What brand of radio do you use ?
Option 1: Futaba 29-72Mhz
Option 2: Futaba 2.4Ghz
Option 3: Spektrum 2.4Ghz
Option 4: JR 29-72Mhz
Option 5: JR 2.4Ghz
Option 6: Hitec 29-72Mhz
Option 7: Hitec 2.4Ghz
Option 8: Airtronics 29-72Mhz
Option 9: Airtronics 2.4GHz
Option 10: Corona 29-72Mhz
Option 11: Corona 2.4Ghz
Option 12: Assan 2.4Ghz
Option 13: Simple 4ch (E-Sky, GWS etc) 29-72Mhz
Option 14: W-Fly (Turborix, SAPAC) 29-72Mhz
Option 15: HK/KDS/FrSKY/Turnigy 2.4Ghz
Just want to let everyone get an idea of what radio/TX is used by most people. This would help newcomers make purchase decisions.
If your radio is not listed, please reply here and we will add it to the list.
Also, if you are using a module on a different brand, then you should vote for the module brand. For example, if you are using a Spektrum 2.4 module on a Futaba radio, then you should vote for Spektrum (since it is the actual transmission technology you are using).
Anwar ,
I think you should split this poll to transmitters and receivers . I would suggest you include multiple choise within each section as well and consolidate the results only . may be like a questionaire.The reason is as per the current scenerio receiver brands are not restricted to the radio Eg . Saju uses a Graupner Radio with a Turborix receiver in 40 Mhz .
Especially more so among electric flyers , I know of glow flyers who use corona synthesised receiver with a Futaba tx .
You get receiver brands like turborix/ Art tech that are compatible with futaba tx.In fact Art tech has a switch to switch beteen JR and Futaba . Corona Synth. has automatic shift .
If you can split the Tx further into computerised and non computerised this is what will make a lot of sense for beginners.
The reason I say it is because there are a few people who use External V tail mixers to fly elevon planes with a non computerised radio.
There are a lot of persons using E Sky and E Fly Radios as well as they buy these as a combo with ready made RTF's and then use the same radio with other planes . Eg in My case I got one with the E sky Honeybee but I have used this radio to fly my Tiger 60 as well.
I myself have Futaba Skysport 4 , JR 8 , Turborix 6 channels and E Sky Tx 's and receivers of Futaba , JR , Corona Sythesised , Turborix , Sunip , Arttech etc .
I myself have sold from the time I started in excess of 50 radios manufactured by W FLY but sold under brands like Turborix , W Fly , SAPAC . I have had no complaints from these .
I have also sold GWS 4 Channel radios
Hence trends are changing and the poll should reflect these .
In my opinion it should be an on line questionaire with only results dispalyed for it reflect details that would be useful to a beginner.
I know of beginners who have bought very high end radios due to confusion which would not help them in any way
Hello Sai -
The simple response to your concern is that this is a "transmitter module" poll; more than a "transmitter" poll or a "receiver" poll.
I am aware of the fact that people use various combinations, but I was trying to aim at is what exactly is the "brand" that is doing the actual "transmission of the signal". I think that makes the whole issue simple to look at.
We can of course have a separate poll for receivers, but it is kind of difficult to have multiple choice polls using the SMF software we are using.
I will add the brands you listed to the poll choices.
Also, this is why I urge everyone to post their hangar. They can list their equipment there, including details of the receivers they use.
In fact, this place could get a lot interesting if everyone made one thread for each RC model they own, with the details of all the major parts that went it setting that model up.
70+ members in the forum and only 6 votes ? :o
Come on folks... vote today ! Let it be practise session for the upcoming Loksabha elections ! ;D
I use both Futaba 2.4 Ghz and Spektrum 2.4 Ghz.. But i have voted for Spektrum since Futaba is lying around with dad right now.. Double Thumbs Up for Spektrum.. not a glitch or a problem till date.. Golden Rule for 2.4 : Keep the voltage high enough and you are safe!!
I use futaba 4ch and 6ch tx in combination with futaba and Corona Synth rx not had any problem till date
Spektrum DX7 2.4Ghz with DSM2 Rx's AR 7000's
Got myself a brand new JR Propo PCM 9X II(Gold Limited Edition) today from www.rotor.co.in. ;D
I use Hitec Neon-SS FM 72 MHz 3Ch upgraded with 3-position switch for 4th channel for sailplane spoiler use. :D
My main Tx is Hitec Prism 7X FM 72 MHz 7 CH upgraded with SPECTRA Tx synthesized RF Module. ;D
Changed my vote to Futaba now!!!
changed my vote to airtronics 2.4ghz
Since people are always interested in this topic (and there have been heated arguments over this), I am bumping this topic so that newer members of the forum can vote.
If you have more than one radio, please vote for the one you use most of the time.
We have over 400 members as of now, and only 38 votes !
Hmm. Out of 41 votes so far, we have 22 for FM/Mhz bands and the rest 19 for 2.4Ghz. I was hoping that the majority is 2.4Ghz even in India already 8-)
We have more than 50 people logging in every day, but only 41 votes. Please continue to vote, if you have not done so :thumbsup:
Some help needed please...
I have 5 makes of transmitters with me
1. Sapac (40Mhz) and (do not use this much now)
2. Esky 4 channel (35Mhz) (do not use this much now)
3. Graupner 6 channel (40Mhz) (actually belongs to my nephew... but I use it most as he is settled outside India) In use... very reliable
4. Futaba 6EXAP (40Mhz) switchable to ASSAN 2.4Ghz In use ... very reliable
5. Airtronics RD6000 Sports (35Mhz) In use ... very reliable
How should I vote ... or rather how can put all this info in one vote ? I find that if I have to vote further each time, my previous votes get cancelled... In other words, this sytem of voting is based on the premise that each logname has only one vote...
Please help
I think voting to the one you feel is the best radio is the best idea. ;D
Quote from: vinay on November 30, 2009, 07:01:07 PM
I think voting to the one you feel is the best radio is the best idea. ;D
I don't think that was the intention to start with I guess it was a case of trying find out what is popular .
Yes, this is an attempt to find out what is being popularly used. And it means active use, and personal experience.
Not a wishlist 8-)
Quote from: mpsaju on November 30, 2009, 04:08:06 PM
Some help needed please...
I have 5 makes of transmitters with me
1. Sapac (40Mhz) and (do not use this much now)
2. Esky 4 channel (35Mhz) (do not use this much now)
3. Graupner 6 channel (40Mhz) (actually belongs to my nephew... but I use it most as he is settled outside India) In use... very reliable
4. Futaba 6EXAP (40Mhz) switchable to ASSAN 2.4Ghz In use ... very reliable
5. Airtronics RD6000 Sports (35Mhz) In use ... very reliable
How should I vote ... or rather how can put all this info in one vote ? I find that if I have to vote further each time, my previous votes get cancelled... In other words, this sytem of voting is based on the premise that each logname has only one vote...
Please help
Actually I made this a poll with 2 votes sometime earlier, since I realized that many people tend to have two radios (or even more, but two are used frequently). But I also realized that it gives others the ability to influence the poll by just voting for something else that they may not actually own. So it was safer to just allow everyone to
pick the one they fly the most with.
I fly with both Futaba and Airtronics very often... Airtronics is attached to my Easy Star which has an outing every time I go to the field and so does Futaba as it is attached to my Slow Stick and now the 2.4Ghz Assan.
You choose what I should show in the polls. Either way it will be incorrect.
Saju - You are one of a kind ;D :giggle:
Not really Anwar , but I guess what you say is also right :
I use a Futaba 6 Exa : 72 mhz + assan 2.4 G and a JR 8103 on 72 mhz and a Flysky 2.4G ??? ??? ??? ???
I guess what I meant is, there are very few people who cannot decide or determine what they fly most ! ;) And if that is a tie, another way to look at this is what receiver will you buy next !
Quote from: anwar on December 01, 2009, 06:16:00 PM
I guess what I meant is, there are very few people who cannot decide or determine what they fly most ! ;) And if that is a tie, another way to look at this is what receiver will you buy next !
Anwar ,
In case of electrics we have many models to fly , some park flyers , some gliders etc etc hence practically all model memory of both my radios are full as for the receiver that really is not a factor either as Corona 72 mhz can practically be used with any transmitter .
Hence to know the true picture restricting the poll is not really the solution because some might treat it as a wish list . May be you could split the poll into the most popular entry level Tx and the most popular 2nd level radio that would serve the purpose or the intention of the poll in the first place .
Any poll for that matter is not 100% accurate at best it gives a general picture hence even if 90 % sincerely put their opinion the true picture will emerge.
This is just a suggestion of course but rest is up to you
Actually this is very much a non-issue. The vast majority would have a single item to vote for (because they have "one radio" or one "primary" radio).
Hopefully everyone has seen this topic and voted, because all these discussions.
Quote from: anwar on December 01, 2009, 07:37:48 PM
Actually this is very much a non-issue.
your opinion as good as mine not ness reality ;D 8-)
Simple 4ch 2.4ghz is not included. I have hobbyking 2.4g and cant vote :D
This includes ( KDS 2.4g, Hobbyking 2.4g,tuborix 2.4g,wfly2.4g)
I use a KDS-K-6X 6Ch. 2.4ghz transmitter...its not in the list :(
Doesnt anybody use FrSky module?
Quote from: controlflyer on November 25, 2010, 12:05:49 AM
I use a KDS-K-6X 6Ch. 2.4ghz transmitter...its not in the list :(
just to correct you its 7X
as i also have one!!!
HK / KDS 7X added to the list.
Thanks :) Already 7th highest out of 15 with 3 votes :)
2000+ members and only 90+ votes?? :(
If all members were to vote, the Futaba 72Mhz will win by a huge margin.
hi guys,
mine is a JR 35MHz
Good bump... Don ;)
With the flooding of the lower end market with the simpler 2.4Ghz radios, SunLikeStar's post above many not be true any more !
Why there is no turnigy + frsky in the poll :headscratch:
Wouldn't they all go under the last one ? Should we clarify that ?
I use a Futaba Skysport 4 (T4VF, 40 Mhz) and a Corona RP8D1, 40 Mhz.
Hi All
Happy to see all R/C enthusiasts at one Place.
I am new in this Forum.
I want to purchase 7 channel R/C 2.4 Ghz radio . But in a fix between Spectrum DX7s 7 Ch with AR8000 NO SX's MD2 [SPM7800] & Futaba 7 c . I want to use radio for Airplanes & Heli,s both. I heard Futaba 7c better than Spectrum DX7 in terms of reliability when Spectrum uses Technology DSM2 . But now it is DSMX . Anyone Suggest about selection of Radio . Can Airtronics or Sanwaa be a better substitute for Futaba or Spectrum ?
This could be a very good point of discussion. What is better Futaba, JR. Sanwa, Spectrum etc... etc.. This list cannot end. Like all other products in the market, every product has one better feature to attract the customers.
Here what we suggest,
1. Simply do not look at the technology and features. Try and find out which company gives you better product line up for the hobby. Meaning if you are flying airplanes and want to try helis, would that company (Futaba, Spectrum etc..) have the product line up to support your next step?
2. How easy it would be to get the spares and other required products? (Prime question as we are in India :-\)
3. And finally, which product is used at the field where you would be flying. This is important as person who would training you might have different product and it might not match with your system.
If you decide (which we think you should) to go for Futaba, we generally have required sets in stock. Visit www.spherehobbies.com/india
Good luck and happy landings.
Sphere Hobbies
it only made sense for two of the above posts to go into this poll started by anwar bhai.
where is turnigy 9x ??
i have first and last.. i like both.
any option for two votes :headscratch:
Spectrum has some good features like telemetry while futaba does not have telemetry.
but telemetry is really useful during flight ? have doubts?
With the world going electric, telemetry (of "remaining battery capacity") is extremely useful to such fliers. Many people on our field are considering switching to radios (or thinking about getting add-ons) that provide this particular metric. This allows them maximize flying time while preventing over-discharge of lipos.
Futaba telemetry is available only on their highest end radio now... it will trickle down to others soon.
This is the single biggest reason for considering a telemetry equipped radio, as this is something that is useful every single flight.
When you are considering radios, some of the other considerations usually are :
1) Ease of charging and duration of how long a single charging lasts.
2) Availability and cost of additional receivers (if you have multiple aircrafts).
3) Compatibility at your field (for trainer/trainee sessions, availability of second hand receivers etc).
Basically think about things you will need routinely. Not the one off stuff that you will need once in a blue moon.
Quote from: SunLikeStar on December 06, 2010, 02:15:05 PM
If all members were to vote, the Futaba 72Mhz will win by a huge margin.
yes amit...i am with you...+1 :thumbsup:
so , which one should i select?
Futaba 7c or Spectrum DX7s 7 Ch with AR8000 NO SX's MD2 [SPM7800].
Is Futaba still more reliable than Spectrum DSMX ?
Quote from: Cessna on July 25, 2012, 03:29:20 PM
Is Futaba still more reliable than Spectrum DSMX ?
I don't think that's true. I am using DSM2 since more than an year and there are no reliability issues.
Buy the one which offers good features at a good price!
Not considering Sanwa?
Quote from: SunLikeStar on December 06, 2010, 02:15:05 PM
If all members were to vote, the Futaba 72Mhz will win by a huge margin.
Not sure that is true any more. You are probably considering the active RC community of yester years. The new reality is that shops like RCBazaar and RCForAll are now selling hundreds of Turnigy style 2.4Ghz radios every few months.
Plus many (most?) of the long time RC enthusiasts have now moved on from Mhz bands to the 2.4Ghz bandwagon.
Just visiting any active field with lots of active members itself should put things in perspective.
Anwar Bhai you are quoting something which was said more than an year back!
Quote from: raja_mastana on July 25, 2012, 04:39:17 PM
I don't think that's true. I am using DSM2 since more than an year and there are no reliability issues.
Ah.. the radio wars again :)
There are long threads here on this subject. I am a Futaba user, so consider my take on this biased !
The simple fact is that DSM2 was replaced by DSMX. The question is why ? There are literally thousands of people who are happy with DSM2, without a facing any problems in many many years. Yet, Spektrum changed the standard. The reason, from what I could gather, is that there are indeed deficiencies in the DSM2 design that causes issues in overcrowded gatherings. DSM2 also seems to have a higher share of "unexplained" crashes/lockouts/whatever. If you want to get more information, just search the US forums like RCG.
From an RF link stability perspective, probably Sanwa/Airtronics is the highest rated. For multiple reasons (one of which is lack of proper marketing), it did not catch as well as it should have. Futaba's FASST system has also stayed the same from day one, and is also considered a very very robust link (although they had other problems like some receivers being affected by heat, which was noticed and fixed couple of years ago).
These days, all 3 of these are similar (Airtronics, Futaba FASST and Spektrum DSMX). Make your purchase decision based on features that are useful to you, cost of the system and availability. If I were to get a radio now, I would probably be torn between Futaba and Spektrum. I am not that excited about Airtronics for only the reason that it never gained critical mass (which is not really a valid reason when you think about it, but does have implications on the field and in terms of resale value).
Quote from: raja_mastana on July 25, 2012, 09:01:16 PM
Anwar Bhai you are quoting something which was said more than an year back!
That is because Mohan bhai +1ed it today (see Reply #46). That +1 is what I should have quoted, as that does not seem to hold true any more.
Don't know sir, but all the polls i have seen conclude otherwise
Out of 111 users, 77 are DSM2 and 26 are FASST.
In that, 5% DSM2 users have experienced failures and 7% FASST users have experienced failures.
Many polls are misleading. Search for "unexplained crashes" on Google with the different brands, and read the threads from the various forums. More importantly, there was a time when FASST had temperature issues plus a duplicate ZGUID issue, so polls from those times may indicate that. What you need to look for is the actual reason for problems, and when you take out issues like manufacturing issues in particular batches etc (the ZGUID and temperature issues for Futaba etc), you will see that DSM2 has more unexplained crashes than FASST.
Here is a post by Sushil bhai (sushil_anand), who has also come to the same conclusion :
The fact that DSM2 had to be changed into a frequency hopping system (DSMX) itself proves the superiority of such FHSS systems (or hybrid FHSS systems, rather). Both Airtronics and FASST have been freq hopping systems from day one.
My vote goes to Turnigy :)
Quote from: raja_mastana on July 25, 2012, 09:49:51 PM
Don't know sir, but all the polls i have seen conclude otherwise
Out of 111 users, 77 are DSM2 and 26 are FASST.
In that, 5% DSM2 users have experienced failures and 7% FASST users have experienced failures.
Not trying to start another radio war but the high number of people using Spektrum radios is due to the influx of all those micro and bind and fly (BNF) models in the US which sometime come with a Spektrum as RTF or can only be flown with a Spektrum (BNF). A good marketing strategy on the Horizon Hobby part so most beginners begin with a Spektrum radio. I fly at busy flying fields and have seen many "unexplained crashes" and have seen many people moving away from the DSM2/DMSX when they advance in the hobby.
69.37% have voted "I fly Spektrum/JR DSM2 and have had no failure"
It was a poll about radio failures and not about which brand has maximum users
hey hi!u live in anand?where?m too from anand
Turnigy 9X 9Ch Transmitter w/ Module & 8ch Receiver (Mode 2)
I would pick a spectrum
My Vote goes to Flysky 9x Radio {:)} {:)} {:)} {:)}
I have an Old JR..... guess the age... its 22 yrs old a 7 ch FM Set. Survived plenty of crashes but gave no glitches. Now I am looking to change to a budget stuff... Guess my choice is going to be Fly Sky ( ch or Orange 6 ch from HK
well my vote is for Futaba ....always.. :thumbsup:
E-Fly 2.4 Ghz, 4 channel.
Going with my Turnigy 9XV2.... It has been with me for over two years and is working without glitches.
I think we should add the Avionics Radio too in the list, as its missing.
i am planning to buy a transmitter which is having the longest range(i mean to say is any radio available to operate in 4, 8 ,or 12 km of diameter ) so which transmitter to buy
I just got my Taranis X9D+ and it's too awesome to resist. Being a developer / designer, the open source framework is just too good!!!!!! Will post more with videos once I can figure it out myself!!!
i was on Futaba 72Mhz, now Airtronics 2.4Ghz and Hitec Gen2 2.4Ghz ;)
Well I used to have Flysky TH-9x then sold it but it was a Good Radio. But I See 74 % of the People Are using HK/KDS/FrSKY/Turnigy 2.4Ghz etc.
And then comes Futaba In Line.
Aman. :)
74 out of 262.
Or 28%!
Oops sorry.
avionic 2.4 ghz
What about home made ones ?
One of the most famous brands known for their price and reliability and OEM the flysky. I am using FS-th9x from couple of weeks before that FS-ct6b.
FlySky is famous enough for price, and to a certain extent features
But build quality and reliability could do with a lot of improvement. Unfortunately that improvement comes at cost
flysky with er9x :salute: :salute: :salute:
Flysky all the time!
Sent from my Z1 using Tapatalk
Futaba 2.4 !!!!!!
FrSky now needs it's own listing, not shared
FS i6 is the best
It's certainly the cheapest :rofl: :rofl:
Quote from: sanjayrai55 on May 02, 2017, 07:36:09 PM
It's certainly the cheapest :rofl: :rofl:
What's so funny in being the cheapest😡😡.
It's enables us to pursue our hobby.
fst6 of flysky
Bhaii use the humble avionic rcb6i....
Can't complain...does its job..wish it was a little less ugly.
Quote from: A_Qaiser on May 02, 2017, 09:19:19 PM
Quote from: sanjayrai55 on May 02, 2017, 07:36:09 PM
It's certainly the cheapest :rofl: :rofl:
What's so funny in being the cheapest😡😡.
It's enables us to pursue our hobby.
See Reply # 76 above. If and when you move to larger models, which are significantly more expensive, and more importantly more potentially hazardous, reliability becomes paramount. For these small electric park size models, and FT type Depron models, I guess FlySky will do
The first time I got my rcb6i...... I thought I had among the beat radios in the market..😂😂😂
Then I saw some taranis and futaba....yeah am covetous now. Don't blame me.
Graupner Mz - 24 Provided by our college.
I have a personal Avionic RCB 6i too, but for some reason it stopped working :giggle:
Would you recommand us to use Hi-tech transmitter for balsa rc plane?
Quote from: Siddhesh07 on September 25, 2018, 10:29:55 PM
Would you recommand us to use
Hi-tech transmitter
for balsa rc plane?
What did you mean by that? Top level vs entry level?
Or Hitec (brand)?
I'm using using a Hitec radio that is still upto current standards after 12 years!
And the choice of the radio has nothing to do with whether the model is built of balsa or not.
This poll needs modification - FrSky (Taranis series) is becoming increasingly popular thanks to it's unmatched features and reliability, coupled with the flexibility of Open Tx and needs a separate listing, not clubbed together with others
RCB6I of rc bazaar is good for me.
but for fly sky- fst6, it is totally wastage of money. i want to know experience of other fst6 users
fs i6x,
fs i6
FS- KN (for v977 heli),
Jumper t8sg plus
All are awesome . None failed on me until now.
I have a fs-t6. It was good. I used to connect it to the computer to train on simulators.
Once it was connected to another computer and worked fine. But when i came home, I found the channels were reversed and I couldn't enter settings or restore to default settings.
I contacted flysky but they did not help.
Actually this is supposed to be a poll, ie you vote, not talk about radios
But I think the poll is now closed
flysky and jumper were missing in the poll !
FrSky Taranis X9D+ 2019
My First Radio after going through and considering all the ranges of Transmitter.
Initially got inclined to Budget Radio but considering I'll be using it as my sole transmitter for next couple of years. And want it to be reliable and have extensive programming capability, I zeroed in to FrSky Taranis X9D (almost bought FrSky Q X7) but I preferred the additional Switches and Sliders on X9D for Gliders.
My preference is mostly Gliders and powered Gliders. And am using Mode 1. (both thumb and pinch).