POLL: What's your favourite multirotor controller?
Option 1: HK Flight controller
Option 2: KKMulticopter
Option 3: MultiWii
Option 4: OpenPilot Copter Control
Option 5: DJI NAZA
Option 6: Ardupilot
Option 7: Self-made/custom-made
Option 8: Other
I agree HK FC will win but want to know 'how many use what'. There are MANY FCs not on the list, if you have something like that, choose 'other' and post your FC's name.
I will go with hk fc as i have not tried rest. I saw thread on rcg where full featured wkm hexa(3000$) flew away while testing GPS.
HK FC :thumbsup:
The fact is people still know these machines as a "3 idiots" one's TOY. When you say i have got that, first question they will ask is "Does it has camera?" and when you say "no" they will say RTH Rutern To Home and GTH Go to Hell.
yes, I agree with you Dharmik bro. All non-RC guys know quads only because of 3-idiots. They don't know how much it costs to have an FPV... My friends mock "Your quadcopter is blind!!!" :giggle:
Added a bunch of commonly used controllers.
Thanks Anwar sir. :)
I read a good quote on a famous RC forum.
"Quadcopter frames: Light...Strong...Cheap - Pick only two." :D
Particularly true when you're buying a frame.
Here is our suggestion for this poll. The question is correct "What's your favorite Multirotor controller?". But more information should be taken by asking how many different FCs one has tried. It would also be good to know the reason of voting one as favorite. A comparison chart would be helpful too.
Sphere Hobbies
I have both the DJI Naza and the openpilot. I must say that the Naza is very intelligent controller and good for beginners learning to fly the quad. It really flies stable straight out of the box without any turning and has the best altitude hold.
The Open pilot like the rest of the controllers (Ardu, etc ) needs to be tuned for proper flight. And once you have them tuned well......... it's Sorry Naza. Basically to give any analogy.. it's just like comparing Linux and Windows.
Unfortunately the naza cannot be fine tuned. But if you want to learn quickly and have the $$ that's the way to go.
Yeah, I agree. I've heard Naza is one hell of a plug-n-play FC. How about DJI Wookong? You got any idea?
DJI Wookong: $1219 (inc. shipping) http://www.dji-innovations.com/minisite/pay_pp/pay.php :o
Basically you are paying for the pro frame kit + GPS + baro I feel. Other than that they might also have some fancy new processor and sensor chip combination with some very clever programming. All in all it's a fantastic multirotor but NOT for fun and DIY. Who wants to have fun with a $1219. Crash and Cry! :'( Definately not for the beginner and weak at heart! Learn to first fly, Break some props and then come for the big one.
Certainly, the wkm and naza are professional equipments.