Futaba T7C Dark Display Issue - Sorted

Started by Flyboys, April 23, 2024, 12:02:56 PM

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Hi All,

I had a problem with one of my old Futaba T7C transmitter. The Display panel had turned dark and unreadable. Did some research and figured out that the problem was due to the polarizer film that is pasted and the back end of the LCD display. Got it sorted out now and the display is as good as new. Before and after pictures for your reference.

K K Iyer


Great job!

Can you suggest how to fix the display of my old Hitec Optic 6?

Thanks and regards



Hi Mr. K.K.Iyer,

This can be fixed by following steps:

1. Display panel (18 legs on each side) has to be removed from the PCB.
2. Peel off the Polarizer film at the back of display panel.
3. Then clean the surface free of old glue.
4. Buy Polarizer film from the mobile phone market and paste it.
5. Attach a reflective white sheet below the Polarizer and install the display panel on the PCB and assemble the Tx.

The other way to do is to send across the display panel to Chennai. I will get it done in my spare time and will send it to you. 😁

Disclosure: Possibility of damage to the display panel during the process or during transit is always there. We need to be mindful of that.

K K Iyer


Thanks for the 'how to'

I'll see if desoldering is possible with my battery powered iron.
If not, I'll get a small adjustable one. My 25w iron is too crude for this.


K K Iyer


Got the right equipment.
Time to try what you suggested.


@K K Iyer

Hi Sir,

Way to go. Please procure the polarizer film as well. In Chennai, I got it from the electronics market (Ritchie Street) and for the reflector, I used a white sheet that came off from a old LCD Monitor.

All the best for your project and hope the the transmitter is put into use again.


Hi All,

Today I got another Futaba T7C transmitter with dark display issue. Opened up the transmitter and removed the display panel.


Started to remove the silver colored reflective sticker. The sticker had lost its color and reflective property. So gently peeled off the sticker from the back side of the display panel. (attached picture).

On examining the polarizer film, it was found to be intact and not much deformity was found. Hence decided not to remove/replace the polarizer film.


Then took a reflective white sheet (that came off from a defective LCD monitor) and cut it to size and pasted it on the back side of the display panel.



Finally the display has come out very well. Pictures speak better than words. Here you go...


Yes. The transmitter is missing its antenna.

The hinge is broken and I am planning to restore it as well. Will update once done.

Thank You.


Hi flyboys,

Can u send ur whtsapp no. As I have a question on one of my transmitter display?



can we fix the JR 10x display has become faded.. please guide.


Hi Sir,

The concept of polarizer fading is common for most of the radios with LCD displays. The only issue is different radios come with different display panels and some might be complicated to dismantle and work.

So technically it can be done.

