what components need for quadcopter...????(I have Avionic 6ch.rcb TR)

Started by krupashree, November 02, 2014, 08:06:25 PM

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Im new in rc india...
i have avionic 6 channel RCB 2.4gh T-R , 2200m bat with charger........
please help me in this topic....


welcome to RCIndia......

You seem already possess the costlier parts in the multicopter build...
Now what you need are 4 motors + ESC + Props for motor
selection of motors and props is selected based on the total expected weight of your final build.
The ESC is selected on basis of the current drain of your motors.
Noe the other two important things are, A frame which must be light weight but also strong, you can decide to make it your own or buy one.
The other is a flight controller, this can be selected last, but always get one is easy to set up and fly. There are many choices, KK boards, APM , Naze32, NAZA , Multiwii......, Some are very costly, and some are cheap, I don't have experience with all of these , May be some other can help with the selection of FCB.

But if you need help in selecting Motors , ESC , Frame etc... contact me.
RC Hobbyist and an Aerial Cinematographer..



If you are complete beginner go for KK2.xx or Naza lite without GPS,

If you possess intermediate skills, then you can try multiwii/ardupilot based FC's, with options to add sensors on the go.

Rest of the components(esc/motors/battery) would depend on the budget and the purpose of your quad(i.e payload capacity/endurance/size etc).


thanks bro....
i have esc which i used with skysurfer v3 plane....will it work?


RC Hobbyist and an Aerial Cinematographer..


For a quadcopter you need 4 ESCs - it is better to use same brand/ model
RC Hobbyist and an Aerial Cinematographer..




cost ?  well it matters, from where, what you buy.
For a beginner, It i best to use lower Kv motors and Slow fly props.

You need :

4 x 820 to 1000Kv Brushless DC motors (Kv rating is only a suggestion).
2 x 1045 clockwise rotating props (CW)
2 x 1045 Counter clockwise rotating props (CCW)
4 x Brush less motor ESC
1 x Flight control board
1 x quadcopter frame (450mm to 550mm size )

For a quadcopter build
RC Hobbyist and an Aerial Cinematographer..


Quote from: krupashree on November 03, 2014, 01:46:11 PM
okkk thanks i got someone who has esc for sale........

But which ESC is that ? you have to consider the Current rating of ESC according to motor, so it is better to select a motor and select appropriate ESC.

Or if you have got a good deal on ESC, post the specs of it here, and I could help you selecting motors.
RC Hobbyist and an Aerial Cinematographer..


I assume your not in to a micro quad build,  (not recommended to beginners).
You can get ESC with current rating 25A to 40A , so you could use almost any lower Kv motors.
RC Hobbyist and an Aerial Cinematographer..


what ur telling its very helpful for me.....really ....
its avionic......


Ok it's brand is not the problem, what is its max. current capacity?

You could give the link to these ESC.. I can check it
Is it from the sale board here, or from any LHS ?
RC Hobbyist and an Aerial Cinematographer..


dud im totaly blanck in all topics ...but one thing i must want to say you that i have huge and deep interest in all that...so im learning all those things..

i will upload pics what i have..then u can help me as u spoke...okkkk give me time till eve today....


The esc with ss v3 is avionics 30amp. He already has a single piece he can buy 3 more same esc and use them.
Maker | Aeromodeller | Teenager


RC Hobbyist and an Aerial Cinematographer..


if you are not planning to build urgently, you could buy motors and ESC s from Ebay.com for around 3500 to 4000 Rs.
RC Hobbyist and an Aerial Cinematographer..


yaaa...its not urgent bcoz i have sky surfer for now to learn...but tell me can i use avionic 6 chanel rcb tra re for quadcopter....???


Of course, you can use any transmitter with more than 4 Ch for controlling a Quadcopter.
The avionic, 6 Ch,can be used.

See you PM . (personal messages)
RC Hobbyist and an Aerial Cinematographer..