Pros and Cons of Ghz Radio systems and Mhz system and their difference

Started by abhay, November 27, 2011, 10:02:07 PM

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I have found people using Mhz Radio switch over to Ghz Radio systems. Now beginners start with Ghz systems.
What's the advantage in doing so  ???

One gets full range in air using Mhz systems also.. :)
One need not bind Rx with Tx. Its simply plug and play..  ;)
Although it is prescribed to pull up full antenna during flying..  ;D

I dont owe any Ghz Radio, nor used any..  :'(
I still use Futaba 29Mhz Radio system..

People plze share your opinion
I can take off and fly well. Its landing which sucks :banghead::banghead:


starting with

cost : Ghz are costly than Mhz
tech: advanced in Ghz and not much in Mhz
ease of production ( for chinese) : more for Ghz and less for Mhz
range: more for Mhz and less ofr Ghz
interference: likely in Mhz and nil in Ghz
availablity today: more Ghz and less Mhz.

thats some of my view..! :salute:
Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines.
-Enzo Ferrari


I can take off and fly well. Its landing which sucks :banghead::banghead:


"To's and fro's of Ghz Radio systems and Mhz system...."

Don't you really mean "Pros and Cons....." :headscratch: ;D
Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!


Yes VC sir, i really meant that..  :)
I am a bit weak in such abbreviations..  ;D  ;D

PS:topic corrected
I can take off and fly well. Its landing which sucks :banghead::banghead:


Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!


Thanks VC sir
I think you can exactly tell the advantages of using Ghz radio systems..Or they are extensively used because of ease in manufacturing?  :headscratch:
You seem to have used nearly all types of radios  :)
I can take off and fly well. Its landing which sucks :banghead::banghead:


Some corrections Vishvesh:

Quote from: R/C vish on November 27, 2011, 10:12:14 PM
starting with

cost : Ghz are costly than Mhz
Ujjwal: Subjective: GHz are mostly 'Computer' Radio, thus costly. A Turnigy 9x 2.4 is cheaper than Futaba 6EAX FM.
tech: advanced in Ghz and not much in Mhz
Ujjwal: Again, subjective. You have highly complex Futaba and MPX PCM+FM Radio, than 2.4G Chinese ones.
ease of production ( for chinese) : more for Ghz and less for Mhz
Ujjwal: Again subjective. Frsky is selling after market 2.4 DSM Rx for $6-7. Actually  in 2.4G does not have many 'External' components like RF inductors etc, barring OEM like JR/Futaba/Sanwa Rx, FHSS/DSM Rx are cheaper to mass-produce as they are largely Bi-chiped (RF module and Demux)

range: more for Mhz and less ofr Ghz
Ujjwal: Kind of agree. But again higher s/n Ratio and interference in FM reduces its range. 400Mhz band is different.
interference: likely in Mhz and nil in Ghz
availablity today: more Ghz and less Mhz.
Ujjwal: This is probably single most important point one should go for 2.4G technology (good one :D)

Futaba 8FG Super | HK-450v2 | FA-22 Raptor |AXN Floater-Jet | FunJet | Black Horse Edge 540 | Amp Master 015 | 2.3M Big Brother


For a newcomer, who does not have back load of FM Receivers, 2.4Ghz is the way to go. I can argue to any length, that using FM is reduced only to legacy/attachment/Works for me purpose than iota of practicality. Ashok (Foamy builder) used to fly lonely 200 feet away from us without even need to ask on which FM Channel we were flying - all he had was a 2.5K worth 6 Channel Hobby King 2.4Ghz system.

A while back, we had a similar Digital SLR Vs Film SLR arguement and most of grand dandies swear with their life that Digital cannot meet film standards. But as soon as SLRs broke the 8MP barrier, the controversy died. Except for rare artistic/scenic 'warm' photos, most journalist/nature/Wildlife/Wedding/Fashion and hobby photographer today use Digital. Kodak cutting its Film production plant to 1/10 is a live proof of it.

You may be happy with the FM Radio you have, but owing to practicality, your next radio would be a 2.4G unless you have some special requirement.
Futaba 8FG Super | HK-450v2 | FA-22 Raptor |AXN Floater-Jet | FunJet | Black Horse Edge 540 | Amp Master 015 | 2.3M Big Brother


Yes ujjwanna sir,
Actually planning to buy a new radio for my younger brother(in a couple of months) who keenly devotes his help in my aeromodelling, and wanna fly togather.. Have no flying chaps here in lko :(

So, just wanted to know atleast the major +point in buying a Ghz radio or add one more Futaba Mhz radio..

I can take off and fly well. Its landing which sucks :banghead::banghead:


Quote from: abhay1290 on November 28, 2011, 07:19:02 PM
Yes ujjwanna sir,
Actually planning to buy a new radio for my younger brother(in a couple of months) who keenly devotes his help in my aeromodelling, and wanna fly togather.. Have no flying chaps here in lko :(

Be Wicked. Get him a Futaba 6EX  (2.4G) or even better Futaba 7C. Also buy a after market Futaba trainer cord. This way you can train him on buddy as well.
If on low budget, go for 9 channel Turnigy/RCBazar Radio or  Sanwa SD6 2.4G system. But then you cannot give him a buddy flight.
Futaba 8FG Super | HK-450v2 | FA-22 Raptor |AXN Floater-Jet | FunJet | Black Horse Edge 540 | Amp Master 015 | 2.3M Big Brother


Thanks ujjwanna sir, just collecting funds(would like to go for futaba)..
by the time let me also get trained  ;D  ;D..

I can take off and fly well. Its landing which sucks :banghead::banghead:


I can add some points. But those may be useless.

1. All EM waves reflects when reflecting surface area distance at least 1/4 th wavelength or you can say it can pass through if the hole dia is larger than it's 1/4th wavelength.(1/4th is not so critical, here rather than Frequency)
2. So, a 2.4 GHz can penetrate more. But for 2.4GHz, the radiation power required for that length is less. So, range less or more depends upon the final stage RF power for both. So, it may vary for any freq and direct comparison is tough. Even an unmatched antenna with RF Amplifier can reduce the range drastically even unradiated power may burn the RF Amplifier. This is correct for both FM and 2.4GHz.
3. The higher the frequency, lower the reflected wave (rather it passes through) and so to transmit more length, either reflecting parabolic mirror or higher power required (Theoretically).
4. With FM, the transmit require licensing (Except some frequency), and 2.4GHz is much easier for using without separate license. Or you can say using 2.4 GHz is risk free.
5. The FM frequency channel for  similar frequency are lower (rather very low than 2.4GHz) than 2.4GHz. So, collision risk is lowered. Again, as Tx can bind with Rx, the risk of collision almost NIL.
6. Any HAM or Radio engineering book may explain more,

all those are theory, don't get confuse. ;D

1. Use any trusted SET.
2. strict follow budget and remember, this is a one time investment. But you may start with any cheap set and afterwards can sell that and can purchase another favorite set as you are new in this field.
3. Get information from elderly fliers.
4. The range is not only the issue, but the antenna length and potentiometers are valuable thing and life depend on those, and here omes brand value.
5. If you start with rough use, don't purchase your favorite set at first. Even turnigy 9x of FS9x is sufficient for various operation except (or with) BRAND VALUE.

I recommend to use FS9x as it comes with type approval ;D certification if your budget permits. ???

After all all is your choice. We can suggest only. Think twice before purchasing.
Wait for January, as x-mas sell will be beneficial to LHS's and you can get some low priced things.

but the main thing is  :thumbsup:GOOD LUCK. :hatsoff:


We have to unite and to prove ourself to make indigenous products as well as marketing / Canvasing them. I'm sure we must achieve success if we try unitedly.


I can take off and fly well. Its landing which sucks :banghead::banghead:


I face a problem that sometimes when the plane is near the radio, servos automatically work and go on shaking when i start the engine or motor. But it automatically gets corrected when the plane is taken to distance..

Is this any drawback of Mhz radio systems, or there is any problem with my radio ???
I can take off and fly well. Its landing which sucks :banghead::banghead:


i can only say is that it is prob with your radio... does this happen with your antenna collapsed of extended..??
Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines.
-Enzo Ferrari


I can take off and fly well. Its landing which sucks :banghead::banghead:


what ground range does your Tx gives when it is compleately collapsed..?? ( close the antenna and walk away from the plane till your servos start to jitter  (move on their own))
Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines.
-Enzo Ferrari


I never checked it.. Till now i have gone to field only four times..(flew twice,both crashed,two times did not flew at all  ;D)

Yesterday i went to field with my first electric plane. It(servo jitter at short range) always used to happen, but i thought that the sound of engine must be making some interference.. But yesterday it was electric.. .I never expected it with electric. I didnt flew the model due to the reason.

Dont know whts wrong..
I can take off and fly well. Its landing which sucks :banghead::banghead:


the rong is with yor TX or RX.. if you can try getting it checked physically by one of the seniors there..!

THERE IS POINT IN TAKING YOUR PLANE IN THE AIR IF YOU HAVE A DOUBT WITH YOUR Tx and Rx.  you will loose your dear plane cos of the fault you already know.. even if any thing els fails on the system you will blame the Tx Rx even if it is not their fault...!!
Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines.
-Enzo Ferrari


Dear vishvesh, dude if you have tips to check radio at field, please do provide me.. :( Its sad if my Tx Rx has any problem..
Ill check it first myself at field, to check whether im not making any silly mistake.. then ill go to some senior member if i could not get it correct..  :-\
I can take off and fly well. Its landing which sucks :banghead::banghead:


might be some internal fault... jus do some SOPs like
1> ground check: keep the plane on open ground  close the antenna and walk away from the plane till your servos start to jitter  (move on their own))
2> home check: keep the plane in one room and go 3-4 rooms away from the plane keep some one there to help u tell if the jitters start
3> full range: get one friend near the plane, get a bike extend the antenna and drive away (keep intouch with the person near the plane via phone) keep a track of how far you are going through the KM reading on the bike.

the one which will declare your Tx Rx in utter perfect conditions
1> range without jitter min 30 steps( again differs from model to model of Tx, but this is std)
2> atleast pass through 3 walls( around 15cms thick and 10 feet apart)
3> should give min of 1-1.5 KM even less than 1 or .5 will do as long as you do not fly beyond visual range

be sure to have the radio fully charged less voltage is also a likely reasons for glitches

also learn that there is no freq disturbances in that area.. high electric field (never felt or found) can also cause jitters

was searching for the site where i had read this but not able to find it will search and post the entire link...
Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines.
-Enzo Ferrari


Thanks vishvesh, Even i have been googling since the doubt on my Rx Tx has  been created..
The field i fly is my college ground, and it has high Speed internet connection towers at some building blocks. The campus as well holds Wifi network all around. I dont thing it disturbs.But i doubt. :-\
I can take off and fly well. Its landing which sucks :banghead::banghead:


Quote from: abhay1290 on December 05, 2011, 10:24:36 PM
Thanks vishvesh, Even i have been googling since the doubt on my Rx Tx has  been created..
The field i fly is my college ground, and it has high Speed internet connection towers at some building blocks. The campus as well holds Wifi network all around. I dont thing it disturbs.But i doubt. :-\

there you go... go to some other field and try...let us all know the results.. all the best...!
Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines.
-Enzo Ferrari


Thanks vishvesh, ill try it in some other field. I will try to take up my Rx with power supply and some servos with horns attached,so that i get my test done peacefully.Complete plane gathers croud here.

May my Rx Tx survives the test..
I can take off and fly well. Its landing which sucks :banghead::banghead: