Which motor should I choose for my quad

Started by Bilal, January 19, 2014, 09:19:15 AM

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Hello everyone,
I am attempting my first quad build (finally :)), for a competition at sp4mm3r, IITK, and for that I require some help. Its a weight lifting competition and as per my knowledge the quad needs to carry +2kg weight (not including AUW) to stand a chance of winning.

I am using HK Multirotor controller board V2.1 http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/__19534__HobbyKing_Multi_Rotor_Control_Board_V2_1_Atmega168PA_.html

but I am still stuck on the motor prop combo, ritenow I am biased towards DT700 motor http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/__6246__hexTronik_DT700_Brushless_Outrunner_700kv.html
but people here know a lot more than me so I though asking for suggestions would be a better option.

but do keep in mind that I have limited budget so I can not buy anything fancy like T-motors etc

Cessna - 184
Mr. Moss
Self-Design Glider
550 DIY Quad
Scratch Build TriCopter
Telemaster 400
ZMR 250


IMO you will have to change your setup to pentacopter/hexacopter instead of quad to achieve +2kg weight lifting with those motors comfortably.

Dt700 with 11*4.7 props on a 3s gives approx 900gms of thrust, so in a quad configuration you will get 3.6kg approx. Now you can build a your quad within 1.6kg, but while lifting at full capacity, quad would not be as agile and powerful. So either you need to change the configuration of your multirotor or go for bigger motors.

Also Sunnysky motors are an alternative to T-motors, they are also called as poor mans t-motors ;D , but availability in India is next to none.I know quadcopters.com stock SunnySky x2212 980KV Costs Rs1100 each. You will have to use it in a Hexacopter/Octocopter configuration to achieve your goal. Only difference using this motor is better efficiency and quality.

If you want to read more about Pentacopter


what is your budget? if you can spend 40,000 Rs (approximate) i can give a whole configuration which can lift around 5Kg
A good pilot will practice till he learns to fly,
The best pilot will practice till the point, he can never crash.


Bilal bhai why dont you go with DT750 motors they will generate 1.1KG with 11x4.7 props ( i have used them in the past) they generate massive thrust and eats up just 18A
one stop for multirotor needs:



Dt750 is a better option as satya suggested.  If the budget is not a problem.. there are plenty of options..
Turnigy i10|Flysky 9xb|Hoverfly quadcopter|Arduflyer apm 2.5 with gps|Pixhawk|Homemade micro night vapour|Homemade ornithopter(in progress)| Reptile Quad with Gopro Brushless gimbal | Naza v2| APM 2.6 with GPS | Micro quad self made | FrSky| v911 Helis | 1200mm Hexacopter with 5d gimbal | 1300mm x8 With Red Gimbal | 1000mm Octo|


If budget is not a problem then why not rotomax... :D just kidding


There's nothing to hide here guys, budget IS the only problem :(
I think i should follow satya's suggestion and go for DT750, but I am a little confuse here, would DT700 be a better option or should I stick to the former one?

Thanx everyone for helping

Cessna - 184
Mr. Moss
Self-Design Glider
550 DIY Quad
Scratch Build TriCopter
Telemaster 400
ZMR 250


Dt750 are just awesome havnt tried 700 bt you wud just get enough thrust each motor gives atleast 1.1kg so total 4.4kg - your quad wt lets suppose 1.2 kg so you can have 3.2 kg of payload.......


Quote from: EricOliver on January 20, 2014, 02:30:27 PM
Dt750 are just awesome havnt tried 700 bt you wud just get enough thrust each motor gives atleast 1.1kg so total 4.4kg - your quad wt lets suppose 1.2 kg so you can have 3.2 kg of payload.......

Woah, eric thats wrong advice but bilal bhaiya already knows that. Each motor gives 1.1kg thrust at full throttle. If you have a 4.4kg of cumulative thrust from all four motors in your quad and quad only weighs 1.2 kg and then if you want to pick up 3.2kg of weight you will have to put full throttle. A more practical pay load would be 800gm - 1kg.

Unless you are a participant in the hobbyking beer lift contest :giggle:
Build planes like feathers rather than tanks, both handle bullets equally well.


Yea rc niel i was tellng at full throttle only he said payload shud be greatr thn 2 kg so i thought no one wud mind givng full throttle :D btw thnks fr crrctng me


I totally agree with you Eric, the whole point of the competition is lifying maximum load, be it at 30% throttle or be it at 90%, who cares:D

Neil, thanx for putting in the effort mate, I really appreciate it
Cessna - 184
Mr. Moss
Self-Design Glider
550 DIY Quad
Scratch Build TriCopter
Telemaster 400
ZMR 250


I hope you are finally going with DT750...
"If you were born with wings, do every thing you could, for flying."


Bilal i suggest you try to lift your quad with load and flying(moving around) that distance required in the competition at 80 perscent itself and let me know how your quad flies
Hope to see you at iitk
Arcarious @ Akky.....
I have never crashed while flying....Its the Landing only that gets me....
Happy Landings....&.....Happy Crashings