (of course, that is expected). All props broke and arms bent. :(

The unnecessary yaw is an outcome of bad trims (my Tx with analog trims sucks!)and meaningless PID values. I guess I can handle that but can anyone suggest me how to avoid loosing props in the air? This has happened several times too. My prop savers are way too loose and they came out twice in mid-flight (2m high, luckily). I've just ordered JY type prop adapters from RCB anything more I can do?


vineet bro try not to gain too much height, i know once it goes up we cant control it (atleast while we are testing it) i have broken lots of props while testing. The best thing that i do is fly in park that i have around here, lots of grass so you get nice cushion. I can give you couple of more suggestions if you can share images of the current quad (after crash) right now quad that i am working on is version 3 :giggle:
one stop for multirotor needs:



I flew where there were patches of grass, but that's not a problem because I used 4" thick foam under the quad, but if it happens to fall from a height, it falls upside down. :banghead:
And I am unable to make it fly at low height, it either stays at 1-2m or goes to 10m. I'll try smoothening the throttle curve which is quite steep now. Thanks,
I'll upload some pics later. :)

btw, reworking a crashed quad is indeed a painful and sucking job! I have updated the firmware and want to go flying now, but.... yes a but to give pain in the BUTT! :giggle:



I was running a pretty old version (v1.9). RCGers said v2.0 and v2.1 have got some new features + a better GUI. And I too didn't see a reason for not updating. My board has got a reveresed yaw direction, need to change that in the firmware too. :)


Mine too fell upside down and broke hk board, prop and frame during first outdoor test. I hope your fc and motors are fine. It hurts and repairing takes ages.


yeah, repairing is indeed taking time. Luckily my motors and FC are fine. My scratchbuilt frame is bending every time it falls, yet I selected the strongest and lightest I could find. I'm inclined towards buying a frame for my next quad. :(


vineet the problem is we dont look for all aspects, with aluminum arms bending is inevitable, it does gives you very light weight be sturdiness goes away. Thats y after failing with 2 quad frames i choose to go with CF frame...
one stop for multirotor needs:
